Zazenkai Survey: Questions for Our Regular Participants and Others

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  • Nindo

    1. no difference

    2. I like hearing the birds and that heater jingle. Sounds make me feel more like being in the same place.



    • Joyo

      1. the new time may make it a bit more inconvenient as that is right in the middle of when my kids go to bed, but I'm pretty sure I can still make it work

      2. I like the background noise, it makes it feel like we are more together

      sat today


      • Theophan
        • Nov 2014
        • 146

        Greetings Jundo,
        6 PM (PDT)would work better for me. I want to start sitting live. Up to now I watched the taped Zazenkai sessions, etc.
        I don't have a preference on muting, or not muting your microphone during zazen.

        sat today


        • Ishin
          • Jul 2013
          • 1359


          The change makes it more convenient for me. We often have family activities going on on Fridays which makes it difficult for me to get here to sit, but 9pm allows me to do both.

          I do not support muting the microphone. It feels more live and yes together as Joyo says, and I think dealing with the realities that are "life" while sitting is good practice. It isn't escapism is it?

          Sat Today!
          Grateful for your practice


          • Kyotai

            Change in time would be slightly better for me. I like the birds in the background. Those who don't also have an option of turning volume down.

            Gassho, Kyotai
            Sat today


            • KellyRok
              • Jul 2008
              • 1374

              Hello all,

              1. no difference, as I usually sit the recorded version

              2. I like natural sounds in the background



              • Meishin
                • May 2014
                • 879


                Have to sit the recorded version in either case.

                Sounds are fine, no sounds are fine, doesn't matter.

                Sat today


                • Sekishi
                  Dharma Transmitted Priest
                  • Apr 2013
                  • 5673

                  Hi all,

                  1. No opinion here on the new time.

                  2. I prefer we keep sound on. I personally enjoy hearing the birds of Treeleaf, but more importantly I think that the Zendo mic provides important audible feedback that the connection is still open. It is particularly nice for those of us with poor internet connections. Of course our inter-connection can never be closed, but you know what I mean!

                  Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                  • Daiyo
                    • Jul 2014
                    • 819

                    Hi all.


                    1) Starting one hour later would give me the possibility to join right after dinner (10 PM) more times. Specially in the coming winter. So it would be better for me.

                    2) Regarding the sounds, I prefer to hear them, makes the experience of sharing zazen "more real" for me.


                    Last edited by Daiyo; 03-30-2015, 02:43 PM.


                    • Byokan
                      Senior Priest-in-Training
                      • Apr 2014
                      • 4282

                      Hi Jundo,

                      Thanks for asking...

                      question 1 -- one hour later is much better for me to make the live sitting, but I usually end up sitting with the recording anyway, so really it makes no difference.

                      question 2 -- I like the zendo noise, but either way is fine.

                      sat today
                      展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
                      Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.


                      • Kokuu
                        Dharma Transmitted Priest
                        • Nov 2012
                        • 6991

                        Hi all

                        1. As with most of the Europeans, this will make no difference but I am happy sitting along with the recording.

                        2. I like the mic being left on. Rarely becomes an issue.



                        • Memo
                          • Oct 2012
                          • 33

                          1. no difference

                          2. no difference

                          Gassho, Girai


                          • Ansan

                            This is a little off course, but I would honestly like to participate in the weekly and monthly Zazenkai but my computer problems won't permit it. I cannot watch videos as it crashes each time. I know I need a new computer but cannot afford it right now. Is there someway I can be part of this or do I wing it at home without a computer? Presently, my husband and I do daily sittings of 25 minutes and have added 10 minutes of kinhin. It is preceeded by a 30 read and discussion from one of our (or the library's) books on Buddhism. We tried 35 minutes of just Zazen but Keith is not yet conditioned to "sit" crossed legged. I have birds ready to chirp along with some other background noises.




                            • Mp

                              Originally posted by Ansan
                              This is a little off course, but I would honestly like to participate in the weekly and monthly Zazenkai but my computer problems won't permit it. I cannot watch videos as it crashes each time. I know I need a new computer but cannot afford it right now. Is there someway I can be part of this or do I wing it at home without a computer? Presently, my husband and I do daily sittings of 25 minutes and have added 10 minutes of kinhin. It is preceeded by a 30 read and discussion from one of our (or the library's) books on Buddhism. We tried 35 minutes of just Zazen but Keith is not yet conditioned to "sit" crossed legged. I have birds ready to chirp along with some other background noises.


                              Hello Ansan,

                              Can you tell me a bit about your computer ... ie: What Operating System you use, how much memory (RAM) you have? Maybe I can help you find an alternative. =)




                              • Jundo
                                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                                • Apr 2006
                                • 41213

                                Originally posted by Ansan
                                This is a little off course, but I would honestly like to participate in the weekly and monthly Zazenkai but my computer problems won't permit it. I cannot watch videos as it crashes each time. I know I need a new computer but cannot afford it right now. Is there someway I can be part of this or do I wing it at home without a computer? Presently, my husband and I do daily sittings of 25 minutes and have added 10 minutes of kinhin. It is preceeded by a 30 read and discussion from one of our (or the library's) books on Buddhism. We tried 35 minutes of just Zazen but Keith is not yet conditioned to "sit" crossed legged. I have birds ready to chirp along with some other background noises.


                                Thank you Shingen.

                                Also, feel free to watch the "one way" Youtube netcast ... either live or later. Could your computer handle that? One can just post in the thread for the event "I'm here", just so the other sitters move over and make room!

                                There is no lack or being far away in the desert if you do that, and your Zafu is right here with the rest of us.

                                Gassho, Jundo
                                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE

