As someone whose career (and daily life) is based on doing things based on scientific evidence, I am interested in the idea of the science behind the benefits of zazen. Below is a video summerising the evidence for "Mindful medititation", it basically says that the studies so far are poor due to bad trial conditions.
This made me think, do I really need someone in a labcoat to tell me its good and I should do it? IMO, no. This is probably one of the few things I am okay with not being properly evidence based, I feel I trust those before me in saying zazen is the required to understanding the way.
I'd be interested to know your thoughts,
Deep bows,
This made me think, do I really need someone in a labcoat to tell me its good and I should do it? IMO, no. This is probably one of the few things I am okay with not being properly evidence based, I feel I trust those before me in saying zazen is the required to understanding the way.
I'd be interested to know your thoughts,
Deep bows,