As a newcomer to the Soto tradition, I would really love to know a little more about the actual Treeleaf Zendo and what happens during zazenkai. For instance, I'd love a closer peek at the altar, just so I have an idea of what Jundo actually puts there. And please excuse my ignorance when I ask what it actually is that happens at the altar, how you know when to strike the bell during the ceremony, and when to bow during the Heart Sutra. I watch the zazenkai recordings and really enjoy them, but feel always that I'm missing something through my own ignorance.
As I said in the zazenkai thread, it was really nice to see Daniela reading the Heart Sutra in German, I feel I know something more now about someone I see every week
If all of this has been covered in another thread, please forgive me and point me in the right direction!
As I said in the zazenkai thread, it was really nice to see Daniela reading the Heart Sutra in German, I feel I know something more now about someone I see every week

If all of this has been covered in another thread, please forgive me and point me in the right direction!