Sunday Sit with Washin and Shugen

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41193

    I am going to announce that this Sunday sit will continue with Washin, so long as the internet and circumstances allow ... which is hopefully a long time. So, you may get some visitors from time to time in the coming weeks too.

    Thank you all for a so meaningful event. May our next such event be to celebrate the Russian army going back home, wishing them safe travels and peace on the road back to Moscow.

    Gassho, J



    • Meian
      • Apr 2015
      • 1712

      Originally posted by Jundo
      I am going to announce that this Sunday sit will continue with Washin, so long as the internet and circumstances allow ... which is hopefully a long time. So, you may get some visitors from time to time in the coming weeks too.

      Thank you all for a so meaningful event. May our next such event be to celebrate the Russian army going back home, wishing them safe travels and peace on the road back to Moscow.

      Gassho, J

      May it be so.

      Deep Bows

      meian stlh

      Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
      鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
      visiting Unsui
      Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.


      • Washin
        Senior Priest-in-Training
        • Dec 2014
        • 3840

        Originally posted by Jundo
        I am going to announce that this Sunday sit will continue with Washin, so long as the internet and circumstances allow ... which is hopefully a long time. So, you may get some visitors from time to time in the coming weeks too.

        Thank you all for a so meaningful event. May our next such event be to celebrate the Russian army going back home, wishing them safe travels and peace on the road back to Moscow.

        Gassho, J

        Let there be peace
        Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
        Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
        I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
        and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


        • Washin
          Senior Priest-in-Training
          • Dec 2014
          • 3840

          *We continue sitting for Peace, Children and the Injured in Ukraine and around the World*

          Hello everyone,

          Please join us for the Sunday Sit on March 13th beginning at 7 am Los Angeles time, 10 am New York time, 4 pm Kyiv time.

          We will meet in the Treeleaf Now Scheduled Sitting Room:

          The format of the sitting will be:

          - Heart Sutra
          - Zazen 40 minutes
          - Verse of Atonement
          - Four Vows

          This time we will recite the Heart Sutra in Russian.

          Shugen, Washin
          Last edited by Washin; 03-13-2022, 05:47 AM.
          Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
          Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
          I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
          and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41193

            I am so glad that you are here, Washin.

            I will be announcing again to the wider Zen Sangha, so there will likely be quite a few people again to support the Ukraine Sangha and Washin.

            Gassho, J



            • Doshin
              • May 2015
              • 2621

              I will join you to sit for Peace, this Sunday and after.



              • Meian
                • Apr 2015
                • 1712

                Deep Bows, Washin.

                Gassho2, meian st
                鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
                visiting Unsui
                Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.


                • Washin
                  Senior Priest-in-Training
                  • Dec 2014
                  • 3840

                  Originally posted by Jundo
                  I am so glad that you are here, Washin.

                  I will be announcing again to the wider Zen Sangha, so there will likely be quite a few people again to support the Ukraine Sangha and Washin.

                  Gassho, J

                  Thank you, Jundo

                  Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
                  Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
                  I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
                  and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


                  • houst0n
                    • Nov 2021
                    • 135

                    Originally posted by Washin
                    This time we will recite the Heart Sutra in Russian.
                    This has rather impressed me, I hope someday the whole world could behave in such a way. I struggle to. Thank you for doing it for us. Please stay safe. See you on Sunday.

                    Gassho from Berlin,


                    • Tai Shi
                      • Oct 2014
                      • 3482

                      Thank you, Washin, I'll be there.
                      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                      • Jundo
                        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                        • Apr 2006
                        • 41193

                        Just a note that I have created a special section for Washin's sittings, which will continue there each Sunday so long as this madness continues and conditions permit. Hopefully, peace and sanity will soon be restored, and we will not need any special section or sittings.

                        Sunday Zazen for Peace, with Washin in Ukraine

                        Our Rev. Washin will host a special Zazen Sitting every Sunday, so long as need and conditions allow, for Peace, Children and the Injured, supporting the Ukrainian Sangha, live from Odessa

                        Our Rev. Washin will host a special Zazen Sitting every Sunday, so long as need and conditions allow, for Peace, Children and the Injured, supporting the Ukrainian Sangha, live from Odessa

                        The time, place and way of connecting, etc., is exactly the same as for this 'Sunday Sit with Shugen and Washin.'

                        Gassho, J

                        ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                        • Washin
                          Senior Priest-in-Training
                          • Dec 2014
                          • 3840

                          I had to amend today's sitting format in the above OP from two zazens by 30 minutes and kinhin
                          to single zazen of 40 minutes.

                          Looking forward to seeing you all there.

                          Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
                          Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
                          I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
                          and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41193

                            Originally posted by Washin
                            I had to amend today's sitting format in the above OP from two zazens by 30 minutes and kinhin
                            to single zazen of 40 minutes.

                            Looking forward to seeing you all there.

                            Might I suggest, Washin, that you keep the Heart Sutra, 1 Zazen of 40 minutes, Verses and Vows format each coming week too?

                            That is what I announced to folks on facebook and elsewhere. Sorry if I misunderstood.

                            Gassho, Jundo
                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Washin
                              Senior Priest-in-Training
                              • Dec 2014
                              • 3840

                              Originally posted by Jundo
                              Might I suggest, Washin, that you keep the Heart Sutra, 1 Zazen of 40 minutes, Verses and Vows format each coming week too?

                              That is what I announced to folks on facebook and elsewhere. Sorry if I misunderstood.

                              Gassho, Jundo
                              Yes, Jundo, we may keep this short format as suggested.

                              Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
                              Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
                              I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
                              and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


                              • Washin
                                Senior Priest-in-Training
                                • Dec 2014
                                • 3840

                                In addition please note that sitting is anchored to EET which is 4 pm Kyiv time
                                even if the calendar now shows me 3 pm due to a change of time in the US.
                                Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
                                Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
                                I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
                                and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.

