Hi Koutoku,
Chinese: 四弘誓願〉 眾生無邊誓願度,煩惱無盡誓願斷;法門無量誓願學,佛道無上誓願成
Japanese 四弘誓願文) 衆生無邊誓願度 煩惱無盡誓願斷 法門無量誓願學 佛道無上誓願成
Same! (The first Kanji is the same too, just a variant writing: https://jisho.org/search/%E7%9C%BE%20%23kanji )
Why do you say that they are not quite the same in meaning? Now, they can be read or interpreted various ways. For example, we have "To attain the Enlightened Way, a Way non-attainable" while some translators may interpret 無上 as "unsurpassable" or "supreme" or the like in English. 佛道 literally means "Buddha Way" rather than "Enlightened Way," but not so different.
Gassho, Jundo
Chinese: 四弘誓願〉 眾生無邊誓願度,煩惱無盡誓願斷;法門無量誓願學,佛道無上誓願成
Japanese 四弘誓願文) 衆生無邊誓願度 煩惱無盡誓願斷 法門無量誓願學 佛道無上誓願成
Same! (The first Kanji is the same too, just a variant writing: https://jisho.org/search/%E7%9C%BE%20%23kanji )
Why do you say that they are not quite the same in meaning? Now, they can be read or interpreted various ways. For example, we have "To attain the Enlightened Way, a Way non-attainable" while some translators may interpret 無上 as "unsurpassable" or "supreme" or the like in English. 佛道 literally means "Buddha Way" rather than "Enlightened Way," but not so different.
Gassho, Jundo