So our Ango is finished now, and our Rohatsu Retreat, while our Jukai Ceremony draws near. I've received some comments from folks, as I do every year:
Many people say how wonderful Ango and Rohatsu have been, but, also, some feel a bit of "post-Ango Angst," Rohatsu regrets, low on their supply of Jukai Juice!
The little Talk during this week's Zazenkai was about that.
This Practice is a moment by moment hike in the hills, not a sprint or a race to a goal line of any kind.
Gassho, J
Many people say how wonderful Ango and Rohatsu have been, but, also, some feel a bit of "post-Ango Angst," Rohatsu regrets, low on their supply of Jukai Juice!

The little Talk during this week's Zazenkai was about that.
This Practice is a moment by moment hike in the hills, not a sprint or a race to a goal line of any kind.
Gassho, J