Zen Sports: Martial Arts

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  • Ekai
    • Feb 2011
    • 672

    Zen Sports: Martial Arts

    Just wondering if there are any judokas here or other martial arts practitioners. If so, how has zazen helped your training? Do you find both practices overlap? Does it help to gain a deeper understanding of your practices?

    I definitely feel zazen helps with my Judo. In Judo, you have to feel in order to do the techniques correctly. To feel, means many hours, weeks, and years of practice to develop. But it also requires to only do Judo when you are doing Judo. You have to be one with the technique versus thinking about it. All your being must in the Dojo without your mind elsewhere. It is doing and non-doing. You also have to commit to your techniques. You can't half asked a throw lol. If you don't commit, you'll either get hurt or hurt your Uki (partner).

    I also find that Judo helps me with my zazen. I understand (a little) more about zazen. Movement practices helps me to see how zazen works on the zafu and off into the "real" world. Plus, the Japanese culture in both Judo and zazen allows me to appreciate the traditions and history. The connection between the two definitely makes it easier on my mind. With zazen, it takes commitment, time, humbleness, and practice being at oneness. I learn these both by sitting on the zafu and practicing my ogoshi (hip throw).


    Last edited by Jundo; 01-06-2022, 12:36 AM.
  • Onrin
    • Apr 2021
    • 194

    I used to practice Judo (at UW Madison, later renamed the UW budo club) among other arts, but that was long before I began practicing zen. However I agree they can be mutually beneficial, as it can with any physical practice.

    For me the benefit comes mainly in keeping perspective on not getting wrapped up in achieving something at the expense of my health and that of others. in Judo that might mean not turning randori into a competition, being a good training partner, tapping not snapping etc...


    • Ekai
      • Feb 2011
      • 672

      Originally posted by kurisu
      For me the benefit comes mainly in keeping perspective on not getting wrapped up in achieving something at the expense of my health and that of others. in Judo that might mean not turning randori into a competition, being a good training partner, tapping not snapping etc...
      I totally agree. It's about helping others as well and watching the mind to make sure to don't get caught up in the desire of winning at the expense of hurting others. It also helps me to be aware of my body and limitations. I used to go really hard no matter how I felt or what injury I had. Well, of course injury is a great lesson and I learned the hard way by overtraining and hurting my shoulder. Now I bring more awareness into my body and stop when things don't feel right or modify training if I have injury. It's humbling but in a good way. Another lesson in impermanence. Every is always changing and that includes our bodies. As I get older, I must adapt to. stay healthy and to continue training.

      BTW, I live an hour south of Madison, WI.




      • Onrin
        • Apr 2021
        • 194

        Indeed, most of my job as a exercise coach is helping people to really come to grips that they do better adjusting their exercise and hobbies to their state today, and forget about what they could do 10 years ago or 10 days ago. Because they could throw the football over those mountains over there has no bearing on today
        WI seems to have had a good judo scene for many decades. The legendary Donn Draeger started out near Milwaukee. Like him, now I'm in Japan, and pretty close to where he lived.


        • Heitou
          • Feb 2020
          • 101

          I don't practice judo, but I do practice Aikido and Ryu Te (formerly Ryu Kyu Kempo) from Master Oyata. We usually sit zazen for 5 or 10 mins before starting so for me they go together. It does help you be more aware of your body and I'm always more relaxed after and that helps me concentrate on what I'm doing. From what I understand Zen has been a part of Japanese Martial Arts for hundreds of years,, even Samurai studied Zen. I also practice Tai Chi.



          • Ekai
            • Feb 2011
            • 672

            Originally posted by Heitou
            I don't practice judo, but I do practice Aikido and Ryu Te (formerly Ryu Kyu Kempo) from Master Oyata. We usually sit zazen for 5 or 10 mins before starting so for me they go together. It does help you be more aware of your body and I'm always more relaxed after and that helps me concentrate on what I'm doing. From what I understand Zen has been a part of Japanese Martial Arts for hundreds of years,, even Samurai studied Zen. I also practice Tai Chi.

            They teach Aikido at my martial arts school. I did try it for a bit but then chose Judo instead. Aikido is a beautiful martial art. Challenging but effective as well. I mostly do a Korean art, KiMudo. The Judo and Aikido are add-ons at my martial arts School. But taking a Japanese martial art greatly improved my Kimudo and Zazen practice. I like how the Japanese arts is more about harmony in your techniques. You can take the harmony with you outside the Dojo.




            • yuridayananda
              • Apr 2019
              • 12

              I practiced martial arts for many years and that ultimately brought me to Buddhism then Zen. In the past it was Hapkido and today it is Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I still find easier to be in the moment when someone is trying to choke me than sitting alone with my thoughts.


              • Heiso
                • Jan 2019
                • 834

                I used to practice BJJ and now just practice judo. I think I'd agree Kurisu in that my zen practice possibly helps me not become too attached to outcomes such as trying to 'win' every round of randori, be the best student, or becoming wrapped up in trying to execute the perfect technique.

                I'd also challenge anyone to not be fully in the moment when practicing newaza or BJJ!





                • Ekai
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 672

                  Originally posted by Heiso
                  I used to practice BJJ and now just practice judo. I think I'd agree Kurisu in that my zen practice possibly helps me not become too attached to outcomes such as trying to 'win' every round of randori, be the best student, or becoming wrapped up in trying to execute the perfect technique.

                  I'd also challenge anyone to not be fully in the moment when practicing newaza or BJJ!



                  I agree there! If you are not in the moment, the technique fails or you will get hurt. Or tapped out lol.




                  • Ekai
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 672

                    Originally posted by yuridayananda
                    I practiced martial arts for many years and that ultimately brought me to Buddhism then Zen. In the past it was Hapkido and today it is Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I still find easier to be in the moment when someone is trying to choke me than sitting alone with my thoughts.
                    It seems martial arts brings many people to Zen.

                    And yes, it is easier being in the moment in the midst of a choke and not be freaked out about it lol.




                    • yuridayananda
                      • Apr 2019
                      • 12

                      Originally posted by Ekai
                      It seems martial arts brings many people to Zen.

                      And yes, it is easier being in the moment in the midst of a choke and not be freaked out about it lol.


                      Hi Ekai, I risk to say that I found Zen in the martial arts, before I knew what it was. The empty mind feeling was something that causes me pleasure, relief. Today I learned that it is wrong "to get" something out of it but perhaps I am just a better fighter than meditator. Sometimes during a fight I feel the time to stop, while I see the other fighter thinking. As you said, I feel where the pressure is and where to take the opponent. Out of the mat is my problem, I do Zazen because my mind is very unbalanced if I am not in war. Shame on me, but that's who I am now.


                      • Seiga
                        • Nov 2019
                        • 128

                        For me, I chose the path of kendo. I can't say which came first - the interest in Zen or in Kendo. But I feel a kind of Zen spirit in kendo. There is no before, no after. There is only this moment and the decision I make now. In the best case, with mushin. And there is, in the depth of kendo, no opposition. Even in combat, my opponent is and remains constantly connected to me. I am him and he is me.



                        • Fredrik
                          • Aug 2016
                          • 8

                          Originally posted by Seiga
                          For me, I chose the path of kendo. I can't say which came first - the interest in Zen or in Kendo. But I feel a kind of Zen spirit in kendo. There is no before, no after. There is only this moment and the decision I make now. In the best case, with mushin. And there is, in the depth of kendo, no opposition. Even in combat, my opponent is and remains constantly connected to me. I am him and he is me.

                          As a fellow kendo practitioner I totally agree.

                          We also usually sit zazen before and after practice. The length usually varies depending on who is leading the training.




                          • Onrin
                            • Apr 2021
                            • 194

                            There has been a reappraising of zen's supposed connection to martial arts by various MA scholars, and the consensus is there never really was much of one, formally. Some concepts were borrowed perhaps, and definitely can be complementary.

                            Unrelated, but since beginning to practice zen I've become less interested in studying MA again formally. I figure 30 years spent on MA practice is enough, I'm likely never going to have to fight anyone, and it was not doing my body any favors anymore. Zen, for me, gets at things in a richer, deeper way. But I can only say that I suppose because of all the good MA teachers and partners I've had that have helped me along the way and see there are many more things to learn.


                            • Heiso
                              • Jan 2019
                              • 834

                              Originally posted by kurisu
                              There has been a reappraising of zen's supposed connection to martial arts by various MA scholars, and the consensus is there never really was much of one, formally. Some concepts were borrowed perhaps, and definitely can be complementary.

                              Unrelated, but since beginning to practice zen I've become less interested in studying MA again formally. I figure 30 years spent on MA practice is enough, I'm likely never going to have to fight anyone, and it was not doing my body any favors anymore. Zen, for me, gets at things in a richer, deeper way. But I can only say that I suppose because of all the good MA teachers and partners I've had that have helped me along the way and see there are many more things to learn.
                              When I got interested in Buddhism it was my background in Japanese MA initially drew me to zen. But I think I quickly realised the link between the two was a bit of a myth. I'm wondering how much longer I'll continue with judo and maybe switching to Qigong/Taichi, I've no real interest in competition, but then my sensei is 84 and still on the mats!




