RECOMMENDED 'At Home' Liturgy

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  • Meian
    • Apr 2015
    • 1712

    Namaste, all

    I am resurrecting another old thread, yes As I am navigating the forums and locating readings, teachings, resources, etc. ...... This thread is phenomenal, so much info in one place - thank you, Jundo

    I just want to add my deepest gratitude to all the hard work and dedication that has gone into this sangha - and continues to. This is such a wonderful community, I love it here. I know I only just started posting and participating (somewhat - I have been reading periodically for months), even though I joined a year ago - life happens, and things come together when the time is right, I believe.

    I will be looking for ways to "give back" and assist the sangha in the future, whenever it is appropriate and when I can be useful in some small way. For now I am exploring the teachings and practices that feel very natural to me, and simple in a profound way. I am learning from all of you, and am so thankful for your generosity, wisdom, and shared experiences.

    There is much I would like to respond to in the forums, so much vast wisdom and experience - but I am beyond words for it at this time. Reflecting on all of it and feeling my mind expand, and my perspective on life changing already, little drops of water in the soil.

    鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
    visiting Unsui
    Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.


    • jtlewis
      • Feb 2016
      • 9

      Thank you for resurrecting this post Kim. Just this week I began reading Daido Loori's "Brining the Sacred to Life" to help me make this practice apart of my daily life rather than solely focusing on the time I am sitting shikantaza.

      And thanks to all those past and present who have gone before and helped to pave this way for myself and others.


      Sat Today


      • Theophan
        • Nov 2014
        • 146

        Thank you. I have picked up copies of the books you recommended.

        Sat Today


        • Chishou
          • Aug 2017
          • 204

          Originally posted by TomSchulte
          I like to use this chant as part of my home liturgy. Here's Some background

          Sat today
          It appears to not be working, at least for me.


          Ask not what the Sangha can do for you, but what you can do for the Sangha.
          Ask not what the Sangha can do for you, but what you can do for your Sangha.


          • Rakurei
            • Jan 2017
            • 145

            Just grabbed Bring the Sacred to Life. I really enjoy Loori's writing style, much recommended.


            • Ryudo
              • Nov 2015
              • 424

              Thank you Jundo.

              I was searching for a verse or a chant that we can recite when a beloved one died (any sentient being).
              As I understand Metta it is more for the ones dealing with the loss and not so much for the one that died.

              So is there a verse or chant that we can use for the deceised? (Like to honour them and help them on their next path?)

              Thank you again.

              Ryū Dou


              • Jundo
                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                • Apr 2006
                • 41199

                Originally posted by Marcus
                Thank you Jundo.

                I was searching for a verse or a chant that we can recite when a beloved one died (any sentient being).
                As I understand Metta it is more for the ones dealing with the loss and not so much for the one that died.

                So is there a verse or chant that we can use for the deceised? (Like to honour them and help them on their next path?)

                Thank you again.

                Hi Marcus,

                The Heart Sutra is All Purpose. That is my universal recommendation.

                Another possibility is the Shariraimon, as we recite for our Nehan-e Memorial in February ...

                With/ whole/heart/ed/ gra/ti/tude/ we/ bow/
                to/ the/ re/lics/ still/ pre/sent of/ the/ True/ Bo/dy/[*] of/ the/ Ta/tha/ga/ta/ Sha/kya/mu/ni,/
                who/ is/ ful/ly/ en/dowed/ with/ my/ri/ad/ vir/tues;/
                to/ the/ Dhar/ma/ Bo/dy/ which/ is/ Truth/ it/self;/
                and/ to/ the/ whole/ u/ni/verse/ which/ is/ his/ Stu/pa./
                With/ deep/ res/pect/ we/ ve/ner/ate/ the/ One/
                who /lived/ his/ life/ for/ the/ sake/ of/ all/ be/ings./
                Though/ the/ sus/ten/ance/ of/ Bud/dha,/ the/ Truth/
                en/ters/ us/ and/ we/ en/ter/ Truth./
                Let/ us/ strive/ to/ be/ne/fit/ all/ li/ving/ be/ings,/[*] a/rouse/ the/ thought/ of/ A/wa/ken/ing,/
                cul/ti/vate/ Bod/hi/sat/tva/ Prac/tice,/
                and/ to/ge/ther/ en/ter/ Per/fect/ Peace,/[*] the/ pen/e/tra/tion/ of/ the/ e/qua/li/ty/ of/ all/ things./
                Now/ let/ us/ re/ver/ent/ly/ bow.
                Details here ... It will be the same this year as well ...

                Dear All, A few years back, some of our Sangha members requested a day to remember those who had passed from this world among family and friends ... February is a time of Memorial & Celebration for NEHAN-E (Parinirvana Gathering), the traditional day to mark the historical Buddha's death and passing from this visible

                Gassho, J

                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                • Ryudo
                  • Nov 2015
                  • 424

                  Thank you Jundo.

                  Ryū Dou


                  • Ryudo
                    • Nov 2015
                    • 424

                    Hi all,

                    I now have my personal Rakusu that I honour and that I am grateful for. Thank you Jundo, thank you all.

                    Q: When do we use/put on the Rakusu? Allways when meditating? Only at Zazenkai and ceremony? Any time?
                    I know it represents the Buddha's robe, so probably there are guidelines concerning the use.

                    Thank you in advance for any help here.

                    Ryū Dou


                    • Zenmei
                      • Jul 2016
                      • 270

                      Recommended 'at home' liturgy

                      Originally posted by Ryudo
                      Hi all,

                      I now have my personal Rakusu that I honour and that I am grateful for. Thank you Jundo, thank you all.

                      Q: When do we use/put on the Rakusu? Allways when meditating? Only at Zazenkai and ceremony? Any time?
                      I know it represents the Buddha's robe, so probably there are guidelines concerning the use.

                      Thank you in advance for any help here.

                      The only real guideline I’ve heard is don’t wear it into the bathroom. And don’t put it directly on the floor. It’s the Buddha’s teachings, so treat it with respect, but it’s not so precious that you can never touch it. It’s better to wear it and care for it and let it be a part of your life. It’s closer to a work uniform than it is to fancy ceremonial robes.

                      I usually wear mine for my daily sit, or if I’m sewing. It tends to get in the way if you’re cleaning or doing other work around the house. I don’t wear it out because I think it would come across as showing off or trying to look special. If I had a Soto sitting group, I would wear it there, though.

                      [emoji120], Zenmei (sat)
                      Last edited by Zenmei; 01-27-2018, 12:39 PM.


                      • Ryudo
                        • Nov 2015
                        • 424

                        Thank you Zenmei,
                        your answer sounds sensible. It is somewhat as I thought.
                        I will wear it for my daily Zazen and at ceremonies.

                        Have a great weekend.

                        Ryū Dou


                        • Shinshi
                          Senior Priest-in-Training
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 3823

                          Hi Folks,

                          Following Jukai I have been trying to formalize my daily sitting a bit. I put together the following for myself and would be interested in any feedback. My room is set up so that my alter is right next to my Zabuton. There are a couple of things that are a bit different than treeleaf. When I first started I learned to bow three times before sitting - so I still do that. Treeleaf just does two.

                          I tried to write up the Rakusu procedure as shown in the video linked below. I used the Treeleaf chant book for the chants.

                          I have seen to slight variants on the Robe verse. Some times the last line is
                          Vowing to save all sentient beings
                          Vowing to free all sentient beings

                          So I included them both.

                          I tried to create something that wasn't too long and included the Heart Sutra.

                          Once a week I also do Metta.

                          Anyway, let me know if something looks wrong or misplaced or needs to be added.

                          Once I get some feedback, I'll write this up as Word file and PDF if people are interested.

                          Gassho, Shinshi



                          Stand in Shashu outside the of the doorway

                          Step in with left foot, at left side of doorway

                          Gassho at the doorway toward the Buddha in their room

                          Walk in Shashu to Alter/Zafu (clockwise – following contour of room)

                          Arrange cushion

                          Bow three times
                          • Towards Alter - Buddha (turn clockwise)
                          • Towards Room – Sangha (turn clockwise)
                          • Towards Zafu – Dharma Sit Facing Alter

                          Put on Rakusu
                          • Remove Rakusu from its envelope
                          • Touch Rakusu to forehead, then place on head

                          Recite Robe Verse (Takkesage)
                          English (3x)
                          • Robe of Liberation boundless
                          • Field beyond both form and formless
                          • Wearing the Tathagata's Teachings
                          • Vowing to (free) save all sentient beings
                          Or Japanese (3x)
                          • Dai sai geda puku
                          • Muso fukuden e
                          • Hi bu nyorai kyo
                          • Kodo sho shu jo

                          Rakusu (con’t)
                          • Bow forward, take Rakusu touch forehead three times
                          • Unfold,
                          • Touch Maneki to lips
                          • Touch Maneki to forehead three times
                          • Put on Rakusu

                          Light Incense

                          Ring Bell three times

                          Recite Heart Sutra (English)

                          A/vo/lo/ki/tes/va/ra/ Bo/dhi/satt/va/, A/wa/kened/ One/ of/ Com/pas/sion/,
                          In/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/, the/Deep/ Prac/tice/ of/ Per/fect/ Wis/dom/ ◎
                          Per/ceived/ the/ emp/ti/ness/ of /all /ለve /con/di/tions/,
                          And/ was/ free/ of/ suf/fer/ing/.
                          O/ Sha/ri/pu/tra/, form/ is/ no/ o/ther/ than/ emp/ti/ness/,
                          Emp/ti/ness/ no/ o/ther/ than/ form/;
                          Form/ is/ pre/cise/ly/ emp/ti/ness/, emp/ti/ness/ pre/cise/ly/ form/.
                          Sen/sa/tions/, per/cep/tions/, for/ma/tions/ and/ con/scious/ness/ are/ al/so/ like/ this/.
                          O/ Sha/ri/pu/tra/, all/ things/ are/ ex/pres/sions/ of/ emp/ti/ness/,
                          Not/ born/, not/ des/troyed/, not/ stained/, not/ pure/;
                          Nei/ther/ wax/ing/ nor/ wan/ing/.
                          Thus/ emp/ti/ness/ is/ not/ form/; not/ sen/sa/tion/ nor/ per/cep/tion/,
                          Not/ for/ma/tion/ nor/ con/scious/ness/.
                          No/ eye/, ear/, nose/, tongue/, bo/dy/, mind/;
                          No/ sight/, sound/, smell/, taste/, touch/, nor/ ob/ject/ of/ mind/;
                          No/ realm/ of/ sight/, no/ realm/ of/ con/scious/ness/;
                          No/ ig/no/rance/, no/ end/ to/ ig/no/rance/;
                          No/ old/ age/ and/ death/,
                          No/ ces/sa/tion/ of/ old/ age/ and/ death/;
                          No/ suf/fer/ing/, nor/ cause/ or/ end/ to/ suf/fer/ing/;
                          No/ path/, no/ wis/dom/ and/ no/ gain/.
                          No/ gain/ – thus/ Bod/dhi/satt/vas/ live/ this/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/ ◎
                          With/ no/ hin/drance/ of/ mind/ –
                          No/ hin/drance/ there/fore/ no/ fear/.
                          Far/ be/yond/ all/ de/lu/sion/, Nir/va/na/ is/ al/rea/dy/ here/.
                          All/ past/, pre/sent/ and/ fu/ture/ Budd/has/
                          Live/ this/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/ ◎
                          And/ re/al/ize/ su/preme/ and/ com/plete/ en/light/en/ment/.
                          There/fore/ know/ that/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/
                          Is/ the/ sac/red/ man/tra/, the/ lu/min/ous/ man/tra/,
                          the/ sup/reme/ man/tra/, the/ in/com/pa/ra/ble/ man/tra/
                          by/ which/ all/ suf/fe/ring/ is/ clear/.
                          This/ is/ no/ o/ther/ than/ Truth/.
                          There/fore/ set/ forth/ the/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/ man/tra/.
                          Set/ forth/ this/ man/tra/ and/ pro/claim/: ◎

                          Gate! Gate! (Already Gone, Gone)
                          Paragate! (Already Gone Beyond)
                          Parasamgate! (Already Fully Beyond)
                          Bodhi! Svaha (So-wah-kah)! ◎ (Awakening, Rejoice)

                          3 prostrations

                          Turn to sit facing wall


                          Recite: Verse of Atonement:
                          • All harmful acts, words and thoughts, ever committed by me since of old,
                          • On account of beginningless greed, anger and ignorance,
                          • Born of my body, mouth and mind,
                          • Now I atone for them all

                          Recite: Four Vows (to be recited 3x, vibrant on the second, soft on the third time):
                          • To save all sentient beings, though beings numberless
                          • To transform all delusions, though delusions inexhaustible
                          • To perceive Reality, though Reality is boundless
                          • To attain the Enlightened Way, a Way non-attainable

                          Remove Rakusu
                          • Touch Rakusu/Maneki to forehead three times
                          • Touch once to lips
                          • Fold
                          • Place in Envelope

                          Stand up

                          Bow three times
                          • Towards Alter - Buddha
                          • Towards Room - Sangha
                          • Towards Zafu - Dharma

                          Walk out of room, in Shashu, walking clockwise

                          Gassho at doorway

                          Step out of room with left foot, standing to the left of the doorway

                          Some basic decorum and procedures for entering and sitting in your Zendo at home. Also, some instructions on Kinhin "Walking Zazen". Yuriko the cat stops by to help us too. :) Remember: recording ends soon after the beginning bells; a sitting time of 15 minutes to 35
                          Last edited by Jundo; 04-27-2023, 02:32 AM.
                          空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi

                          For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
                          ​— Shunryu Suzuki

                          E84I - JAJ


                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41199

                            Hi Shinshi,

                            It seems lovely and respectful of Traditions, and also (most importantly) seems to resonate in your heart as the way of Shinshiji (Shinshi Temple). Lovely.

                            I am sure that you are also adding the procedures for the straightening the Zafu with three fingers, Gassho, turn clockwise and Gassho, yes?

                            Some basic decorum and procedures for entering and sitting in your Zendo at home. Also, some instructions on Kinhin "Walking Zazen". Yuriko the cat stops by to help us too. :) Remember: recording ends soon after the beginning bells; a sitting time of 15 minutes to 35

                            Also, saving is rescuing is freeing. You can just pick one word that resonates with you, and use that, rather than two words.

                            Gassho, Jundo

                            Last edited by Jundo; 01-29-2018, 04:55 AM.
                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Ryudo
                              • Nov 2015
                              • 424

                              Originally posted by Shinshi
                              Hi Shinshi,

                              Unfortunately acces to this folder is denied..

                              Thank you for your kind efforts.

                              Gassho, Ryudo
                              Ryū Dou


                              • Jundo
                                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                                • Apr 2006
                                • 41199

                                Hi Shinshi,

                                You are more organized than me about daily sitting! I am rather casual when on my own. Each person must find their own style. When on my own, I am more a Rakusu on (with Verse), fluff the Cushion, Bow-turn-Bow, and Sit kinda fella. Other folks like to maintain the formality of sitting in a Zendo during Zazenkai, which is good too.

                                We are about to cut a film on procedures for the Zendo during a formal Zazenkai. This will be helpful if I forget something.

                                Thank you, lovely.

                                Gassho, Jundo

                                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE

