Struggling with anxiety during zazen

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  • pthwaites
    • Aug 2016
    • 48

    Struggling with anxiety during zazen

    Hi all,

    I recently submitted my PhD thesis (hurrah!) after almost 6 years of hard work. The final year was an increasingly desperate slog to the finish line, with my normal life (university teaching job, young family) continuing in the background. I was aware throughout of a gathering amount of anxiety (I'm quite stress-prone at the best of times), but my strategy was simply to ignore it and deal with it when I got finished with study. My zazen suffered too - my thirty minutes slipped to ten and then five minutes.

    Now that I have more time, I'm back up to 30 minutes of zazen, but finding it really challenging. That raft of pent-up stress has been released; I find it manageable when I'm distracted and doing other things; but the intense focus of zazen brings it sharply into focus, to the point where I find it almost overwhelming. Zazen feels like holding my finger in the flame.

    I know that this will pass, but has anyone else experienced something like this? And is there any way to make zazen feel less intense?!

    With kindness,



  • Jishin
    • Oct 2012
    • 4823

    Hi Peter,

    Sounds like your Zazen is perfect. I would not want it any other way.

    Gasho, Jishin, _/st\_


    • Anka
      • Mar 2017
      • 202

      Hi Peter,

      To work off what Jishin said. Zazen is to sit with your current situation no matter what it is. We all know this however we still have a model in our head of how zazen should feel. It should be effortless, open, painless...etc..

      By doing this we cause ourselves suffering when it is not that. Your life is busy and stressful at the moment, why would zazen be any different? You are sitting in your current situation.

      That being said, I know this but I have felt that same unease you have in the past. I have sat through it or took a break for a few days. Either way the feeling of holding a finger to the flame passed. However, the times I sat through it were more beneficial.

      James F

      Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


      • Kyonin
        Dharma Transmitted Priest
        • Oct 2010
        • 6752

        Hi Peter,

        I guess we all have moments like that. Sometimes they fade away, sometimes they are overwhelming. Sometimes an itch or a worry feel gigantic, but they always drift away.

        I may be wrong but zazen shouldn't give you intense focus of anything. Is a thought arises, we just notice it and witness how it fades. Another thought or feeling arises, we just watch it go.

        If 30 minutes feels like a lot, try to lower the time to 20. When 20 minutes are confortable, go for only 3 or 5 more minutes.

        Hope that helps.


        Hondō Kyōnin
        奔道 協忍


        • Jakuden
          • Jun 2015
          • 6141

          I'm so familiar with this, sometimes for my entire Zazen period I am aware of my heart thumping and what I call the "adrenal squeeze" of anxiety chemicals pulsing through my body, and I just let it be what it is. It takes on a life of its own sometimes even when not being fed with conscious thought. I have seen some folks here mention that they exercise prior to Zazen and that reduces the anxiety some, but while that may be a good idea outside Zazen, it probably missing the point to want Zazen to be different than what it is. But yes when feeling like that, to sit instead of seeking a distraction is difficult, so even five or ten minutes of Zazen is a victory IMO! Good job!



          • Shoki
            • Apr 2015
            • 580

            "The best way to relieve your mental suffering is to sit in zazen, even in such a confused state mind an bad posture...You should be grateful for the weeds you have in your mind because they will eventually enrich your practice." - Shunryu Suzuki

            What? You think the rest of us around here don't go through this too"? - Me

            Gassho, STLAH


            • Koki
              • Apr 2017
              • 318

              Hi Peter,

              I think we all may have all felt this way, at one or another.

              One word stood out to me...intense.

              For me, I'm the kind of person who is the calm in the middle of the storm.

              Imagining the intense winds of a tornado whirling around you, as your life (PHD, work, family, etc). And your mind being the calm in the center of that storm.

              It works for me, and my sitting helps me to find that calm center, so that I can see clearly, and act appropriately, to those things, whirling about.

              Embrace being in that moment.

              Hope that might help

              Frank (Kunzang)

              Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
              Last edited by Koki; 01-04-2019, 05:23 PM.


              • Byokan
                Senior Priest-in-Training
                • Apr 2014
                • 4282

                Hi Peter,

                lots of very excellent advice already given here. Yes, let your zazen be what it is.

                I wonder too if another way to be with this intensity and anxiety, to "sit with it as it is", might be to approach it with compassion, rather than a resisting mind or a mind of judgement. It might be true that in some ways, at some times, this anxiety and stress may have been not only appropriate, but even helpful in some ways. Maybe there is some gratitude to be found for this stress, even though it's an uncomfortable feeling? Letting go of the "striving" work of finishing your thesis, and moving forward into the next thing, is a real change. Why not bring all the compassion you have to the transition? Give yourself a break, go easy while you shed the old skin, be gentle with yourself, and with your habitual ways of being and coping. It has all brought you to where you are today... which sounds pretty awesome really. If you quit wrestling with your anxiety and trying to push it out of the zendo, and instead bow to it and let it sit with you, your relationship with it may transform into something new.

                Big congratulations on finishing your thesis!

                sat + lah
                Last edited by Byokan; 01-05-2019, 09:27 AM.
                展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
                Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.


                • Meian
                  • Apr 2015
                  • 1712

                  I like how zazen has been described here. Anxiety is an all-too frequent companion of mine.

                  My version is -- I am the calm in others' storms. When I sit, I am the storm and zazen is the calm.

                  I'll just let that be as it is, it is my experience. :

                  St lh

                  Sent from my SM-G930U using Tapatalk
                  鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
                  visiting Unsui
                  Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.


                  • Jishin
                    • Oct 2012
                    • 4823

                    Hi Peter,

                    I like to add that anxiety is necessary. It is what motivates us to plan for the future and has played a very important role in providing you the vision and energy to complete your advanced studies. The flip side of an anxious person may be someone who stays home on the couch, does not work or go to school, has a loved one who pay the bills, orders delivery pizzas for nourishment, smokes marijuana all day long and is perfectly happy with their life style. They may feel that their Zazen is perfect because nothing comes up as there are no struggles. Given the choice I rather be the anxious type but not to say there is anything wrong with the low anxiety type either. Different people are just different.

                    Gasho, Jishin, _/st\_


                    • Jinyo
                      • Jan 2012
                      • 1957

                      Hi Peter,

                      congratulations on finishing your thesis!

                      It feels to me that you maybe need a transition period before building up your Zazen to 30 minutes. If anxiety is uppermost for you maybe that needs
                      addressing first?

                      Personally I don't think there's any harm in preparing the body/mind for Zazen and gentle stretches and some element of home liturgy seems to set the focus for me.





                      • Jundo
                        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                        • Apr 2006
                        • 41217

                        Hi Peter,

                        Such wise folks and advice above! Nothing really to add by me.

                        As folks above have noted, all kinds of things can come bubbling to the surface in the quiet and lack of distraction of Zazen.

                        If it is not too overwhelming or debilitating (something that truly would risk health and well-being), then just let them. Shikantaza is a strange animal, and is unlike most kinds of meditation. Strange as it sounds, the point of Shikantaza is not to make us feel less anxious or better ... and by its not resisting anxiety and other life circumstances, or trying to make us feel better, that non-resistance and "going with the flow" makes us feel better!

                        Let anxiety be anxiety, despair be despair, boredom just boredom, poimtless frustration just be pointless frustration, allowing each and all to just be so like a spectator in a theatre observing each without judgment. Perhaps then some Light will shine beyond and through all that. Anxious Zazen is good Zazen, and peaceful Zazen is good Zazen. Finding that which transcends both anxiety and peace is the Real Peace ... being At Peace even with the fact of feeling anxious sometimes (At Peace with Anxiety!).

                        If there are anxiety issues, it is also fine to talk to a doctor or other mental health professional about why that is. Zazen can go hand and hand with that and, if the doctor recommends (and I bet that many will these days) keep sitting!

                        Also, if the anxiety gets to be too much sometimes ... okay to break off Zazen and try again another time. However sitting through the attack, and just observing like a spectator, is a marvelous power.

                        Gassho, J

                        Last edited by Jundo; 01-10-2019, 01:42 AM.
                        ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                        • pthwaites
                          • Aug 2016
                          • 48

                          Such helpful and considerate comments above - many thanks to all for your help!


                          Sat today (still anxious but letting it be)


                          Sent from my LM-Q725K using Tapatalk


                          • Ugrok
                            • Sep 2014
                            • 323

                            Hello !

                            I've been through this as well.

                            I started sitting zazen during the writing of my thesis, during the last year if i remember correctly. The 6 months AFTER i finished it (congratulations to you, btw, ) were really anxiety ridden, more so than during the thesis itself. When you achieve such a work, there is a kind of release that you could not let happen before, and it can be a bit overwhelming.

                            My zazen at those times really felt like letting this energy dissipate by itself, 30 mins by 30 mins. It's not a pleasant process, but it's better than the alternative that would be to block it out.

                            This idea, that what i felt during zazen was just anxious energy running its course through me and leaving me, helped me a bit during those times.

                            Another tip : instead of wishing it was less intense, try the contrary : wish it was MORE intense. Anxiety is only difficult because we block it and don't want to feel it. If you adopt the opposite attitude, things can paradoxically get easier.

                            Also this experience tremedously increased my endurance and my tolerance for anxiety.

                            Sit through it, you'll be ok anyway !


                            Sat Today
                            Last edited by Ugrok; 01-07-2019, 02:42 PM.


                            • sosen
                              • Oct 2018
                              • 82

                              Hi Peter,

                              Congratulations on submitting your thesis, and also, congratulations on slowly increasing your practice now that the intensity of the final weeks is past. I had a similar experience some years ago, and found it took quite a while to settle back into old healthy rhythms. The end of such an intense period of study is often an anti-climax - sometimes it feels finished, but still waiting on examiners, so uncertain whether it is really finished or not. Even after its all done an dusted, it can feel like an unfixed/ambivalent anti-climax kind of energy for a while, so anxiety and even some disorientation after submission are quite common (though its not in the PhD brochure). Rationale mind has been in overdrive in a particular mode for a prolonged period. This may be why Zazen naturally reduced back to an absolute minimum in your final thesis stages. If you are like most candidates just prior to submission, you have been stewing in cortisol for months. Your body may be depleted, your sleep patterns returning to normal, your natural physiological rhythms have been disrupted, and mind is conditioned to running in overdrive. For months if you weren’t working on your thesis, you felt like you should be – its a kind of anxiety that keeps you working. Now that feeling is without a tangible focus. Mind and anxiety are ‘not two’. It will take time for different modes of mind to come back into natural balance, but they will. At the moment, Zazen probably opens up a space for mind to spin its wheels, so the undefined anxiety is a natural post-submission phenomenon.

                              It is as it is, and it will pass. In a strange way, the more we want anxiety to pass the more we hold it in place. Zazen is a good place to watch anxiety do what it does, allowing it to come, build, wash over you, peak and then ebb naturally. Congratulations again on submitting, and be gentle with yourself for a while.


