I'm wondering about the end of the Heart Sutra, particularly the miraculous, bright, supreme, incomparable mantra that relieves suffering and is true, not false: Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha. That's some pretty strong language to indicate there's something quite valuable in that mantra. Yet I've never heard it chanted by itself, never heard of its being repeated as a mantra in the Hindu type of way, to my knowledge it's not used as a koan; I've never heard it used in any other way except at the end of the Heart Sutra, which tells us how miraculous it is. In fact, as a Hindu I was given this apparently Buddhist mantra to chant, but as a Buddhist, it's not used! Even if it's just a feeble linguistic attempt to describe what the state of prajna paramita is, I'm surprised it's not used in some way, other than attached to the Heart Sutra. Has anyone heard of any use of this supreme, incomparable, completely true mantra, and if not, why? We have meal chants, opening the sutras chants...but I've never heard of chanting the "supreme" mantra.
Shinshou (Dan)
Sat Today
Shinshou (Dan)
Sat Today