[EcoDharma] ECO-Life
Last night it really hit me as to how much "stuff" my wife and I have, our house is literally full of items that we never use, or nearly never use. I think it may be time to get rid of a few things! We often talk together about simplifying and downsizing what we own, and yet we never seem to get around to doing it. You post may be the motivation I need to finally get rid of a few things!
Thank you, Kyonin, for your post.
Sat today/LAH怠努 (Tai Do) - Lazy Effort
(also known as Mateus)
禅戒一如 (Zen Kai Ichi Nyo) - Zazen and the Precepts are One!Comment
Beautiful example Kyonin. I agree with Doshin - if everyone lived like that we'd not need to talk about eco-life.
Thank you everyone for all the good ideas! It's concerning how ineffective commercial recycling is in many places - didn't realize how bad it was. I try to focus on reducing consumption and re-using things myself as much as possible. It's pretty easy to pick up a steel water bottle or fabric shopping bags to cut down waste. It's fun to take old clothes and turn them into cleaning cloths, mops, or rugs.
It has taken me years to figure out what I need and clear out most of the extra stuff. Its a continual process to carefully choose what to bring in and how to fully use what I have. I barely have anything that doesn't provide significant value to my life. I have more than 100 things, but I am inspired by seeing how little we really need to live. Everyone has different life circumstances, eco-life will look different depending on regional climate, local laws, family and work situation, health, wealth, and many other factors. Every bit we can do counts.
I only have a few needs. Some clothing, some food, some shelter, some medicine. Add in things necessary to to make a living (computer, phone, office supplies, tools), transportation (a used bicycle and used motorcycle, no public transportation here), household supplies (kitchenware, wash basin, soap), some books, and odds and ends and that's it.
Most of my clothing is patched and mended. I try to choose simple durable items that will wear well and look ok if patched or re-dyed to hide stains. I wash my clothes by hand with a little dish soap and hang them out to dry in the sun. I have enough to wear for a couple weeks as during the monsoon season it can be a while in-between sunny days. I have more than I need as people keep giving me clothing.I recently went through a couple of boxes of old stuff and found a couple old pairs of pants and some t-shirts - I'm set for another couple years before I'll need anything more. Old clothing gets recycled into wash cloths, rugs, etc. My zafu is made from a pair of pants.
I cook using firewood I collect off the side of the road. This wood would be burned to clear the brush along the road, so there is no additional pollution caused by my actions. By removing the wood I reduce the risk of forest fires during the dry season. Sure is hard work though.
My house is very small (2.5x3 m). I built it myself out of local bamboo. We only have well water and solar power. I'm working on a rain gutter to collect rainwater. Our waste water (along with food scraps and other waste) go back to the soil for our trees and plants. It's all simple but my wife and I love it. I'm very glad to have a partner who is willing to live a simple contented life with me. I'm spoiled to live like this. It's usually not convenient, but it is very liberating. I hope to continue this life until I die.
Thank you all for your efforts to preserve our earth!
Sat南 - Southern
林 - ForestComment
By way of an update - inspired by this thread we've conducted a bit of an audit on our plastic usage. As I've said we've switched from plastic to glass milk bottles. Having a toddler who drinks a lot of milks means this is a big reduction in the amount of plastic we've been recycling. Next up is food packaging and I think buying our vegetables from local markets rather than supermarkets will make a big difference, as well as helping keep the money we spend local.
Another area is clothing. Fast fashion is rightfully making the news here in the UK so we're trying buy far fewer new clothes and more second hand clothing or at least better quality, longer lasting clothing when needed.
And Meitou - Sardinia is such a beautiful island. I was there for 10 days last summer and had my honeymoon there a few years back so it will always have a special place for me.
Thank you all for your contributions, this is really inspiring.
Thank you everyone for keeping this going while I've been away and with such inspiring posts.
Kyonin, you are an inspiration. This is exactly the kind of lifestyle that I aspire to and I hope to get nearer to fulfilling that in time.
Today I took the Extinction Rebellion pledge not to buy any new clothes for a year - this is not just about ugly and unnecessary consumerism, but about how land that could be used to grow food to feed people is instead being used to grow cotton to satisfy our endless and overwhelming demand for fashionable new clothes. I was very proud of myself on my visit to the UK not to fall prey to the temptation of Primark - Neil and other Brits will know what I mean!
Please keep the ideas and good practices coming, I'm finding a lot of inspiration in this thread and I hope others are too.
Oh and Neil I'm so glad you loved this beautiful island - in fact as we are fairly isolated and imported goods are very expensive, this is an ideal place to try to live a simpler life.
Neil thank you for your lovely comments about Sardinia, this is a good place to live a more simple life. I'm in Alghero, did you visit this area?命 Mei - life
島 Tou - islandComment
Although not of our tradition, I really enjoyed this article in Tricycle about a Theravada Forest Tradition monastery which has been established in BC Canada by Ajahn Sona, a monk somewhat ahead of his time in his dedication to nature and eco dharma. I particularly liked his stories about his early 'pioneering days', but doubt he misses them!
After years of practice on a shoestring budget in the Canadian wilderness, Ajahn Sona has established Sitavana Monastery as a refuge and model of ecological mindfulness.
satwithyoualltodaylah命 Mei - life
島 Tou - islandComment
Although not of our tradition, I really enjoyed this article in Tricycle about a Theravada Forest Tradition monastery which has been established in BC Canada by Ajahn Sona, a monk somewhat ahead of his time in his dedication to nature and eco dharma. I particularly liked his stories about his early 'pioneering days', but doubt he misses them!
After years of practice on a shoestring budget in the Canadian wilderness, Ajahn Sona has established Sitavana Monastery as a refuge and model of ecological mindfulness.
Although not of our tradition, I really enjoyed this article in Tricycle about a Theravada Forest Tradition monastery which has been established in BC Canada by Ajahn Sona, a monk somewhat ahead of his time in his dedication to nature and eco dharma. I particularly liked his stories about his early 'pioneering days', but doubt he misses them!
After years of practice on a shoestring budget in the Canadian wilderness, Ajahn Sona has established Sitavana Monastery as a refuge and model of ecological mindfulness.
Sat today and lah泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful WoodsComment
Thank you everyone for keeping this going while I've been away and with such inspiring posts.
Kyonin, you are an inspiration. This is exactly the kind of lifestyle that I aspire to and I hope to get nearer to fulfilling that in time.
Today I took the Extinction Rebellion pledge not to buy any new clothes for a year - this is not just about ugly and unnecessary consumerism, but about how land that could be used to grow food to feed people is instead being used to grow cotton to satisfy our endless and overwhelming demand for fashionable new clothes. I was very proud of myself on my visit to the UK not to fall prey to the temptation of Primark - Neil and other Brits will know what I mean!
Please keep the ideas and good practices coming, I'm finding a lot of inspiration in this thread and I hope others are too.
Oh and Neil I'm so glad you loved this beautiful island - in fact as we are fairly isolated and imported goods are very expensive, this is an ideal place to try to live a simpler life.
Neil thank you for your lovely comments about Sardinia, this is a good place to live a more simple life. I'm in Alghero, did you visit this area?
We nearly visited Alghero but the first time opted for a few days in Cagliari then 10 days or so down the coast in Pula. The second time we were at a wedding on the east Coast near Siniscola but did make it up in the mountains to Nuoro, I think. If we visit again it will definitely include Alghero!
On the Eco front we're now looking at how we can remove plastic from the bathroom - bamboo toothbrushes, shampoo bars rather than bottles are a few easy wins, I think.
I have a neighbor who has turned about half of their front yard into the most lovely garden. I love walking by in the evening and seeing all her veggies coming up. It is truly amazing, because I tried for a couple years to grow herbs in my front yard and they kept getting destroyed by stray cats. If I see her out working the garden I always comment on how nice it is, because I know it's an odd type of front yard to have.
Seeing it the other night it reminded me of this family, who turned their house into an urban homestead. They live on a normal size lot in southern California and are able to produce all the vegetables they eat, and have enough extra to sell to people. While I don't think I'm going to quit my day job to do urban homesteading, it is interesting to see what can be accomplished in small places.
Remember "one raindrop raises the sea"; any small step makes a difference.
I have a neighbor who has turned about half of their front yard into the most lovely garden. I love walking by in the evening and seeing all her veggies coming up. It is truly amazing, because I tried for a couple years to grow herbs in my front yard and they kept getting destroyed by stray cats. If I see her out working the garden I always comment on how nice it is, because I know it's an odd type of front yard to have.
Seeing it the other night it reminded me of this family, who turned their house into an urban homestead. They live on a normal size lot in southern California and are able to produce all the vegetables they eat, and have enough extra to sell to people. While I don't think I'm going to quit my day job to do urban homesteading, it is interesting to see what can be accomplished in small places.
Remember "one raindrop raises the sea"; any small step makes a difference.
I am starting small with herbs, but I am trying again! We have also started to be more eco-conscious in our home- less meat, re-assessing what we use and don’t use, recycling with more consistancy, etc.
Thank you for renewing my commitment.
Sat/lah today
Sent from my iPad using TapatalkLast edited by krissydear; 07-31-2019, 07:10 PM.Thank you for teaching me.
I am very much a beginner and appreciate any words you may give me.Comment
Shoka, that is amazing, it's so beautiful as well, truly inspiring. I'm definitely going to try harder next year with growing veg in pots and containers.
Talking of vegetables, I've just finished a plant based week of eating as part of a Vegan Society initiative, and today I've just seen another project for three weeks vegan eating in September. I'm being made increasingly and uncomfortably aware of the negative impact on the environment I'm having by eating animal products, and also today an article about vegetarianism and Buddhism ( yes that old chestnut) also pricked my conscience. My problem is that whenever I try plant based eating, it doesn't seem to agree with me, carbs seem to have a bad effect on me. I'm just wondering if anyone here has any advice regarding this - I keep seeing people saying how healthy they feel on a plant based diet, yet there's my experience, not feeling healthy and putting on weight too. Ugh, what am I doing wrong?!
sattodaylah命 Mei - life
島 Tou - islandComment
I have a neighbor who has turned about half of their front yard into the most lovely garden. I love walking by in the evening and seeing all her veggies coming up. It is truly amazing, because I tried for a couple years to grow herbs in my front yard and they kept getting destroyed by stray cats. If I see her out working the garden I always comment on how nice it is, because I know it's an odd type of front yard to have.
Seeing it the other night it reminded me of this family, who turned their house into an urban homestead. They live on a normal size lot in southern California and are able to produce all the vegetables they eat, and have enough extra to sell to people. While I don't think I'm going to quit my day job to do urban homesteading, it is interesting to see what can be accomplished in small places.
Remember "one raindrop raises the sea"; any small step makes a difference.
Just to be a little tangential - the picture reminded me of a TV show from the 70s/80s (yes I am old) that ran on PBS here in the US. It was called Good Neighbors here and The Good Life in the UK where is was shot and filmed. The premise was that a person who had a successful career as a plastics designer (toys) decided to give it all up and become self sustaining on his home in a wealthy suburb in the UK. His neighbors weren't happy.My recollection was that his yard looked much like your picture.
I guess the show was a bit ahead of its time.
Gassho, Shinshi
SaT-LaH空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi
For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
— Shunryu Suzuki
E84I - JAJComment