Re: September 24th, Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai
Thank you Hans for your commitment to our practice!
September 24th, 2011 - Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai
Re: September 24th, Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai
A wonderful zazenkai. Thank you Mongen. Thank you all.
Gassho George.Leave a comment:
Re: September 24th, Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai
Thank you Mongen for leading this week's Zazenkai. Wonderful job chanting Hanya Shingyo! As mentioned in closing, It's great to be able to sit together with all of you regardless of time and space _/_
Thank you for your practice.Leave a comment:
Re: September 24th, Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai
thank you Hans for a lovely zazenkai. I am really enjoying these round the world sessions, they not not only show the international nature of our sangha but also by coming from your homes (complete with Swedish wendy houses) they emphasise the ordinariness of our practice.
Gassho all.Leave a comment:
Re: September 24th, Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai
Thank you for the zazenkai and for clarifying kinhin!Leave a comment:
Re: September 24th, Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai
Thank you, Hans. It was a wonderful ceremony.Leave a comment:
Re: September 24th, Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai
Thank you Hans! Wonderful job I missed the starting ceremony as i was running late due to "practice" so I just re watched the beginning ceremony- Awesome job!
Deep bows!
ShoheiLeave a comment:
Re: September 24th, Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai
IMHO Hans, you did a great thing; thank you, gassho
Thank you to all who sat, are sitting, or will sit...
_/_ _/_ _/_Leave a comment:
Re: September 24th, Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai
Great job, Hans!
Thanks to everyone who sat/will sit.
JenLeave a comment:
Re: September 24th, Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai
Thank you Hans for the zazenkai. Very impressive chanting of the heart sutra.
AndyLeave a comment:
Re: September 24th, Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai
Thank you to all sitting this zazenkai,
ps.: Gut gemacht, Hans !Leave a comment:
Re: September 24th, Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai
Good job Hans. You did Jundo proud. It's great to sit Zazenkai live in European time. I hope it becomes something regular, for us guys on this side of this spinning globe.
GasshoLeave a comment:
Re: September 24th, Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai
Thank you Chundo Mongen for being with us today. A very nice job indeed.
Gassho to all who sat, and will sit,
Seishin KyrillLeave a comment:
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