7/2 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Ananda

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  • Myozan Kodo
    Friend of Treeleaf
    • May 2010
    • 1901

    Re: 7/2 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Ananda

    This week's Koan (if you will) seems to me to be about mediating reality too much through theory. The learned Ananda carries within him the entire teachings (verbatim) of the Tagatha. Yet all this learning does not constitute full realisation. For that, a direct perception of reality must occur: something that knocks over and uproots all the debate and theory of a life devoted to mastering the sutras. So, I think this transmission is like a restating of the flower transmission (I suspect all the transmissions we encounter on this journey will have a similar kernel of truth): that this is about a direct experience of reality, rather than merely pointing at it.

    However, as sutras are written in words, obviously words have value. Zen, therefore, is not entirely anti-intellectual, as it is often claimed.

    However, to experience Tokyo fully, you ultimately have to take your head out of the guide book and have a look around you.

    That's my yen's worth on Ananda.




    • Seishin the Elder
      • Oct 2009
      • 521

      Re: 7/2 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Ananda

      I read this section and reviewed it as one of my Greek philosophy professors made us view everything; Apolonian vs. Dionysian experience of wisdom or knowledge. The Apolonian being akin to Ananda with his erudite mind and ability to recreate the talks of the Buddha, even down to his gestures; and the Dionysian as the spontaneous understanding of Mahakashyapa. When these two approaches are taken singly they will lead to enevitable conflict as is evidenced by the Schisms and the Reformation of the Christian Church, which incorporated Greek philosophy into its theology at an early age. That struggle is at the core of Western thinking even to today.

      The thing I kept thinking about as I read these sections was Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis. I maintained, and wrote a thesis for my degree, that this book served to illustrate that conflict and offer the solution. The Boss is purely Apolonian; a scholar, effete, removed from the world and alone in it. Zorba is Dionysius; earthy, emotional, always looking for someone to enjoy life with. One is of the mind, the other, the heart. After all the adventures and "glorious disasters" of the book, the Boss comes to seethat Zorbahad an understanding that he didn't, and Zorba saw that the Boss had an vision that could order things. They needed one another and so (in the wonderful Treeleaf tradition) they danced together. They united rather than fought one another.

      Ananda was still thinking separately form experience, thinking everything was held in "words". When Mahakashyapa told him to "Knock down the flagpole in front of the gate", Ananda was suddenly brought into the heart, which he had been distant from, and he was enlightened.

      We in the West really need to pay close attention to this particular message, since we tend to be more caught up in the rational mind. We need a healthy infusion of spirit and experience to balance it out and see the value of walking with two feet , and breathing with two lungs, as if they were one.


      Seishin Kyrill


      • chicanobudista
        • Mar 2008
        • 864

        Re: 7/2 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Ananda

        I am enjoying both books. HIxon's poetic discourse is very beautiful. Though, he reminds me of Jimmi Hendrix playing The National Anthem at Woodstock. His wording can get dense for me and wishing for just a riff like Fats Domino. :mrgreen:

        Flor de Nopal Sangha


        • Shohei
          • Oct 2007
          • 2854

          Re: 7/2 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Ananda

          Not much to add to whats already been said so well!

          "Clearly, if you want to investigate the True Way, abandon the false view of self, old emotions, pride, and egotism."

          Ananda had it all down pat, line for line, move for move- "dance instructions" ;D
          After 20 years but he was still just holding the instructions and repeating them..not dancing the dance at all.
          20 years later his inquisitiveness and dedication helped him to truly understand. Reading is important, however we must each come to an understanding of the teachings beyond the books, talks, podcasts, movies, blogs etc. through dedicated practice and, like Ananda, inquisitiveness.



          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41138

            Re: 7/2 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Ananda

            Originally posted by Shohei
            Ananda had it all down pat, line for line, move for move- "dance instructions" ;D
            After 20 years but he was still just holding the instructions and repeating them..not dancing the dance at all.
            20 years later his inquisitiveness and dedication helped him to truly understand. Reading is important, however we must each come to an understanding of the teachings beyond the books, talks, podcasts, movies, blogs etc. through dedicated practice and, like Ananda, inquisitiveness.

            I just want to post here something from another thread ...

            We read as a dance with the text ... not getting lost in the book "how to dance" ...

            ... or in the mechanics of the dance steps on the floor (although all that is helpful) ...

            .. .but just dancing ... reader, author, the movement and meaning ... all swept up in a dance.

            Have a good dance with Shakyamuni, Kashyapa, Ananda, Bodhidharma, Dogen, Hixon, Cook, etc. etc. . 8)


            • Jikyo
              • Jan 2009
              • 197

              Re: 7/2 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Ananda

              Thanks to all for your thoughtful, amusing, insightful, entertaining posts. I am enjoying reading them as well as both texts. Cook did it for me this week with "... do not look for the knocked-down flagpole outside of yourselves."

              Gassho, Jikyo


              • Rimon
                • May 2010
                • 309

                Re: 7/2 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Ananda

                How difficult is to tear down one's own pole! The more I think about it, or read about it, the stronger the pole turns out to be.
                Time to dance with zazen.


                Rimon Barcelona, Spain
                "Practice and the goal of practice are identical." [i:auj57aui]John Daido Loori[/i:auj57aui]


                • Fuken
                  • Sep 2006
                  • 435

                  Re: 7/2 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Ananda

                  The Surangama Sutra offers a quite a bit of insight into Ananda's practice. After having read that one, I get the idea that Ananda just kind of wore Mahakasyapa down...

                  Yours in Practice,
                  Yours in practice,
                  Jordan ("Fu Ken" translates to "Wind Sword", Dharma name givin to me by Jundo, I am so glad he did not name me Wind bag.)


                  • Shogen
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 301

                    Re: 7/2 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Ananda

                    The transmission of light was not bestowed upon Ananda it was finally recognized. Can anyone bestow the light of the Moon or rays of the Sun? Only the resulting growth from them can be seen. Gassho Shogen

