Free Sitting Room

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  • Kyousui
    • Feb 2017
    • 358

    MIght be a good idea to post (date & time zone) when you'll be in the FSR either here or in insighttimer. Can't see much use in using the bandwidth if no one (in the relative sense) is not also there.
    Sat today LAH (since time is just a mental construct)

    Kyousui - strong waters 強 水


    • Eishuu

      There's also an announcements thing on Google Hangouts so you can let people know you are about to sit or post a time you will sit later if you want to.



      • Meian
        • Apr 2015
        • 1712

        Today I sat using Insight (phone) and FSR (laptop) and it worked out fine. I mute the mic and the vid. At the moment, I never know exactly when I'll be sitting (could be any time between 6-8am EST) but it should narrow down soon with my kids' schools resuming. I am now on a timed daily routine of short morning sits that I "promised a Lama" (long story).

        That's an idea, Tom .... If I get to a point where I can schedule my sit times fairly regularly, I'll try posting either here or Insight (which is glitchy on me). I'm boring, all I do is sit (no verses, nothing) - but if someone wants another person in the room, that I could be.


        Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
        鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
        visiting Unsui
        Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.


        • Shinshou
          • May 2017
          • 251

          Of course when I sat yesterday in the FSR, there were three people there.



          • Seishin
            • Aug 2016
            • 1522

            Hey, FWIW there were five us sitting this morning in the FSR around 0830 CET. Thank you Marcus, Richard, Lucy and Frankie.



            Sei - Meticulous
            Shin - Heart


            • Eishuu

              So nice to see so many people there. Thanks to all.



              • Roland
                • Mar 2014
                • 232

                I must be very distracted, but I simply cannot find the url for the free sitting room. I think if we want more people to use it, we should put a very visible button somewhere inviting people to use the room.





                • Shinshou
                  • May 2017
                  • 251

                  Roland, I sent you a private message with the link.



                  • Tenrai
                    • Aug 2017
                    • 112

                    I sit in the FSR most days. For me it's a wonderful thing. Links me to the Treeleaf sangha. I live on Eday which is a small island north of mainland Orkney so I could feel isolated in my practice - which is not a terrible thing - but i do feel the benefit at times of "being" with others.


                    • Kotei
                      Dharma Transmitted Priest
                      • Mar 2015
                      • 4364

                      Thank you for being here, Richard.
                      I enjoy your company when we sit together. I live in northern Germany.
                      Over here, the isolation, that is felt from time to time, comes from social insecurity/fear issues, that pop up here and there.
                      Like you said, not a terrible thing.
                      This Sangha continuously encourages me to stepping across my self made borders.
                      Also in the physical world around me.

                      Kotei sattoday.
                      義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.


                      • Tenrai
                        • Aug 2017
                        • 112

                        How is it best to meet on line if you just want to chat to each other? and how best to arrange that??

                        The FSR is wonderful, but folk come and go while Im sitting and sometimes it would be good to catch up just for a blether, seeing as many of us have found Treeleaf due to our remoteness??


                        • Saijun
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 667

                          Originally posted by Richard
                          How is it best to meet on line if you just want to chat to each other? and how best to arrange that??

                          The FSR is wonderful, but folk come and go while Im sitting and sometimes it would be good to catch up just for a blether, seeing as many of us have found Treeleaf due to our remoteness??
                          Hello Richard,

                          In the old days, we had a weekly meeting that was originally called the "Treeleaf Teaparty." We would sit for a few minutes, then spend a little while talking about practice issues, life, and whatever else came up. It appears that now it is called the Coffeehouse, and is on a short haitus while being reworked. In the mean time, I'd be happy to Skype and chat or sit.

                          Hands in Gassho,


                          Sat Today/LAH
                          Last edited by Saijun; 08-31-2017, 01:49 PM.
                          To give up yourself without regret is the greatest charity. --RBB


                          • Shoka
                            • May 2014
                            • 2370

                            Originally posted by Richard
                            How is it best to meet on line if you just want to chat to each other? and how best to arrange that??

                            The FSR is wonderful, but folk come and go while Im sitting and sometimes it would be good to catch up just for a blether, seeing as many of us have found Treeleaf due to our remoteness??

                            As Saijun said we have a Treeleaf Coffeehouse which is currently on hiatus, but will be coming back with the hope of having more people able to get together and chat. Here is a link to information on the Coffeehouse

                            My other suggestion would be to private message members who you have had a chance to sit with, and see if they wants to plan to get together to sit and/ or chat.

                            At the moment the FSR, Scheduled Sitting room and Meeting room are still very much in their betta stages. But people using them and giving feedback is very valuable. For more information on the sitting room check out this thread.




                            • Zenmei
                              • Jul 2016
                              • 270

                              Free Sitting Room

                              Originally posted by Richard
                              How is it best to meet on line if you just want to chat to each other? and how best to arrange that??

                              The FSR is wonderful, but folk come and go while Im sitting and sometimes it would be good to catch up just for a blether, seeing as many of us have found Treeleaf due to our remoteness??
                              When we first started talking about setting up these rooms, Sekishi suggested 3 rooms, a scheduled sitting room, the free sitting room, and a "lounge" for folks who want to chat. Many people felt that having more rooms was more confusing, so that may be why the lounge never happened. Or maybe it just hasn't happened yet.
                              I agree, I think it would be wonderful to give folks a place to connect.

                              Gassho, Zenmei (sat)
                              Last edited by Zenmei; 08-31-2017, 03:20 PM.


                              • Eishuu

                                I liked the idea of a lounge room where people could pop in for a chat after a sit if they wanted to. I'm enjoying the connection through the FSR and forum and like others experience a degree of isolation in daily life, mine for health related reasons.


