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  • Hotetsu
    • Jun 2014
    • 230

    Hi all. Hope you all had a wonderful Rohatsu. This weekend was really busy for me so I wasn't able to be with you. This coming weekend I plan on sitting to the recording. Much love and metta to you all!



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    Forever is so very temporary...


    • Myosha
      • Mar 2013
      • 2974

      Thanks to all.

      Myosha sat today
      "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


      • CK732
        • Aug 2015
        • 252

        The Rohatsu was amazing! Even with the non issues. I'll watch the almost "lost episode" to end it today [emoji23]

        I have never sat so long and of corse life happened - laundry can't wash its self; food can't cook it's self; floors don't mop themselves; even dad don't do things by himself. Jundo's words were in my head "sit with everything that happens, family, work, and a thing else at home and make it a part of the retreat" well, something like that anyway, haha. I sat, walked kinhin, and did everything else on breaks and even though I had to cut kinhin short and even a sitting I did everything mindfully (that was the difference).

        Thank you for everything that each of you did to make the Rohatsu the success that it was with or without the technical issues it was a success for me.

        Thank you everyone for being with me throughout the retreat we did it together and we was never alone.

        Deep bows to you all


        Clarisse Sat2Day

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        • CK732
          • Aug 2015
          • 252

          And I'm even ok with the autocorrect issues in the comment that I posted. Autocorrect don't like me, hahaha!



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          • Washin
            Senior Priest-in-Training
            • Dec 2014
            • 3840

            Hi everyone.

            This Rohatsu retreat was a great experience of mine indeed. It was really challening because I encountered some strange technical 'problems' (some of the live netcasts appeared to be without sound, so I had to simultaneously switch on the current recorded version which enabled me to listen to it with 20-30 seconds delay and find a middle way between the eye and the ear) and got sick right on the eve of the sesshin. Nevertheless I have somehow made it all along with no unit missed eventually. Now I've got a nice collection of the videos of sits and wonderful Dharma Talks that I'll be re-watching during the next weeks.

            Thank you Jundo, thank you all Unsui for organizing such a great event.
            Thank you all Treeleafers for practising together.

            Deep bows.

            sat today
            Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
            Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
            I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
            and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


            • RichardH
              • Nov 2011
              • 2800

              Day 1. Body/brain says: "oh, we're not on the hamster wheel. Must be sleepy time"

              Day 2. Body/brain says: "enough sleepy time, back on the hamster wheel!"

              .... crows cawed.... clocks ticked.

              Thank you and gassho.... need to catch up on one unit.

              sat today


              • CK732
                • Aug 2015
                • 252

                Originally posted by Daizan
                Day 1. Body/brain says: "oh, we're not on the hamster wheel. Must be sleepy time"

                Day 2. Body/brain says: "enough sleepy time, back on the hamster wheel!"

                .... crows cawed.... clocks ticked.

                Thank you and gassho.... need to catch up on one unit.

                sat today
                I had one clock that ticked so it spent both days in the bathroom with the door closed (except during showers). [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]


                Clarisse Sat2Day

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                • TenraiToo
                  • Sep 2015
                  • 21

                  Thanks everyone! My body is sore and I am happy about it!?!? This was my first Rohatsu Retreat and I shall do it again. Thanks to everyone!
                  Gassho to all sentient beings
                  Gassho to all the Inos
                  Gassho Jundo


                  • Gukan
                    • Nov 2015
                    • 194

                    Thank you all, especially Jundo and the unsui team who gave such good teachings and the tech team and everyone who had a role in putting the retreat together. And then thank you to all those who sat, on-screen and off - if you had told me a month ago I would feel the presence of a sangha so strongly when sitting 'on my own' at home I'd have thought you were crazy

                    What a joy to discover the wonders of samu, too. My bathroom tiles have never looked cleaner! I did, OF COURSE, put away all thoughts of attainment and notions of clean and dirty.... but I still made my kids gaze in wonder at the sparkle coming off the grout the next morning

                    Looking forward to next year already. Deep bows to you all.


                    sat today


                    • justdillon
                      • Jul 2015
                      • 21

                      Hey all,

                      I really do not know how I finished this thing last night. I was in excruciating pain every time I sat. I just reminded myself that there are others who experience worse pain everyday of their lives, and that sometimes you cannot escape from bad things. I want to thank all the priests, you really made this thing special, every talk was enlightening. And of course thank you Jundo and all who sat. I think that this zendo is one of the most awesome and unique things ever devised. To be able to sit a retreat at home was awesome.



                      • Shinzan
                        • Nov 2013
                        • 338

                        Thanks to all who sat, and will sit. The sessions ran seamlessly together. It was great to get to know our unsui better; they did a great job.
                        All's well that ends well. So much has happened since that sesshin closing ceremony in 2014, like water flowing downstream.
                        _/st\_ Shinzan
                        Last edited by Shinzan; 12-07-2015, 03:33 PM.


                        • Shoka
                          • May 2014
                          • 2370

                          Thank you to everyone who sat and will sit. Deep bows to Jundo and Unsui for making it all happen. It doesn't come together without dedication.

                          I would also like to thank the people in our lives who support our practice and allowed us to come together. Deep bows to the significant others, families and friends.

                          For me that is my better half, who planned his work ahead so he could give up the office for me to use. And when there was an emergency, he waited patiently for the ceremony to end before coming in the office. And also my dog who sat most of the retreat with us without trying to climb in my lap all day long. I think she learned a new trick, "Zazen" translation get on your chair and settle in.

                          Deep bows to all.



                          • Mp

                            Originally posted by Shoka
                            And also my dog who sat most of the retreat with us without trying to climb in my lap all day long.
                            Oh yes, I so know that. But my Bodhi I tell you ... he so now knows when the Verse of Atonement and the Four Vows are called, he is up like a shot. Too smart those little ones are.




                            • Sekishi
                              Dharma Transmitted Priest
                              • Apr 2013
                              • 5673

                              Originally posted by Shingen
                              Oh yes, I so know that. But my Bodhi I tell you ... he so now knows when the Verse of Atonement and the Four Vows are called, he is up like a shot. Too smart those little ones are.
                              Nine bows for our quadruped friends who bring such joy to our practice.

                              When the robe verse starts, Sunny appears from wherever he was snoozing to sit Zazen.

                              Also, he is a very willing "hungry ghost" for Oryoki. [emoji23]

                              Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                              • Anchi
                                • Sep 2015
                                • 556

                                Deep gratitude and bows to all !

                                With All Best Dharma Wishes !!

                                Life itself is the only teacher.
                                一 Joko Beck

                                安知 Anchi

