The 54th of 108 Gates Of Dharma Illumination
The 69th of 108 Gates Of Dharma Illumination
Gate Sixty-nine
Read the following, place it in your heart and sleep on it. Then, tomorrow, live it until evening when you can leave a brief comment on what you may have received during the process.
Examination of Dharma, as a part of the state of truth, is a gate of Dharma illumination; for it illuminates all dharmas.
Examination: the act of examining; inspection; inquiry; investigation.
By “Dharma Gate”, We mean a teaching or practice that can lead to spiritual growth: some kind of positive outcome in terms of our practice. A way to approach the truth.
" The raft of Dharma gives us something to hang onto as we eliminate our attachments, which cause us to suffer and to be stuck on this shore of birth and death. The raft of Dharma refers to the methods of inward illumination; it takes us across the sea of our afflictions to the other shore, Nirvana. Once there "even Dharmas should be relinquished. The Dharma is spoken to break people's attachments. If people had no attachments, they wouldn't need the Dharma. But people have attachments because their consciousnesses take over, and so they give rise to distinctions and attachments. If you let your wisdom be in charge, you will have no attachments. . . ."
- Buddhism A to Z; link here
"The greatest gift is the gift of the teachings"
https://dharmaseed.org/about/us/Most note worthy replies :
(Ha! Brilliant! I'm going to be a bit more pedantic in my response...)
Truth exists right hereStop lookingAnd begin seeing
合掌 仁道 生開 - gassho, Jindo Shokai
stlahLast edited by Shokai; 02-27-2022, 04:39 AM.合掌,生開
gassho, Shokai
仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai
"Open to life in a benevolent way"
The 70th of 108 Gates Of Dharma Illumination
Gate Seventy
Read the following, place it in your heart and sleep on it. Then, tomorrow, live it until evening when you can leave a brief comment on what you may have received during the process.
Effort, as a part of the state of truth, is a gate of Dharma illumina.tion; for [with it] we become proficient in realization
Effort: to make an earnest or strenuous attempt
By “Dharma Gate”, We mean a teaching or practice that can lead to spiritual growth: some kind of positive outcome in terms of our practice. A way to approach the truth.
"Right Effort, sometimes called Right Diligence, is the sixth part of the Eightfold Path of Buddhism. The Buddha taught that the Eightfold Path is the means to realize enlightenment. Right Effort, along with Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration, make up the mental discipline section of the Path. The most basic, traditional definition of Right Effort is to exert oneself to develop wholesome qualities and release unwholesome qualities. As recorded in the Pali Canon, the Buddha taught there are four aspects to Right Effort. Very simply:
The effort to prevent unwholesome qualities -- especially greed, anger, and ignorance -- from arising.
The effort to extinguish unwholesome qualities that already have arisen.
The effort to cultivate skillful, or wholesome, qualities—especially generosity, loving-kindness, and wisdom (the opposites of greed, anger, and ignorance)—that have not yet arisen.
The effort to strengthen the wholesome qualities that have already arisen."
- Barbara O'Brien's Learn Religions ; link here
"The greatest gift is the gift of the teachings"
https://dharmaseed.org/about/us/Most note worthy replies :DoAnd pay attention.
Practice perfectionAnd becomeWhat you've always been
合掌 仁道 生開 - gassho, Jindo Shokai
gassho, Shokai
仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai
"Open to life in a benevolent way"