April 15th-16th Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai

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  • Jika
    • Jun 2014
    • 1337

    Thank you all.

    I have not found a sit-along on dancing the Heart Sutra, I would enjoy having one.
    (Yes, I've listened to the explanation, but I'd love to have more information why we do this, gathered in one place.)

    I'm always torn between many thoughts and emotions when we dance (which makes it a good practice).
    It feels good to fool around with friends (that's what I do, I can't dance and have never liked dancing).
    But I'm always hoping no "outsider" is watching. Prostrations and sitting still are hard to explain, but this?
    Are we trying to be "modern"?
    Is this meant to be the same as placing diapers or controversial pictures on the altar?
    Do you guys just like dancing while, sorry, I don't?
    Shouldn't we wear acid green rakusu on these occasions? I'm not being provocative, only confused where tradition is better kept, or intentionally broken.
    (Is it broken by dancing? Well, I'm not into this kind of music. Could someone please, please do a rock music or punk version?)

    I drink tea with friends who like tea, and coffee with friends who like coffee.
    So, I'll rave the Heart Sutra with friends who like doing so.

    Sorry for raving

    治 Ji
    花 Ka


    • Ryo Do
      • Dec 2015
      • 30

      Just sat with the recording. Thank you!

      Ryo Do



      • Deirdre
        • Sep 2015
        • 46

        Sat (and danced!) with the recording this morning. Metta to all.


        - Deirdre


        • Gokai
          • Feb 2016
          • 209

          Thank you for this Zazenkai, i was with you same hours later.
          Thank you Jundo for the talk about dance, life and everything.
          Gassho, David
          David Cravidão Lopes Pereira


          • Jishin
            • Oct 2012
            • 4823

            Hi Jika,

            I no longer drink. When I drank I enjoyed dancing. When in Rome do as the Romans do so I danced sober and without rhythm.

            Gasho, Jishin, _/st\_


            • Jundo
              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
              • Apr 2006
              • 41199

              Originally posted by Jika
              But I'm always hoping no "outsider" is watching. Prostrations and sitting still are hard to explain, but this?
              Are we trying to be "modern"?
              Is this meant to be the same as placing diapers or controversial pictures on the altar?
              Do you guys just like dancing while, sorry, I don't?
              Shouldn't we wear acid green rakusu on these occasions? I'm not being provocative, only confused where tradition is better kept, or intentionally broken.
              (Is it broken by dancing? Well, I'm not into this kind of music. Could someone please, please do a rock music or punk version?)
              Hi Jika,

              I would say we dance just to dance, because it is a fun and energetic way to celebrate ... but truly, it is nothing new. When I traveled to Tibet many years ago, I witnessed this kind of Buddhist dance ... (and please do not ask me to explain the significance) ... like whirling dervishes, no?

              In Tibetan Buddhism, ritual dances know as Cham are enacted by monks to bring blessings on the whole community. This video showing traditional Cham dancing in Tibet…

              And there is Baika, a kind of Buddhist hymm, that is a dance I would say. My Dharma Grandfather, Rempo Niwa Zenji, was a noted practitioner of Baika ...

              But if you want heavy metal, how's hard core? ... Kind of a contrast to the Baika!

              Gassho, J

              Last edited by Jundo; 04-16-2016, 01:11 PM.


              • Ryo Do
                • Dec 2015
                • 30

                Hi Jika,
                I can understand your feelings - every time my German zen teacher started doing things like tai chi or even massage in the middle of our one-week sesshin, I was like, Oh no, please, not again - just let me sit in peace and practice what I came here for to practice: zazen!
                And yet... I remember one particular evening when we were doing the evening chants and came to the one dedicated to Kannon Bodhisattva, our zen master gave out all sorts of percussion instruments and we happily banged away on them, repeating the "Emmei jiku kannon gyo" over and over and going ever faster... and louder... Still, one elder student obviously found this quite frivolous, took his zafu and zabuton and went out to sit outside, not without banging the zendo door first.
                As far as I know, although in Rinzai zen there is much emphasis on group discipline, nobody ever scolded him for this, his going to sit outside with his anger was in itself a complete act of reflection.
                And I don't know why, that time it felt right for me to celebrate the chant that way and so I did, and the last zazen that night was filled with enormous joy and energy!
                Since then, I do give it a try every time something like our Hannya shingyo dance comes my way.
                (Though it felt kind of strange hopping away on my own in front of my ipad...)

                Ryo Do

                satanddanced today (not two)


                • Washin
                  Senior Priest-in-Training
                  • Dec 2014
                  • 3840

                  Thank you everyone. Have just danced with you all.

                  Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
                  Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
                  I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
                  and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


                  • Jika
                    • Jun 2014
                    • 1337

                    Oh, Ryo Do, I've been thinking about how to build a simple kind of mokugyo!
                    Would not mind making a lot of noice with percussion

                    Jundo, the third one had me smiling and got a lot of head nodding

                    Given the average length of hair in the Sangha, head banging seems rather impractical, I'm afraid

                    Thank you all.
                    治 Ji
                    花 Ka


                    • Roland
                      • Mar 2014
                      • 232

                      Thank you for a beautiful opportunity to dance.



                      • Shurin
                        • Aug 2014
                        • 36

                        Sat with this today.




                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41199

                          Originally posted by Jika
                          Oh, Ryo Do, I've been thinking about how to build a simple kind of mokugyo!
                          Would not mind making a lot of noice with percussion
                          Hi Jika,

                          An ordinary rectangular piece of wood that has a good sound when struck with a mallet of some kind is a "mokugyo". It does not need to be shaped like a fish.

                          You really need to try them if ordering online, by the way. Some cheap little ones that have the right shape are clunky in sound, some are nice. I would just make one.

                          Gassho, J

                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • Washin
                            Senior Priest-in-Training
                            • Dec 2014
                            • 3840

                            I've been thinking about how to build a simple kind of mokugyo!
                            Hi Jika,

                            For a time I've used the small rectangular presswood base from the artificial flowers
                            and a wooden stick which produced a sound similar to a small mokugyo.

                            Now I'm using this one for our 'Sunday Sits' which I believe makes a good sound even if
                            it's cheap and small.
                            Style: high quality Buddhist Mokugyo Muyu from Dengfeng, China, location of Shaolin Temple. Here is the location of Shaolin Temple. Color: natural color of Camphorwood, transparent paint covered. We will always be here to help you.

                            Anyhow, I think with some handy stuff and bit of fantasy one can make a good mokugyo
                            No need in the expensive ones...

                            Last edited by Washin; 04-17-2016, 01:14 PM.
                            Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
                            Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
                            I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
                            and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


                            • Jika
                              • Jun 2014
                              • 1337

                              a lot of noice
                              Obviously, I thought noise would be nice!

                              Yes, the mallet is a problem too. A wooden spoon is probably not heavy enough, no? One day I'll build something.


                              PS Thank you, Washin. I'm always wondering what other people find/use. You seemed to have all doan equipment at hand, I was very impressed! Deep bows. CU/Hear you.
                              Last edited by Jika; 04-17-2016, 08:57 AM.
                              治 Ji
                              花 Ka


                              • Matt
                                • Oct 2012
                                • 497

                                Sitting this now.


