Hey Treeleafer
This is Kakunen from Japan.
I am at Myotokuji temple.
And I will go Chigenji monastery one week.
My practice of monastery is three times,head temple Eiheiji,Zuioji,and there.
How many monastery did I go?
How many temple did I go?
How long distance did I walk?
How many monk did I meet?
How many teacher did I meet?
How many times did I sit Sesshin?
My Zen journey started from three years ago after meet Jundo.
I miss my son ,father,mother.
Suffer from violence from parents,but can’t stop loving them.
But I have to stop flow of violence.
So I need to keep on Zen journey.
This is start point of practice.
Treeleaf Zazenkai at Abbot Muho at Antaiji. 2015 January.
3 years past...
I just want say.
Just do ,don’t think,go with flow.
I miss family ,but I need to go Zen journey.
Crying ...
Difficult to give up to meet son.

With Dharma friend.

Near my country.

I just sit Zazen.
And I want to walk with Dharma friends like Treeleafer.
Nine bows
Sat today
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is Kakunen from Japan.
I am at Myotokuji temple.
And I will go Chigenji monastery one week.
My practice of monastery is three times,head temple Eiheiji,Zuioji,and there.
How many monastery did I go?
How many temple did I go?
How long distance did I walk?
How many monk did I meet?
How many teacher did I meet?
How many times did I sit Sesshin?
My Zen journey started from three years ago after meet Jundo.
I miss my son ,father,mother.
Suffer from violence from parents,but can’t stop loving them.
But I have to stop flow of violence.
So I need to keep on Zen journey.
This is start point of practice.
Treeleaf Zazenkai at Abbot Muho at Antaiji. 2015 January.
3 years past...
I just want say.
Just do ,don’t think,go with flow.
I miss family ,but I need to go Zen journey.
Crying ...
Difficult to give up to meet son.

With Dharma friend.

Near my country.

I just sit Zazen.
And I want to walk with Dharma friends like Treeleafer.
Nine bows
Sat today
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk