Zazen and the True Self ...
I am writing a book with an old friend, a theoretical physicist, in which he shoots out an idea from physics and I respond from a Zen point of view (not sure if the book will ever be finished, as we only have a few pages so far) ...
... but one idea we both kinda agree with is that, from one point of view, we are not just separate individuals. Whatever the universe is, that is the stuff that we are. As I put it in the book, when you sneeze, one way to look at it is that it is the universe sneezing with your nose (which is just the universe too). We are literally the universe come alive, the life of the party! An aspect of our Zen Practice is to get past our small self to realize such fact. Enjoy the Party!
Uchiyama Roshi may be a little fuzzy in nailing down what is this Universal Self ... but perhaps one has to be. The more one tries to stick a name and definition on it, the further one gets. If you try to call it Amida Buddha, God, Stanley, the Universe, Matter and Energy, Emptiness, True Mind, True Self, Universal Self ... well, you do an injustice. Best perhaps to say (in my opinion) that Zen Folks know some viewless view which is very Whole and Positive which is us and us just that.
Some people struggled in Chapter 1 with Uchiyama's statements such as "when you die, your universe goes with you", so I will briefly link to what I said there:
Remember that, as you read this book, it is the universe reading!
So, what does the universe have to say about this chapter?
Gassh, J
I am writing a book with an old friend, a theoretical physicist, in which he shoots out an idea from physics and I respond from a Zen point of view (not sure if the book will ever be finished, as we only have a few pages so far) ...
... but one idea we both kinda agree with is that, from one point of view, we are not just separate individuals. Whatever the universe is, that is the stuff that we are. As I put it in the book, when you sneeze, one way to look at it is that it is the universe sneezing with your nose (which is just the universe too). We are literally the universe come alive, the life of the party! An aspect of our Zen Practice is to get past our small self to realize such fact. Enjoy the Party!
Uchiyama Roshi may be a little fuzzy in nailing down what is this Universal Self ... but perhaps one has to be. The more one tries to stick a name and definition on it, the further one gets. If you try to call it Amida Buddha, God, Stanley, the Universe, Matter and Energy, Emptiness, True Mind, True Self, Universal Self ... well, you do an injustice. Best perhaps to say (in my opinion) that Zen Folks know some viewless view which is very Whole and Positive which is us and us just that.
Some people struggled in Chapter 1 with Uchiyama's statements such as "when you die, your universe goes with you", so I will briefly link to what I said there:
Remember that, as you read this book, it is the universe reading!
So, what does the universe have to say about this chapter?
Gassh, J