January 14th-15th Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai - Just Before Jukai ...

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 40729

    January 14th-15th Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai - Just Before Jukai ...

    Dear All,

    Please sit our Treeleaf Zazenkai for 90 minutes with Zazen, Heart Sutra and more:

    10am Japan Saturday morning, NY 8pm, LA 5pm Friday night, London 1am and Paris 2am Saturday morning, or any time thereafter here:

    However, "one way" live sitters are encouraged to come into the Zoom sitting, and just leave the camera and microphone turned off: Join live (with or without a camera & microphone) on Zoom at: TREELEAF Now OR at DIRECT ZOOM LINK, password (if needed): dogen

    00:00 – 00:15 CEREMONY (HEART SUTRA in English) and Dedication
    00:15 – 00:45 ZAZEN
    00:45 – 00:55 KINHIN
    00:55 – 01:25 ZAZEN
    01:25 – 01:30 VERSE OF ATONEMENT & FOUR VOWS
    01:30 - 01:45(?) Informal Tea Time (All Welcome)

    ATTENTION: Everyone, when rising for Kinhin or Ceremonies after Zazen, get up slowly, don't rush, hold something stable, you won't be "late," so TAKE YOUR TIME! Make sure you are careful getting up!

    Gassho, Jundo


    PS - There is no "wrong" or "right" in Zazen ... yet here is a little explanation of the "right" times to Bow (A Koan) ...

    Chant Book is here for those who wish to join in: CHANT BOOK LINK

    The other video I mention on Zendo decorum is this one, from our "Always Beginners" video Series:

    Sit-a-Long with Jundo: Zazen for Beginners (12) - Basic Zendo Decorum At Home

    I also recommend a little Talk on why small rituals and procedures are so cherished in the Zendo:

    SIT-A-LONG with Jundo: Small Things in the Zendo

    Last edited by Jundo; 01-21-2022, 06:51 AM. Reason: Added youtube one-way link.
  • Tai Shi
    • Oct 2014
    • 3442

    Can I be there Jundo? I would like to be able to repay with silence because I am just doing a straight and I can now sit for up to 40 minutes and I have nothing to prove to… I don’t want to lose your trust. I’ll be there.
    sat/ lah
    Tai Shi

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 40729

      Originally posted by Tai Shi
      Can I be there Jundo? I would like to be able to repay with silence because I am just doing a straight and I can now sit for up to 40 minutes and I have nothing to prove to… I don’t want to lose your trust. I’ll be there.
      sat/ lah
      Tai Shi
      You are more than welcome if you feel able.

      Gassho, Jundo



      • Bion
        Senior Priest-in-Training
        • Aug 2020
        • 4806

        Lovely and as always, a joy to be together! [emoji1374]

        Sat Today
        "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


        • Sekishi
          Dharma Transmitted Priest
          • Apr 2013
          • 5673

          Zoom and Youtube are ready to help us sit together.

          Sekishi #sat #lah
          Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


          • Tai Shi
            • Oct 2014
            • 3442

            I am so happy to relearn the true meaning of love in our precepts which are always the precepts of the Buddhist world, sometimes the same, sometimes faintly different.
            sat/ lah

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


            • Tai Shi
              • Oct 2014
              • 3442

              Sometimes I am not loving and I can always make amends and start over with the Buddhist Precepts.
              sat/ lah

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


              • Ippo
                • Apr 2019
                • 276

                See you all tonight



                一 法

                Everyday is a good day!


                • Tai Shi
                  • Oct 2014
                  • 3442

                  January 14th-15th Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai - Just Before Jukai ...

                  Congratulations [emoji322] Sekishi. I’ll be at Jukai in room two with my good clothes on. I won’t make tonight because of arthritis.
                  deep bows
                  sat/ lah

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                  Last edited by Tai Shi; 01-14-2022, 11:40 PM.
                  Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                  • Hokin
                    • Oct 2019
                    • 191

                    Thank you all for the practice and thank you Jundo for your always very inspirig words!
                    There is one quote from the chapter Shoaku Makusa in the Shobogenzo that stuck very deep into my heart since the first time I read it, and says (roughly, for I don't remind the exact wording, also depends on which translation, but the sense is...): "If the teaching doesn't begin with 'Abstain from doing harm" (Shoaku Makusa) it is not the teaching of the Buddhas'".

                    Simply beautiful...and to always keep it in mind, I think.

                    法 金
                    Wisdom Is Compassion & Compassion Is Wisdom.


                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 40729

                      By the way, our videos temporarily disappeared it seems ... but they are still available on youtube ...

                      https: //youtu.be/I6RXz1qHj0A

                      [just take out the space after the colon : ]

                      ... so hopefully they will be back here shortly ...

                      Gassho, J
                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • Bion
                        Senior Priest-in-Training
                        • Aug 2020
                        • 4806

                        January 14th-15th Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai - Just Before Jukai ...

                        Thank you everyone for your presence, efforts and dedication, and it was as usual a pleasure spending the Friday night with you.
                        Jundo, I always end up inspired and motivated after zazenkai, in spite of the sleepiness and late hour, so thank you for your teaching. I cherish it
                        @Sekishi , you are a treasure.

                        [emoji1374] Sat Today
                        Last edited by Bion; 01-15-2022, 03:25 AM.
                        "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


                        • Bokugan
                          • Dec 2019
                          • 429

                          Wonderful Zazenkai [emoji120]

                          Thank you Sekishi, and deep appreciation for the talk, Jundo.

                          Thank you everyone for your practice --- it inspires my own in so many ways.


                          SatToday LaH
                          墨眼 | Bokugan | Sumi Ink Eye
                          Ryan-S | zazenlibrarian.com


                          • Sekishi
                            Dharma Transmitted Priest
                            • Apr 2013
                            • 5673

                            Originally posted by Jundo
                            By the way, our videos temporarily disappeared it seems ... but they are still available on youtube ...

                            https: //youtu.be/I6RXz1qHj0A

                            [just take out the space after the colon : ]

                            ... so hopefully they will be back here shortly ...
                            I do not understand why this is. I can embed the videos on other site (even copying the exact embed tag from our forum) and everything works fine. Its late, so I'll look at this more in the morning.

                            Sekishi #sat #lah
                            Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                            • Sekishi
                              Dharma Transmitted Priest
                              • Apr 2013
                              • 5673

                              Originally posted by Sekishi
                              I do not understand why this is. I can embed the videos on other site (even copying the exact embed tag from our forum) and everything works fine. Its late, so I'll look at this more in the morning.
                              After testing in a few different browsers, it may be a youtube problem. It seems to only be videos that were livestreamed (videos simply uploaded directly still work fine). And videos still work fine in some browsers.

                              For example, livestreamed videos work for me in:

                              - Chromium / Linux
                              - Chrome / Linux
                              - Edge / Windows 10
                              - Firefox (91 LTS) / Linux

                              Videos do NOT work for me in:

                              - Chrome / Windows 10
                              - Firebox / Windows 10
                              - Firefox (96) / Linux
                              - Mobile Safari / iOS

                              My best guess right now is that Youtube is having some sort of codec hiccup. Fingers crossed that things will magically fix themselves when some code monkey at Youtube realizes there is a problem.

                              Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.

