Just wondering if there are any judokas here or other martial arts practitioners. If so, how has zazen helped your training? Do you find both practices overlap? Does it help to gain a deeper understanding of your practices?
I definitely feel zazen helps with my Judo. In Judo, you have to feel in order to do the techniques correctly. To feel, means many hours, weeks, and years of practice to develop. But it also requires to only do Judo when you are doing Judo. You have to be one with the technique versus thinking about it. All your being must in the Dojo without your mind elsewhere. It is doing and non-doing. You also have to commit to your techniques. You can't half asked a throw lol. If you don't commit, you'll either get hurt or hurt your Uki (partner).
I also find that Judo helps me with my zazen. I understand (a little) more about zazen. Movement practices helps me to see how zazen works on the zafu and off into the "real" world. Plus, the Japanese culture in both Judo and zazen allows me to appreciate the traditions and history. The connection between the two definitely makes it easier on my mind. With zazen, it takes commitment, time, humbleness, and practice being at oneness. I learn these both by sitting on the zafu and practicing my ogoshi (hip throw).
I definitely feel zazen helps with my Judo. In Judo, you have to feel in order to do the techniques correctly. To feel, means many hours, weeks, and years of practice to develop. But it also requires to only do Judo when you are doing Judo. You have to be one with the technique versus thinking about it. All your being must in the Dojo without your mind elsewhere. It is doing and non-doing. You also have to commit to your techniques. You can't half asked a throw lol. If you don't commit, you'll either get hurt or hurt your Uki (partner).
I also find that Judo helps me with my zazen. I understand (a little) more about zazen. Movement practices helps me to see how zazen works on the zafu and off into the "real" world. Plus, the Japanese culture in both Judo and zazen allows me to appreciate the traditions and history. The connection between the two definitely makes it easier on my mind. With zazen, it takes commitment, time, humbleness, and practice being at oneness. I learn these both by sitting on the zafu and practicing my ogoshi (hip throw).