We are guided to seek, as we can, to abstain from harming others and ourselves, to abstain from taking life, from taking what is not given through stealing or dishonesty, to abstain from destructive sexual conduct. Positively stated, right action is to act kindly and compassionately, to be honest, to respect others, and to keep relationships healthful.
As we can, we act seeking to avoid harm to oneself or others, and in ways that are healthful and helpful to ourselves and others — knowing that there is, ultimately, no difference between oneself and others.
Each summer, at our Treeleaf Sangha, we begin a course of preparation for Jukai, a ceremony of ‘Undertaking the Precepts’ and committing to this Path. That includes personal study and reflection on each of the Precepts. I hope that some people so inclined might join us in that, and would contact me if so.
CLICK HERE for today’s Sit-A-Long video.
Remember: recording ends soon after the beginning bells; a sitting time of 15 to 35 minutes is recommended.