September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 40974

    Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

    We had a crashing computer (the heat!) the first half, so the recording is a "re-sit" from the June Zazenkai (same Chants, same sitting, same you and me ... just different) ...

    ... but the second half of the Zazenkai, including today's talk (on a fitting topic: "Ango and When Stuff Goes Wrong") was "all systems go".

    Thank you for sitting with me and everyone ... and thank you to the moths that kept flying up my nose during the chanting, the cat who crept in, and it was wonderful!

    Gassho, Jundo


    • Onshin
      • Jul 2010
      • 462

      Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

      the laptop seems to have lost my post so if it turnrs up later its not me repeating myself (honest)
      Just finished zazenkai. Thanks Jundo, very illuminating (probably the reason for all the moths). Technical probs didn't manage to ruin it, I followed the timetable and when you returned with sound and all I was in the right place and time (for a change) :lol:

      Looking forward (which I know I should not) to the next, if my bones have got back into the right shape by then. :roll:
      "This traceless enlightenment continues endlessly" (Dogen Zenji)


      • roky
        • Jul 2008
        • 311

        Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

        yeah, ustream was in and out a lot, had to keep reloading -- at one point i tho9ught jundo had wandered from the schedule, he hadn't, the screen had frozen

        a suggestion: is it possible to "broadcast" the live audio of the saturday live sit? -- this would probably come in more consistently, using less bandwidth, and its really all thats needed to keep up with everything

        i tried sitting simultaneously with mebeam, but was very in/out, finally just out -- but as soon as ustream was over, no problem -- i think it was just too much having ustream and mebeam on the same computer -- next time i'll just use 2 computers

        thanks jundo, for following the schedule, cause that allowed me to sit a long

        gassho, roky
        "no resistance"
        thaddeus golas


        • Seishin the Elder
          • Oct 2009
          • 521

          Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

          As you said in the Dharma Talk: "Good opportunity for practice".

          I saw Jundo for a second after I signed on this morning and then it was blank for a while, then we got picture but no sound, which was fiune...just went on with Zazenkai as normal. Then signal got lost again, then found again. Finally got it all back for the second part. Thanks for the encouraging talk, that;'s one I think I will repeat play often.


          Seishin Kyrill


          • Hogo
            • Feb 2010
            • 497

            Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

            Sat with you this morning, thank you Jundo and everyone.
            The talk was very good for this challenging first week of Ango. A good way to refresh for next week.
            Gassho ~ Dave.


            • Dosho
              • Jun 2008
              • 5784

              Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

              Hi all,

              Great to sit with everyone and the technical glitches just enhanced Jundo's talk, as he said. I can always use a reminder that Ango, like zazen, like life...all get interrupted.



              • Nenka
                • Aug 2010
                • 1239

                Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

                I'll be sitting the Zazenkai on Wednesday. I look forward to sitting with you.
                Me too, I'm aiming for Wednesday morning. It'll be my first 4-hour Zazenkai.

                Meanwhile, I just did the one-hour Zazenkai from May 29 with the Heart Sutra Gospel. 8)


                • Jinyu
                  • May 2009
                  • 768

                  Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

                  Hi everyone!
                  I just sat the second part of the zazenkai. I was to sit it tomorrow, but finally it was easier to do it tonight. I was very happy to hear the talk Jundo gave on ango, thank you for pointing us all these opportunities for practice that we so often see as demonic difficulties who are trying to prevent us from practicing... in a simple instant we are able to see them as they are... just opportunities, beautiful really!

                  I'm also very glad I sat the first part with all of you! It was very nice to be together, even if I couldn't reach mebeam and my Internet connection was so bad that it was always lagging ... it's all good practice as someone we know would say!

                  Jinyu aka Luis aka Silly guy from Brussels


                  • Taylor
                    • May 2010
                    • 388

                    Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

                    Slept through today ops:

                    BUT! FEAR NOT! Sitting one part tomorrow, the second another day. It's hard to check out (or really, check-in!) for 4 hours when I'm living with someone who doesn't meditate, I turn into another piece of furniture :P

                    All is life, and life is practice.



                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 40974

                      Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

                      Hi Roky,

                      Well, I don't know about just doing sound for a live Zazen sitting! I reminds me of the joke record someone put out many years ago for that famous silent mime, "THE BEST HITS OF Marcel Marceau" ... you remember, the clown who never says a word ...

                      The record consists on both sides of a great round of applause from the audience ... followed by 19 minutes of silence ... followed by more applause!

                      Technology is always improving, I am about to upgrade our system here a little, some new hardware and software ... you need a new computer. That is probably the best solution. Also, in a Zendo under a roof, one is expected to practice with the annoyances ... the mosquitoes, the sweaty fellow sitting next to you, the sore legs and itchy robes. This is just our version of that. It is all good practice, all life.

                      Gassho, J

                      Originally posted by roky
                      yeah, ustream was in and out a lot, had to keep reloading -- at one point i tho9ught jundo had wandered from the schedule, he hadn't, the screen had frozen

                      a suggestion: is it possible to "broadcast" the live audio of the saturday live sit? -- this would probably come in more consistently, using less bandwidth, and its really all thats needed to keep up with everything

                      i tried sitting simultaneously with mebeam, but was very in/out, finally just out -- but as soon as ustream was over, no problem -- i think it was just too much having ustream and mebeam on the same computer -- next time i'll just use 2 computers

                      thanks jundo, for following the schedule, cause that allowed me to sit a long

                      gassho, roky
                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • Shinko
                        • May 2009
                        • 165

                        Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

                        Even with the "technical difficulties.." I enjoyed todays sit. (although my right knee disagrees completely )

                        I enjoyed the talk immensely, it was perfect for the day! I also learned.. just because espresso pot makes 4 cups one should not drink all and expect to sit still.. another reason for oryoki :roll:


                        • Shujin
                          Novice Priest-in-Training
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 1168

                          Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

                          Thank you for the opportunity to practice. I made it through, though from hour 3 on was a bit rough for this beginner.

                          Kyōdō Shujin 教道 守仁


                          • Myoku
                            • Jul 2010
                            • 1491

                            Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

                            Wow, my back surely feels different now, thank you everybody and Jundo for a dharma talk that much touched me,


                            • AlanLa
                              • Mar 2008
                              • 1405

                              Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

                              My 2nd Ango zazenkai actually happened in June AND yesterday. Talk about transcending time! :mrgreen:

                              Somewhere in hour #3 I said to myself, "Gosh this zazenkai is loooooong" and then I realized I needed to drop "looooooong" and hour #4 sailed right along.
                              AL (Jigen) in:

                              I sat today


                              • nadia_estm
                                • Jul 2010
                                • 38

                                Re: September 4th, 2010 - OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI

                                sat with you on sunday....thanks for the talk, it was much needed

