Free Sitting Room

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  • Meitou
    • Feb 2017
    • 1656

    Originally posted by Shoka

    My other suggestion would be to private message members who you have had a chance to sit with, and see if they wants to plan to get together to sit and/ or chat.

    At the moment the FSR, Scheduled Sitting room and Meeting room are still very much in their betta stages. But people using them and giving feedback is very valuable. For more information on the sitting room check out this thread.


    Thank you Shoka for this suggestion, I think this is a great idea. Perhaps those groups of us who are interested would be able to schedule a time to get together in the Meeting Room? As the coffee shop is on hiatus and no other meetings are scheduled at the moment, the space is empty and open all hours. I'd certainly be up for joining a group and would also be willing to help with organising something.
    satwithyoualltoday lah
    命 Mei - life
    島 Tou - island


    • Daiyo
      • Jul 2014
      • 819

      Hi all.

      What is the Free Sitting Room?

      Thanks and regards.




      • Zenmei
        • Jul 2016
        • 270

        Free Sitting Room

        Originally posted by Daiyo
        Hi all.

        What is the Free Sitting Room?

        Thanks and regards.


        It's a Google Hangout that's (theoreticallly) always open for anyone to drop in and sit any time. I say theoretically because there have been some issues with the hangout getting closed sometimes, but they're working on it.

        Gassho, Zenmei (sat)
        Last edited by Zenmei; 09-03-2017, 04:43 AM.


        • Eikyo
          • Feb 2016
          • 160

          Hi guys,
          I've also struggled to join the free sitting room. I have the google hangouts app but just could not get it to work. I eventually got in but then encountered another error message at which point I decided it wasn't worth the time.
          I find Insight timer much more straightforward to use. I do really want to engage with the Treeleaf community however the technical issues have been a barrier. Having to use two apps seems unnecessarily complicated. Is it OK to just use Insight timer or is that discouraged?


          • David
            • Jun 2017
            • 52

            I use Insight, sweetde. I think there are a couple of us who use it and don't use the FSR for similar reasons to you. I've not come across anything indicating it's discouraged at all
            Sat today.
            Last edited by David; 09-03-2017, 11:06 AM. Reason: To add sat today.
            I yam what I yam, that's all that I yam.


            • Tairin
              • Feb 2016
              • 2972

              Hi Sweetde

              I use the Insight Timer the vast majority of the time and leave a comment. Sitting is sitting. Some people like sitting knowing others are sitting with them. Some want to see someone there. We all sit together no matter.

              For the record I would likely use the FSR more if I didn't sit daily with my wife. On the other hand I am not keen on sitting surrounded by tech.

              Sat today
              泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


              • Eishuu

                Sweetde, sorry you are having technical problems. The FSR is quite new and there have been some problems with laptop users getting error messages. From what I've heard it usually works with android or similar devices. The way I do it on my phone is to make sure I'm signed into Google Hangouts then go to the Treeleaf weblink to the free sitting room and hit the button and follow the instructions...I wonder if anyone can help you here...I'm not terribly technical. There is absolutely no obligation to use the free sitting room at all...or Insight is totally up to you. As I understand it, the only stipulation for taking part in this community is that you sit Shikantaza Zazen every day (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

                I agree it can be a bit complicated using Insight Timer and the FSR at the same time. I think some people just use the FSR without Insight Timer. Or you can just sit, wherever and whenever.



                • Shugen
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 4532


                  Lucy is correct. You do not have to use the sitting rooms or insight timer. Just sit.

                  If anyone would like to use the sitting rooms and needs a little guidance, please contact me or any of the other priests in training. (Or any other sangha member you feel can help)




                  Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
                  Meido Shugen
                  明道 修眼


                  • Shinshou
                    • May 2017
                    • 251

                    Originally posted by Lucy
                    Sweetde, sorry you are having technical problems. The FSR is quite new and there have been some problems with laptop users getting error messages. From what I've heard it usually works with android or similar devices. The way I do it on my phone is to make sure I'm signed into Google Hangouts then go to the Treeleaf weblink to the free sitting room and hit the button and follow the instructions...I wonder if anyone can help you here...I'm not terribly technical. There is absolutely no obligation to use the free sitting room at all...or Insight is totally up to you. As I understand it, the only stipulation for taking part in this community is that you sit Shikantaza Zazen every day (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

                    I agree it can be a bit complicated using Insight Timer and the FSR at the same time. I think some people just use the FSR without Insight Timer. Or you can just sit, wherever and whenever.


                    My iPhone won't allow me to be in the Free Sitting Room and also continue to keep time on Insight Timer ( I sit during a work break and have to be aware of when to go back). If I start the timer then connect to the FSR, the timer stops. I did have some pretty long sittings the first couple of times waiting for the bell to ring! I usually use Insight Timer, but will on occasion join the FSR and use my phone's built in timer, which continues to run despite the Hangout.

                    I know I started this thread, but interestingly, I'm gearing up for a musical performance, and have found that the FSR can make me feel as if I'm "on stage," so I've been sitting without it lately.

                    Sat Today


                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41220

                      Originally posted by danieldodson
                      I know I started this thread, but interestingly, I'm gearing up for a musical performance, and have found that the FSR can make me feel as if I'm "on stage," so I've been sitting without it lately.

                      Sat Today
                      When one walks into a room with others in a monastery or "bricks and mortar" Zen center in the West, one is on the same stage I suppose. At least, one is "on stage" if one feels so in one's mind. Or, one can sit with a group yet totally sit one's own sit, sitting just to sit without focus on any other aspect or the eyes of others. It is up to you.

                      Nonetheless, sometimes the social aspect of sitting with a group makes all the group members stronger, inspires each other, encourages each other to make the little extra effort to "hang in there", show up and stick with it, sit still and not run out the door. At other times, one makes one's own grass hut in the mountains or in a cave, shuts the door and sits alone. Maybe there are times for both kinds of sitting. (Yes, in any case, it is always the "me myself i" sitting with the "me myself i". How one chooses to experience and interpret the experience is largely up to our thoughts between our ears: One can be silent and alone/all one in the group, or one can bring the whole world and all its problems mentally into that cave!!)

                      It has been exactly the same since the Buddha told folks to sit together in the forest of India or Bodhidharma in his cave or Dogen in a wooden hall in Japan. The electronic part does little to change the experience of the individual and the group or what goes on in one's mental interpretation of the experience.

                      I might suggest, for your other technical problem, get a little cooking timer. No need to be high tech. When the bell rings, get up and get back to work whether in monastery or office, whether with an ancient bronze bell, a smart phone, a cheap kitchen timer.

                      Gassho, J

                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • Gokai
                        • Feb 2016
                        • 209

                        Hello everyone

                        Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to ask how can I get the link to the FSR. I know I should send a private message to someone asking for this information, but I no longer remember who I should send the message to. Can anyone help me?
                        Thanks in advance for helping.

                        Gassho, Gokai
                        David Cravidão Lopes Pereira


                        • Washin
                          Senior Priest-in-Training
                          • Dec 2014
                          • 3840

                          Originally posted by Gokai
                          Hello everyone

                          Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to ask how can I get the link to the FSR. I know I should send a private message to someone asking for this information, but I no longer remember who I should send the message to. Can anyone help me?
                          Thanks in advance for helping.

                          Gassho, Gokai
                          Hello Gokai,

                          Here's the link to Treeleaf Now where you can find the access to the "rooms" :
                          Hope this helps.

                          Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
                          Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
                          I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
                          and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


                          • Meitou
                            • Feb 2017
                            • 1656

                            Originally posted by Jundo
                            When one walks into a room with others in a monastery or "bricks and mortar" Zen center in the West, one is on the same stage I suppose. At least, one is "on stage" if one feels so in one's mind. Or, one can sit with a group yet totally sit one's own sit, sitting just to sit without focus on any other aspect or the eyes of others. It is up to you.

                            Nonetheless, sometimes the social aspect of sitting with a group makes all the group members stronger, inspires each other, encourages each other to make the little extra effort to "hang in there", show up and stick with it, sit still and not run out the door. At other times, one makes one's own grass hut in the mountains or in a cave, shuts the door and sits alone. Maybe there are times for both kinds of sitting. (Yes, in any case, it is always the "me myself i" sitting with the "me myself i". How one chooses to experience and interpret the experience is largely up to our thoughts between our ears: One can be silent and alone/all one in the group, or one can bring the whole world and all its problems mentally into that cave!!)

                            It has been exactly the same since the Buddha told folks to sit together in the forest of India or Bodhidharma in his cave or Dogen in a wooden hall in Japan. The electronic part does little to change the experience of the individual and the group or what goes on in one's mental interpretation of the experience.

                            I might suggest, for your other technical problem, get a little cooking timer. No need to be high tech. When the bell rings, get up and get back to work whether in monastery or office, whether with an ancient bronze bell, a smart phone, a cheap kitchen timer.

                            Gassho, J

                            Yes, I've also felt self conscious on camera, but when I reflected on that I realised that it recreates the same sensation as sitting in a zendo or meditation room with others, so perhaps it's good to be able to draw on both experiences, that of sitting alone and that of sitting with others, although of course we are always alone and always with others. I know that sitting in the FSR makes me more disciplined and less likely to give into slight discomforts, and there is something uplifting in being with dharma friends, all together.

                            I use the computer so can use Insight Timer at the same time, but I think if it's a case of wanting to check in with folks, it's fine to post on the Insight Timer group even if you haven't used the timer itself. It's also good to reflect on what's up with not using the timer - I know I got a bit attached to my stats when I first started using it, so stopped for a while to let go of that. Another little gift that I use is the Plum Village bell timer, which is a browser extension. It can also be set up invite the bell during the day giving a very nice opportunity to rest in the present for a moment if you are using the computer a lot.

                            命 Mei - life
                            島 Tou - island


                            • Sekishi
                              Dharma Transmitted Priest
                              • Apr 2013
                              • 5673

                              Originally posted by David
                              I use Insight, sweetde. I think there are a couple of us who use it and don't use the FSR for similar reasons to you. I've not come across anything indicating it's discouraged at all
                              Yes. I did the programming for the stuff, but I cannot actually use it because of slow rural internet. I sit with Insight Timer instead.

                              Using whatever option works best for your circumstances is encouraged!

                              Sekishi #sat
                              Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                              • Gokai
                                • Feb 2016
                                • 209

                                Thank You very much, Washin.

                                Gassho, Gokai
                                Sattoday/ LAH
                                David Cravidão Lopes Pereira

