ATTENTION: Special Zazenkai SUNDAY Feb. 23rd with Rev. Kenshin Catherine Cascade

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41185

    ATTENTION: Special Zazenkai SUNDAY Feb. 23rd with Rev. Kenshin Catherine Cascade

    Dear All,

    I am pleased to announce that Soto Priest and Teacher, Kenshin Catherine Cascade, of the Bird Haven Zendo, will be offering a very special Zazenkai and Talk on SUNDAY February 23rd, LIVE from Oregon and Treeleaf Tsukuba.

    More about Kenshin ...

    Kenshin Catherine Cascade was ordained as a monk in the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives in 2000 and, following a Transfer of Discipleship, was re-ordained as a priest in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi by Hozan Alan Senauke in 2004. She received Dharma Transmission from Hozan Sensei, Vice-Abbot of Berkeley Zen Center, in 2012. Bird Haven Zendo is an intimate home-style Soto Zen practice place sitting on 5 wooded acres in the foothills between the Willamette Valley and the Coast Range mountains of western Oregon. Kenshin Catherine Cascade and Yudo John Mogey are in residence year round.

    The mystical realism of the teachings of Eihei Dogen, the founder of the Soto Zen school in Japan, and the warmhearted teaching of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, who brought our lineage to America, are touchstones for our efforts and understanding.

    Let me note that Kenshin will be Ordaining our cherished Treeleaf Member, Doyu, sometime in April.

    The festivities for our Zazenkai will begin at 9:00 AM US PACIFIC TIME SUNDAY 2/23 (that is NOON in New York, London 5:00pm and Paris 6:00pm, all SUNDAY February 23rd).

    Our sitting schedule will look like the following: About 30 minutes of Zazen, a Talk by Kenshin for about 30 minutes, and some Questions from our Treeleaf participants. I anticipate the the event will be about 90 minutes or so.

    It is traditional to offer a donation (Dana) to a teacher, but Rev. Cascade has asked of those folks joining in or listening to this Zazen sitting: "I'd be very pleased if people who wish to do so would offer money, food, or other assistance to the next homeless person they meet."

    I hope that we will have a big turnout, with many folks joining us "two way" too (instructions below).

    Let's all get together to welcome Kenshin.

    Gassho, Jundo

    You can join the Zazenkai two-way in the Scheduled Sitting Room using Zoom any one of the following ways:

    - Use this direct link:
    - Open Zoom and join with this meeting id: 483 483 1244
    - Go to Treeleaf NOW and select the Scheduled Sitting Room:


    - When you first join, you'll need to choose an audio source (usually you can simply select "Join with Computer Audio" on desktop or "Call using Internet Audio" on mobile).

    - You can switch between the "speaker view" (the default view) and "gallery view" (a grid / tic-tac-toe style view):
    -- On desktop, click the "gallery view" / "speaker view" toggle button on the top right
    -- On mobile, swipe right for "gallery views" -- only 4 participants are shown at a time on mobile, so keep swiping right to go through different groups, swipe left to go back to the "gallery view"

    - You can mute, unmute, etc. with the control bar on the bottom of the screen
    -- On desktop, hover the mouse over the window and the control bar should pop up
    -- On mobile, tap the screen and the control bar should pop up
    -- On mobile, so that your own picture does not take up one of the four slots you see, you can tap for the control bar, then tap "... menu" and select "Remove myself from gallery view"

    - If you are on a slow Internet connection and are experiencing drop-outs, try turning off video (you can always turn it on for a bit at the beginning and end to say hi and bow to everyone)

    delete doyuord.jpgdelete doyu teach.png
    Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 04:01 PM.
  • Onka
    • May 2019
    • 1576

    This is excellent news. I very much look forward to Kenshin's talk. May the goddess of internet be kind to me.
    穏 On (Calm)
    火 Ka (Fires)


    • Shonin Risa Bear
      • Apr 2019
      • 927

      Excited. That other event is scheduled for April 11, time TBA I think.

      doyu sat/lah today
      Visiting priest: use salt


      • Jakuden
        • Jun 2015
        • 6141

        Wonderful!! Looking forward to this very much!



        • Kotei
          Dharma Transmitted Priest
          • Mar 2015
          • 4350

          Thank you,
          looking very much forward to it.
          Kotei sat/lah today.
          義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.


          • Washin
            Senior Priest-in-Training
            • Dec 2014
            • 3840

            Thank you Jundo. I intend to participate and looking forward to this.
            So wonderful news, Doyu

            Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
            Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
            I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
            and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


            • Doshin
              • May 2015
              • 2621




              • Seibu
                • Jan 2019
                • 271


                Seibu (was Jack)


                • Kyōsen
                  • Aug 2019
                  • 311

                  This is wonderful! Because it's on a Sunday (here) I'll be able to attend! Looking forward to it

                  kyō (bridge) | sen (river)


                  • Amelia
                    • Jan 2010
                    • 4980

                    Zoom is really handy for not having to reserve a seat! I will be going to a dog grooming convention in Pasadena that weekend, but I may be home in time.

                    Sat today, lah
                    求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
                    I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


                    • Ippo
                      • Apr 2019
                      • 276

                      This is awesome thank you so much for doing this Jundo and priests.

                      I know this is not the first guest in our Sangha so I was wondering if there is a link or forum that contains all the old guest talks?

                      This would be greatly appreciated!


                      一 法

                      Everyday is a good day!


                      • Kokuu
                        Dharma Transmitted Priest
                        • Nov 2012
                        • 6985

                        I know this is not the first guest in our Sangha so I was wondering if there is a link or forum that contains all the old guest talks?
                        That is a really good suggestion, Ippo! I think you can probably find them through a search but a thread or sticky with past guest Zazenkai would be a good idea. Although that is not to say that they are any better than our regular Zazenkai with Jundo!

                        So great that Kenshin Catherine is visiting our sangha. Thank you for arranging it Jundo!

                        My mother will be here that weekend so I will sadly have to sit it after the event.



                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41185

                          Originally posted by Ippo
                          This is awesome thank you so much for doing this Jundo and priests.

                          I know this is not the first guest in our Sangha so I was wondering if there is a link or forum that contains all the old guest talks?

                          This would be greatly appreciated!


                          Here are most of them, l believe. There may be a few others that escape my memory ...

                          Special Zazenkai SUNDAY with Rev. EDWARD ESPE BROWN (The Tassajara Tenzo)
                          Dear All, I am pleased to announce that Soto Priest and famed former "Tenzo" (Head Cook) at the Tassajara Zen Monastery Rev. Edward Espe Brown will be offering a very special Zazenkai and Talk NEXT SUNDAY MAY 6th, LIVE from California and Treeleaf Tsukuba. More about Ed ... The festivities will begin at 9:00 AM

                          Special New Year Zazenkai SATURDAY 1/5 with Zoketsu Norman Fischer
                          Dear All, I am pleased to announce that Soto Zen teacher, former Co-Abbot of the San Francisco Zen Center and author Zoketsu Norman Fischer will be offering a very special Zazenkai and Talk to welcome the New Year, SATURDAY JANUARY 5th, LIVE from California and Treeleaf Tsukuba. More about Norman Fischer ... The

                          Special Zazenkai SATURDAY 8/4 with Author/Zen Teacher SUSAN MOON
                          Dear All, I am pleased to announce that Soto Zen teacher, engaged Buddhist and authorSUSAN MOON will be offering a very special Zazenkai and Talk SATURDAY AUGUST 4th, LIVE from California and Treeleaf Tsukuba. More about Susan Moon ... The festivities will begin at 8:00 AM CALIFORNIA TIME SATURDAY 8/4 (that is 11am in New

                          Special Zazenkai SUNDAY April 30th with DAVID LOY
                          Dear All, I am pleased to announce that Zen teacher, philosopher, environmentalist, futurist and author DAVID LOY will be offering a very special Zazenkai and Talk NEXT SUNDAY April 30th, LIVE from Colorado and Treeleaf Tsukuba. More about David ... The festivities will begin at 11:00 am NEW YORK TIME SUNDAY (that is

                          Special Zazenkai SUNDAY 10/23 w/ Taikyo Morgans
                          Dear All, Our Blue Mountain White Cloud Hermitage ( visits by old friends continue ... I am pleased to announce that our old Treeleaf friend and Taigu's heir, TAIKYO DAVID MORGANS, now guiding the wonderfully acronymed Z.A.W. (Zen Association Wales) (https://zenassociationwales

                          Special Zazenkai SATURDAY 10/15 w/ Myozan Kodo
                          Dear All, I am pleased to announce that our old Treeleaf friend and Taigu's heir, Myozan Kodo Kilroy, now guiding the Zen Buddhism Ireland Sangha ( in Dublin, will be joining us for a very special Zazenkai and Talk SATURDAY OCTOBER 15th, LIVE. Please come sit with us. Myozan is also a poet and

                          Special Zazenkai SUNDAY JUNE 5th with BRAD WARNER
                          MAIN PAGE for our Special Zazenkai with Brad Warner ... WELCOME to netcast of our Special Zazenkai this Sunday with a most honored guest, my Dharma Brother, a fellow student of Nishijima Roshi, and the bass player of Zero Defex, BRAD WARNER, author of a slew of books such as HARD CORE ZEN (

                          Special Zazenkai SATURDAY with Rev. Mary Mocine of Clear Water Zendo
                          Mary has asked me to post the reading from Master Dogen below, and that you read it before the Zazenkai ... Dear All, I am pleased to announce that Rev. Mary Mocine, guiding the Clear Water Zendo/Vallejo Zen Center in California, will be offering a very special Zazenkai and Talk NEXT SATURDAY AUGUST 15th, LIVE from

                          Special Zazenkai SATURDAY with Rev. TAIGEN DAN LEIGHTON
                          Dear All, I am pleased to announce that Soto Priest, Zen historian, translator and author Rev. Taigen Dan Leighton will be offering a very special Zazenkai and Talk NEXT SATURDAY JULY 25th, LIVE from Chicago and Treeleaf Tsukuba. More about Taigen ... The festivities will begin at 11:00 AM CHICAGO TIME SATURDAY (that is

                          Special Zazenkai NEXT SUNDAY w/ Ben Connelly, of "INSIDE THE GRASS HUT"
                          THIS IS THE MAIN PAGE FOR THE EVENT WELCOME to our special "Grass Hut" Zazenkai guided by Ben Connelly ... The festivities are expected to last about 90 minutes to 2 hours, and will begin at 11pm Japan time Sunday (that is New York 10am, Minnesota 9am, Los Angeles 7am, London 3pm and Paris 4pm, all Sunday

                          Special Zazenkai NEXT SUNDAY with MUHO NOELKE, Abbot of Antaiji
                          THIS IS THE MAIN PAGE FOR THE EVENT WELCOME to our special Zazenkai guided by the Abbot Muho Noelke ... ... LIVE from Treeleaf Tsukuba and Antaiji! The festivities are expected to last about 90 minutes of so, and will begin at 9pm Japan time Sunday (that is New York 7am, Los Angeles 4am, London Noon and Paris 1pm, all

                          Special Guest, Special Zazenkai NEXT SUNDAY with Rev. Tonen O'Connor

                          Gassho, J

                          Last edited by Jundo; 02-09-2020, 12:21 PM.
                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • Doshin
                            • May 2015
                            • 2621

                            Thanks for that Jundo. I sat with most but missed a couple. Now I know where they are.



                            • Bokugan
                              • Dec 2019
                              • 429

                              I'm putting this on my calendar, hope to be there live. I should be free at that time.

                              Great idea on collecting the guest talks, Ippo. I had no idea there have been so many.

                              Thank you for posting them, Jundo! I'm very excited to check these out as time allows.


                              Sat Today
                              墨眼 | Bokugan | Sumi Ink Eye
                              Ryan-S |

