Treeleaf Angoperiod is coming up, in what ways can you devote yourself entirely to others, making yourself unknown?
Working with dogs is like second nature to me......I'm gone when I working with a dog. I can walk in where we have dogs and I just start teaching them....we use clicker training. I don't even think about it, I just start doing it. There are many...many wonderful teachers I could talk about. The dogs themselves being teachers....and people who I have run into who have had losses in their lives who, instead of focusing on themselves, they work with these animals to help them.
There is a "gotcha" with all of this. People talk about me and how "great I am with the dogs." I must watch my ego not getting the better of me and, instead of becoming unknown, I become inflated! "Look at me....look at me!" "Wow am I not wonderful and so talented!" I think I'll sit with this for a bit.