Dear All, our chanting and sitting today will be without words, in silence save for the sound of the bells and wooden drum. The heart of the Heart Sutra is beyond words or no words, and so a silent chanting holds all the meaning of our own hearts. (It is a chance too for us to express gratitude for the bells and drums, as they say all that needs to be said.) There will be a little Dharma Talk offered too during second Zazen, equally without words. No words will be spoken today, throughout, and I hope that you will join us in the great shout of silence!
Dear All,
Please sit our Treeleaf Zazenkai for 90 minutes with Zazen, Heart Sutra and more:
10am Japan Saturday morning, NY 9pm, LA 6pm Friday night, London 2am and Paris 3am Saturday morning, or any time thereafter here:
Join live (with or without a camera & microphone) on Zoom at: TREELEAF Now OR at DIRECT ZOOM LINK, password (if needed): dogen
Gassho, Jundo
PS - There is no "wrong" or "right" in Zazen ... yet here is a little explanation of the "right" times to Bow (A Koan) ...
Chant Book is here for those who wish to join in: CHANT BOOK LINK
The other video I mention on Zendo decorum is this one, from our "Always Beginners" video Series:
Sit-a-Long with Jundo: Zazen for Beginners (12) - Basic Zendo Decorum At Home