[Engaged] Engaged Practice: I agree....Whats Next?

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  • Jakuden
    • Jun 2015
    • 6141

    Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.

    With Texas roots and national reach, RAICES models a welcoming nation by fighting for the freedoms of immigrant, refugee, and asylum-seeking people and families.

    Info here:

    This organization, RAICES, is garnering huge support for legal representation, counseling, etc. for these families! The website I think has crashed from the traffic but you can donate through the facebook page!



    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41160

      Well, it looks like all the petitions and phone calls from Treeleafers worked! :-) In fact, in the wide and interconnected world, all the little drops of water coming together make an ocean current. Thank you to all who took some steps.

      It worked, but only a little and only for now. Of course, none of this solves the many many problems faced by refugees at the US border or worldwide, nor of the societies that need to figure out how best to respond. These separated families were just the surface eruption, not the underlying and chronic disease which must be addressed. Our responsibility, as individuals and as members of groups ... and as Buddhists ... continues.

      There are humane, effective and rational systems which can be developed to deal with this better, admitting those who would add and contribute to our societies We Americans (even the native Americans at some point in the past) are all the children of immigrants ourselves.

      Gassho, J

      Last edited by Jundo; 06-21-2018, 06:42 AM.


      • Shoka
        • May 2014
        • 2370

        Hi all,

        I think this is a great reminder that as Jundo said, "all the little drops of water coming together make an ocean current."

        In less than 24 hours the current completely changed. It is amazing to see that.

        For those who were able to take some action thank you, every drop matters. For those who felt like they couldn't do anything, please know that lending support and encouragement to those who are affected or taking action is help and taking action.

        Thanks to everyone who took sometime to look into this problem, engage with it, and take some action.




        • Mp

          Hey folks,

          Yes this is wonderful news that Trump has changed his stance (even though he was the one who started it), but sadly his actions have had and will have a ripple effect. Listening to the news this morning there is little hope that the children affected will be connected back to their parents (as most of them will or have already been deported). Most if not all the children do not speak English and nor do they have a strong grasp (due to their age and language gap) to tell someone the identifying characteristics of their parents.

          It is wonderful to see how the world came together in support and changed happened. However, this should have never happened in the first place ... it is very sad.




          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41160

            Originally posted by Shingen
            ... Listening to the news this morning there is little hope that the children affected will be connected back to their parents (as most of them will or have already been deported). Most if not all the children do not speak English and nor do they have a strong grasp (due to their age and language gap) to tell someone the identifying characteristics of their parents.
            Is this true? That can't be. I have trouble to believe this even in this mess. Where did you read this?

            I am sure that this will become clear in the coming days as to whether it is true or not.

            Gassho, J



            • Mp

              Originally posted by Jundo
              Is this true? That can't be. I have trouble to believe this even in this mess. Where did you read this?

              I am sure that this will become clear in the coming days as to whether it is true or not.

              Gassho, J

              Yes, I heard it today both on the CBC radio programs "On the Island" and "The Current". I will keep looking for the transcripts for "On The Island", but here is the one for "The Current" (https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/...ript-1.4716032).

              Yes, things will in time become more clear, but this is still a huge issue. One immigration lawyer was very concerned with this, but we will have to see how things unfold in the coming days and weeks.

              I myself hope this is not the case ... but it is a very worrying position.




              • Jakuden
                • Jun 2015
                • 6141

                They are shipping these children all over. A group of young boys were seen and photographed at LaGuardia airport in NY, in the dark. A couple of major airlines have declared they will not transport them, but some have already gone and it may take time to implement. I believe Delta will still fly them. No doubt it’s going to be impossible to get all these kids and parents back together.


                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 41160

                  It is also worth noting that Wednesday was the International Day of the Refugee. It is said that there are 69 million displaced persons worldwide.

                  World Refugee Day is an international observance dedicated to raising awareness about the plight of refugees and displaced people around the world. It is a

                  The following is offered as "citizen (and an immigrant myself)" not "Zen teacher" ...

                  Politics is preventing us from establishing rational, effective systems to deal with the problems of refugees and illegal immigration. I very much believe (being raised in Miami, a city of refugees from the Caribbean and elsewhere) that most people wish to come, work hard and have a good life. They aid the economy, they often do the jobs that others are unwilling to do. The vast, vast majority live peacefully, work hard and contribute to the economy and society. Such people should be welcomed, as my own ancestors were welcomed (and I am welcomed as a foreigner in Japan).

                  However, in return such people must be honest and work hard. Any arrest and conviction for a felony, especially a violent felony, should mean immediate and final deportation after punishment, one strike and you are out. (I just read that, despite claims otherwise from the White House, the crime rate in Germany is the lowest in decades despite high immigration rates: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/w...ner-question-2 ) They must actively work or seek work, and not merely collect social services without such effort or other extenuating circumstances. They must attempt to learn the local language and abide by local customs (while the surrounding society also recognizes and honors freedom of religion and cherishes some cultural diversity).

                  At the border, there should be stations to welcome certain types of individuals: People who pass a health test, demonstrate a physical ability to work, provide some evidence of refugee status if applying as a refugee (that they are fleeing legitimate violence), and can show someone in the welcoming country willing to sponsor them (a family member or potential employer seeking workers). They would be issued an identity card which they must always carry, and which must be shown to receive social services or upon police request together with proof of current employment or active seeking of work via employment offices (In Japan, I must comply as a foreigner and non-refugee alien with all of these requirements). With modern technology, place a locator chip in the card so that their location can be established (they are guests in the country, not citizens, so civil rights are more limited), and if they are ever found to not be carrying the card then they are subject to detention. Allow a path to citizenship or permanent residence after 10 years of clean living in the country. Set a high quota each year for number of people admitted, and establish procedures in the home countries for people to meet these tests legally before they must make the terrible journeys at the hands of bandits and smugglers.

                  Others who fail to comply with these standards would not not be admitted or will be deported when found.

                  It is really not so complicated. It is not perfect, and also (and unavoidably) harsh in aspects, but better than the present situation.

                  Furthermore, we must do all we can to improve the situation, economically and through other assistance, in countries of origin.

                  Most refugees and other immigrants eventually blend in to the local culture, by the way, especially those raised there from childhood. The numbers coming to Europe and the US seem very large but are actually a small percentage compared to the native population and not that much more than immigration rates in prior generations. People of the past were also quite mobile and fluid. In America, hard to find many people all of whose ancestors were there 150 years ago.

                  That is my too simple, too imperfect plan. However, I am not a politician.

                  Peace, Jundo (citizen and immigrant to another country, not Zen teacher, on this issue)

                  Last edited by Jundo; 06-22-2018, 01:36 AM.
                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Jakuden
                    • Jun 2015
                    • 6141

                    What you have written here is pretty much exactly what my grandparents had to go through on Ellis Island! My grandfather was 15 and came over alone. Applied and was approved for citizenship some years later.


                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41160

                      Originally posted by Shingen
                      Yes, I heard it today both on the CBC radio programs "On the Island" and "The Current". I will keep looking for the transcripts for "On The Island", but here is the one for "The Current" (https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/...ript-1.4716032).

                      Yes, things will in time become more clear, but this is still a huge issue. One immigration lawyer was very concerned with this, but we will have to see how things unfold in the coming days and weeks.

                      I myself hope this is not the case ... but it is a very worrying position.


                      Well, yep, the situation seems to be chaos on reuniting the existing parents and children. Hopefully, this will be quickly remedied.

                      CNN’s Erin Burnett breaks down the Trump administration’s scramble to reverse its own practice of separating immigrant families at the US-Mexico border.

                      I also wonder with some puzzlement at this coat (true story) that Mrs. Trump wore today to visit the children and afterward, a very strange choice. Very strange:

                      First lady Melania Trump took a trip to the US-Mexico border on Thursday to tour an immigrant children’s shelter, but her trip is getting attention not only for her action, but also for her wardrobe choice before and after the journey.

                      Gassho, J

                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • Sekishi
                        Dharma Transmitted Priest
                        • Apr 2013
                        • 5673

                        Originally posted by Jundo
                        Well, yep, the situation seems to be chaos on reuniting the existing parents and children. Hopefully, this will be quickly remedied.
                        Unfortunately what I’ve been reading from activist groups since last week it seems pretty clear that either planning for eventual re-uniting or families was poor, or willfully omitted.

                        I’ve tried to remain optimistic, but we are seeing this echoed now by mainstream media sources. Some children may never be reunited with their families. It is infuriating and heartbreaking.

                        I will be out on the streets on June 30. Maybe sooner too.

                        Originally posted by Jundo
                        Time to make a shirt that says simply “I do care.”

                        Deep bows and some tears,

                        Sent from my Tricorder using Tapatalk Pro
                        Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                        • Anka
                          • Mar 2017
                          • 202

                          Hello all,

                          The political climate in the United States has made me do much reanalyzing lately. I have read articles and listened to individuals on both sides of the spectrum and have come to one conclusion.

                          Each side feel they are doing the correct thing. This feeling is backed by the ideals and ideas that are heavily ingrained in them by the media they consume, the people they interact with, and their childhood.

                          From this side the policies enacted against illegal immigrants seems cruel and unjustified. However, people who lean toward the conservative side see the policies as necessary to protect their lifestyles and those they care about.

                          Please remember that all people are victims of delusion and the monster humanity created called politics. All these political issues can be studied from hundreds of vantage points and each one leads to a solution. However, everything is a trade off. There is no solution that will make everyone happy.

                          James F

                          Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


                          • Jakuden
                            • Jun 2015
                            • 6141

                            Michael Avenatti is trying to get the hashtag "#singlestagingareanow" trending on Twitter, urging to reunite the families and children in a single area like a stadium before the problem gets worse. Just go to twitter and retweet the hashtag.



                            • Mp

                              Originally posted by Jundo
                              Is this true? That can't be. I have trouble to believe this even in this mess. Where did you read this?

                              I am sure that this will become clear in the coming days as to whether it is true or not.

                              Gassho, J

                              Here is just another example of what I also heard and shared. This is horrible to hear and even sadder to know that will most likely be the outcome. Please listen from mark 5:50:




                              • Eishuu

                                Originally posted by Shingen
                                Here is just another example of what I also heard and shared. This is horrible to hear and even sadder to know that will most likely be the outcome. Please listen from mark 5:50:


                                This is awful. I think it's interesting that the guy who was interviewed about whether it was inhumane made it very clear that he was 'just doing his job' and took no moral responsibility for his actions. I hope there are ways we can keep up the pressure so that something is put in place to reunite families. I hope the media doesn't go quiet on this now.


