February 4-5, 2011- OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI!

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  • Hoyu
    • Nov 2010
    • 2020

    Re: February 4-5, 2011- OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI!

    Hi All,
    The 4 hour Zazenkai is a little beefy for my life situation now so I'm going to have to try to break it apart and do it in sections on different days. Or perhaps all in one day but just through the dharma talk. Haven't quite figured it all out. Wish I could do it all at once but that would be selfish of me towards my son who needs attention and my wife who needs help with the baby. I already get 30 minutes a day for zazen and recently negotiated an extra 90 minutes over the weekend to do the shorter Zazenkai(on demand). I'd hate to be greedy and ask for even more time! Plus I just love spending as much time with my family as possible anyway.
    I'm happy that Jundo Sensei offers this though!

    Ho (Dharma)
    Yu (Hot Water)


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41196

      Re: February 4-5, 2011- OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI!

      Originally posted by JRBrisson
      Hi All,
      The 4 hour Zazenkai is a little beefy for my life situation now so I'm going to have to try to break it apart and do it in sections on different days. Or perhaps all in one day but just through the dharma talk. Haven't quite figured it all out. Wish I could do it all at once but that would be selfish of me towards my son who needs attention and my wife who needs help with the baby. I already get 30 minutes a day for zazen and recently negotiated an extra 90 minutes over the weekend to do the shorter Zazenkai(on demand). I'd hate to be greedy and ask for even more time! Plus I just love spending as much time with my family as possible anyway.
      I'm happy that Jundo Sensei offers this though!

      See here ...


      Sit Zazen in a quiet room if you can, sit Zazen with crying, hungry baby if you need.


      • Hoyu
        • Nov 2010
        • 2020

        Re: February 4-5, 2011- OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI!

        Thank you for the reminder that even a crying baby is Zen

        Ho (Dharma)
        Yu (Hot Water)


        • Hoyu
          • Nov 2010
          • 2020

          Re: February 4-5, 2011- OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI!

          Oh yes, one question I wanted to ask the group is how to stream the Zazenkai through ustream AND use the virtual Zendo at the same time? This sounds awesome!! Can this also be done with Zazenkai on demand?
          Thanks in advance

          Ho (Dharma)
          Yu (Hot Water)


          • Hogo
            • Feb 2010
            • 497

            Re: February 4-5, 2011- OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI!

            Originally posted by JRBrisson
            Oh yes, one question I wanted to ask the group is how to stream the Zazenkai through ustream AND use the virtual Zendo at the same time? This sounds awesome!! Can this also be done with Zazenkai on demand?
            Thanks in advance

            Quite simple to use Ustream and Zen hall at the same time, as I said before it can pull a bit hard on a slower connection, but anyone with decent DSL or better can do it. Assuming windows (I don't know about mac) I just start ustream and then drag and pull the window to the left of my screen and situate Jundo's video so I can just see it all. I then open a new browser window (not a new tab, have to do a whole window) then log into the live zen hall, (for any who have not done it: it is located under the Zendo menu at the top of the forum page) Type in a name when asked and it will automatically connect (this assumes you have a Camera and Mic connected to your com, and configured. (or laptop built in).
            In the zen hall I like to mute my mic so not to disturb anyone sitting and it will cause feedback for others if you have Jundo on Ustream. (just push the little mic shape icon at the bottom of the window.
            Just size this window to fit and have the video visable.....thats about it I think.
            This should all work the same for recorded ustream as well.

            Hope it helps I wrote this assuming some may not have used the hall before. If anyone has questions or you would like to test the hall with someone let me know, I am always up for a quick sit with others. There are others here as well good at jumping in to assist with any tech problems.
            Gassho ~ Dave.


            • Seishin the Elder
              • Oct 2009
              • 521

              Re: February 4-5, 2011- OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI!

              Joined the Zazenkai this morning and just finished, although I had some difficulty with the recording of the first section. Rather "Groundhog Day" like it kept returning to the beginning after only getting through about 3/4 of the Heart of the Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra. WHile I thought that perhaps I was being sent a message by that... :? ...I completed it by myself as well as the first section, as best as I could.

              I loved The Dharma talk, since I am still sitting in several feet of snow, with more falling throughout the Zazenkai. It is funny that my most vivid images of Japan are of it in Winter, with a feeling of the deep peaceful and quiet snow pervading over all nature and works of man.


              Seishin Kyrill


              • Hoyu
                • Nov 2010
                • 2020

                Re: February 4-5, 2011- OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI!

                Thank you very much Dave! I will try this.

                Ho (Dharma)
                Yu (Hot Water)


                • Jinyu
                  • May 2009
                  • 768

                  Re: February 4-5, 2011- OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI!

                  Hi everyone!
                  I'm very happy I could sit the zazenkai today!
                  thanks to all who sat and will sit! thanks to Jundo!

                  Jinyu aka Luis aka Silly guy from Brussels


                  • Onshin
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 462

                    Re: February 4-5, 2011- OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI!

                    Hi everbody,
                    Had a really good zazenkai yesterday (Sunday). No tech probs on any of it, yipee!
                    "This traceless enlightenment continues endlessly" (Dogen Zenji)


                    • Shinko
                      • May 2009
                      • 165

                      Re: February 4-5, 2011- OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI!

                      I sat live from snowy NM. The Dharma talk was perfect!


                      • Hoyu
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 2020

                        Re: February 4-5, 2011- OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI!

                        Thank you for the Dharma talk Jundo Sensei. May your teachings SEEP into all of us!

                        Ho (Dharma)
                        Yu (Hot Water)

