April 23rd-24th Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai: Chanting the Bát-nhã-ba-la-mật-đa tâm kinh

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41193

    April 23rd-24th Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai: Chanting the Bát-nhã-ba-la-mật-đa tâm kinh

    Today, we will Chant the Heart Sutra in Vietnamese

    Dear All,

    Please sit our Treeleaf Zazenkai for 90 minutes with Zazen, Heart Sutra and more:

    10am Japan Saturday morning, NY 9pm, LA 6pm Friday night, London 2am and Paris 3am Saturday morning, or any time thereafter here:

    However, "one way" live sitters are encouraged to come into the Zoom sitting, and just leave the camera and microphone turned off: Join live (with or without a camera & microphone) on Zoom at: TREELEAF Now OR at DIRECT ZOOM LINK, password (if needed): dogen

    00:00 – 00:15 CEREMONY (HEART SUTRA in English) and Dedication
    00:15 – 00:45 ZAZEN
    00:45 – 00:55 KINHIN
    00:55 – 01:25 ZAZEN
    01:25 – 01:30 VERSE OF ATONEMENT & FOUR VOWS
    01:30 - 01:45(?) Informal Tea Time (All Welcome)

    Gassho, Jundo


    PS - There is no "wrong" or "right" in Zazen ... yet here is a little explanation of the "right" times to Bow (A Koan) ...

    Chant Book is here for those who wish to join in: CHANT BOOK LINK

    The other video I mention on Zendo decorum is this one, from our "Always Beginners" video Series:

    Sit-a-Long with Jundo: Zazen for Beginners (12) - Basic Zendo Decorum At Home

    I also recommend a little Talk on why small rituals and procedures are so cherished in the Zendo:
    SIT-A-LONG with Jundo: Small Things in the Zendo

    A little talk about small customs and rituals in the Zendo (such as straightening our slippers, not taking a short cut across the room, keeping our hands a certain way), and why those are elements of practice. It applies mostly when sitting in a formal group, like our weekly Treeleaf Zazenkai, but it is good to incorporate the
    Last edited by Sekishi; 04-23-2021, 04:45 PM. Reason: Added one-way video.
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41193

    Today, we will Chant (or listen with) this Heart Sutra in Vietnamese from Plum Village. It begins with silence and bells, about 50 seconds in ...

    A quick AI translation ...

    When the Bodhisattva contemplated the practice of the Bat-Nha-Ba-La-Secret-Da, he saw that the five aggregates were not, immediately going through all the suffering.
    This Xa Loi Phat, Sac is no different, no different, Sac is not, not is color. Consciousness, Thought, Action, and Consciousness are the same.
    This Xa Loi Phat, the emptiness of the dharma s that do not arise and cease to exist, are not clean, neither add nor remove.
    So in General No.
    There is no identity; there is no Tree, Thought, Action, and Consciousness;
    Without Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue, Body, and Mind;
    No color, bar, taste, shampoo;
    Without gender vision, until there is no sense of gender;
    There is no ignorance, nor all ignorance;
    Until there is no old or death, there is no end of old age or death.
    There is no Suffering, Practice, Destruction, Dao;
    There is no Wisdom, there is no Dacitipa,
    Because there is no place, so Bodhisattva y Bat-Nha-Ba-La-Secret-Da, the mind does not obstruct.
    Do not hesitate, so do not fear, far away from fantasies, reach the end of Nirvana.
    The Buddhas of the three generations followed the Bat-Nha-Ba-La-Secret-Da that was led to Supreme, Righteousness, and Righteousness.
    Should know that Bat-Nha-Ba-La-Secret-Da is great mantra, is great mantra, is superior mantra, is unequaled uncle, or can eliminate all suffering, truth is not lie.
    So saying the Mantra Bat-Nha-Ba-La-Secret-Da, immediately said the Mantra:
    "Gate Gate Parasamgate Parasamgate Bodhi Sowa Ka"

    Khi Bồ Tát Quán Tự Tại hành sâu Bát-Nhã-Ba-La-Mật-Đa, ngài soi thấy năm uẩn đều không, liền qua hết thảy khổ ách.
    Này Xá Lợi Phất, Sắc chẳng khác không, không chẳng khác Sắc, Sắc tức là không, không tức là sắc. Thụ, Tưởng, Hành, Thức cũng lại như thế.
    Này Xá Lợi Phất, tướng Không của các pháp không sinh không diệt, không nhơ không sạch, không thêm không bớt.
    Cho nên trong tướng Không
    Không có sắc; không có Thụ, Tưởng, Hành, Thức;
    Không có Mắt, Tai, Mũi, Lưỡi, Thân, Ý;
    Không có Sắc, Thanh, Hương, Vị, Xúc, Pháp;
    Không có nhãn giới, cho đến không có ý thức giới;
    Không có vô minh, cũng không có hết vô minh;
    Cho đến không có già chết, cũng không có hết già chết.
    Không có Khổ, Tập, Diệt, Đạo;
    Không có Trí tuệ, cũng không có Chứng Đắc,
    Vì có chỗ không được nên Bồ Tát y Bát-Nhã-Ba-La-Mật-Đa, tâm không ngăn ngại.
    Vì không ngăn ngại nên không sợ hãi, xa hẳn điên đảo mộng tưởng, đạt tới cứu cánh Niết Bàn.
    Chư Phật ba đời đều y theo Bát-Nhã-Ba-La-Mật-Đa được đạo quả Vô thượng, Chính Đẳng, Chính Giác.
    Nên biết Bát-Nhã-Ba-La-Mật-Đa là đại thần chú, là đại minh chú, là vô thượng chú, là vô đẳng đẳng chú, hay trừ được hết thảy khổ, chân thật không dối.
    Vì vậy nói Chú Bát-Nhã-Ba-La-Mật-Đa, liền nói Chú rằng:
    "Yết Đế, Yết Đế, Ba la Yết Đế, Ba la tăng Yết Đế, Bồ Đề tát Bà Ha"
    Form is no other than emptiness, emptiness no other than form; Form is precisely emptiness, emptiness precisely form.
    Sắc chẳng khác không, không chẳng khác Sắc, Sắc tức là không, không tức là sắc.

    Gassho, J

    Last edited by Jundo; 04-23-2021, 09:04 AM.


    • Onkai
      Senior Priest-in-Training
      • Aug 2015
      • 3184

      Thank you, Jundo, Sekishi, and everyone. I appreciated the reminder that friends can become enemies but also enemies can become friends; it's a matter of taking care. Have a great weekend!

      美道 Bidou Beautiful Way
      恩海 Onkai Merciful/Kind Ocean

      I have a lot to learn; take anything I say that sounds like teaching with a grain of salt.


      • Koushi
        Senior Priest-in-Training / Engineer
        • Apr 2015
        • 1431

        Thank you Jundo, Sekishi, and everyone. It was lovely to sit and practice with you all this evening (even if my back thinks otherwise).

        I do want to expand on the story Bion told during tea. There have been three instances in my life where I have just met someone and thought negatively about them. My longest friend from college, my old coworker, and Bion. The things I thought and judged were a mirror reflection of something about myself I felt insecure about or held myself to a high standard.

        With all three, it didn't take long at all for them to become the best three friends I have in my life to this day, over the last 17 years. So, thank you for the reminder that even if not "enemies" per se, we all have the opportunity to be close friends if given the opportunity.

        理道弘志 | Ridō Koushi

        Please take this priest-in-training's words with a grain of salt.


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41193

          Some interesting finds when I look closely at the AI machine translation of the Heart Sutra today ... wonderful ...

          ... No color, bar, taste, shampoo;
          Without gender vision, until there is no sense of gender;


          There is no Wisdom, there is no Dacitipa

          ... Should know that Bat-Nha-Ba-La-Secret-Da is great mantra, is great mantra, is superior mantra, is unequaled uncle, or can eliminate all suffering, truth is not lie.


          Yes, no shampoo, dear unequaled uncle!

          (No clue what is "Dacitipa," which google defines as ... "Dacitipa")

          Gassho, J



          • Kiri
            • Apr 2019
            • 352

            Thank you everyone!
            Gassho, Nikolas
            希 rare
            理 principle


            • John.3
              • Jan 2021
              • 67

              Sat on demand. Thank you everyone.

              Sat today

              Sent from my LG-H910 using Tapatalk


              • Tairin
                • Feb 2016
                • 2969

                Thank you everyone. I sat with you this sunny morning with the windows open.

                That was a lovely Heart Sutra.

                Thank you for the talk Jundo. ☮️

                Sat today and lah
                泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


                • Bokugan
                  • Dec 2019
                  • 429

                  Wonderful heart sutra, enjoyed just experiencing the sound. Thank you Jundo, Sekishi, and all who sat and will sit.


                  墨眼 | Bokugan | Sumi Ink Eye
                  Ryan-S | zazenlibrarian.com


                  • Margherita
                    • May 2017
                    • 138

                    Thank you everybody for your effort.
                    I loved the Vietnamese Hannya! Wow, so musical, I may try to learn it!

                    Mags ST


                    • Seishin
                      • Aug 2016
                      • 1522

                      Lovely Heart Sutra, I understood nothing and everything

                      Thank you all.



                      Sei - Meticulous
                      Shin - Heart


                      • Kokuu
                        Dharma Transmitted Priest
                        • Nov 2012
                        • 6985

                        Lovely! Really enjoyed the Vietnamese chanting.



                        • Kevin M
                          • Dec 2018
                          • 190

                          Thank you all, I sat with you this morning.
                          PS I liked the choral aspect of the Vietnamese Heart Sutra. Too bad we can't all chant it together like that.

                          Sat Today


                          • Matt
                            • Oct 2012
                            • 497

                            Going to sit this one now.


                            • Inshin
                              • Jul 2020
                              • 557


                              Sat today

