Verse 129 of the Dhammapada always resonated deeply with me, and I practiced vegetarianism quite happily for years (someone wiser than I once defined 'happiness' as when what you think, say, and do are in complete harmony). When I became ill, among other things it was discovered that I had virtually no B12; a nutrient found almost exclusively in animal protein. While a B12 deficiency wouldn't cause my neurologic illness, it could exacerbate it. Oral supplements and injections could not bring my B12 within normal parameters, so reluctantly at my mate's behest I added meat to my diet. Part of my rationale was related to my terminal diagnosis; if by eating meat I preempted a postmortem "what if/if only" for my mate, any karmic debt thus incurred would be more than an equitable price to pay to relieve her suffering, no matter in how small a measure.
Nowadays she does almost all of the food prep, and I try to practice not a vegetarian diet, but a Buddhist one; in the spirit of takuhatsu, I accept what is offered without discrimination and with sincere gratitude.
(When I didn't die on cue, they upgraded me from 'terminal' to merely 'chronic')
Sat today.
Nowadays she does almost all of the food prep, and I try to practice not a vegetarian diet, but a Buddhist one; in the spirit of takuhatsu, I accept what is offered without discrimination and with sincere gratitude.
(When I didn't die on cue, they upgraded me from 'terminal' to merely 'chronic')
Sat today.