WELCOME to our Memorial & Celebration of NEHAN-E, (Pari-Nirvana) the traditional day to mark the historical Buddha's death and passing from this visible world. This is also a day for each of us to remember in our homes those family and friends who have gone before.
As well, our Sangha particularly recalls Nishijima Gudo Wafu (who passed on January 28th, 2014) and Rempo Niwa Zenji (who passed September 7th, 1993). I will also be remembering three teachers who were mentors in Japan and America, and great influences on Treeleaf, Jiho Sargent Roshi, Azuma Ikuo Roshi and Doshin Cantor Roshi.
During this Zazenkai, we will commence with SPECIAL CHANTS & a CEREMONY to recall our parents, grand-parents, siblings, our relatives near and distant, all our ancestors reaching back through the generations, and our dear friends and other cherished ones who have passed.
We have also added a special remembrance for children, born or unborn, now departed, as "we open our hearts to grief, to the bonds which will always remain, and proclaim our vow to care for the children of this world today."
Please sit with us at 10am Japan Saturday morning, NY 8pm, LA 5pm Friday night, London 1am and Paris 2am Saturday morning, or any time thereafter here:
However, "one way" live sitters are encouraged to come into the Zoom sitting, and just leave the camera and microphone turned off: Join live (with or without a camera & microphone) on Zoom at: TREELEAF Now OR at DIRECT ZOOM LINK, password (if needed): dogen
00:15 – 00:45 ZAZEN
00:45 – 00:55 KINHIN
00:55 – 01:25 ZAZEN
01:30 - 01:45(?) Informal Tea Time (All Welcome)
For this special Zazenkai, a statue of the reclining ‘Buddha Entering Parinirvana’, a little Jizo Bodhisattva as Protector of Children, and a Plaque dedicated to all past Generations of Zen Ancestors, will be given special prominence
Gassho, Jundo
PS - There is no "wrong" or "right" in Zazen ... yet here is a little explanation of the "right" times to Bow (A Koan) ...
Chant Book is here for those who wish to join in: CHANT BOOK LINK
The other video I mention on Zendo decorum is this one, from our "Always Beginners" video Series:
Sit-a-Long with Jundo: Zazen for Beginners (12) - Basic Zendo Decorum At Home
I also recommend a little Talk on why small rituals and procedures are so cherished in the Zendo:
SIT-A-LONG with Jundo: Small Things in the Zendo
Chant Book is here for those who wish to join in: CHANT BOOK LINK
The other video I mention on Zendo decorum is this one, from our "Always Beginners" video Series:
Sit-a-Long with Jundo: Zazen for Beginners (12) - Basic Zendo Decorum At Home
I also recommend a little Talk on why small rituals and procedures are so cherished in the Zendo:
SIT-A-LONG with Jundo: Small Things in the Zendo