Our chant reads:
Some places call it the "Repentence Verse" (Sangemon 懺悔文), and it is about being sorry, reflecting, wishing to make amends and to do better from here.
We recently had a discussion among the priests about where the mouth goes in relation to the body! (Oh, that sounds bad!
It all began when Shinshi noted:
To which I responded:
Then there was some discussion on which sounds better, and to be honest, I forget exactly what we agreed or where we made the change. It is possible that you will find either version popping up here and there at Treeleaf sometimes. I atone for that as well.
However, I believe that our standard is now "acts, words and thoughts." 
It is also a common teaching in English, because of the happenstance that "atonement" can read "at-one-ment" that this is also a "Verse of At-One-Ment" ... tossing all into Emptiness. That is a little wordplay only available in English, not Japanese or Chinese.
A Zazenkai Talk refected on the Verse of Atonement (and Four Vows too) ... from about 01:50:00 here:
Sorry for my long post too.
Gassho, Jundo
All harmful acts, words and thoughts, ever committed by me since of old,
On account of beginningless greed, anger and ignorance,
Born of my body, mouth and mind,
Now I atone for them all
All harmful acts, words and thoughts, ever committed by me since of old,
On account of beginningless greed, anger and ignorance,
Born of my body, mouth and mind,
Now I atone for them all
Some places call it the "Repentence Verse" (Sangemon 懺悔文), and it is about being sorry, reflecting, wishing to make amends and to do better from here.
We recently had a discussion among the priests about where the mouth goes in relation to the body! (Oh, that sounds bad!

It all began when Shinshi noted:
In the Treeleaf chant book the VERSE OF ATONEMENT is given as:
All harmful words thoughts and acts
Ever committed by me since of Old
On account of beginning-less greed, anger and ignorance
Born of my body, mouth and mind
Now I atone for them all
During the Ordination ceremony (from the document) we said:
Jundo says: All harmful acts, words and thoughts, ever committed by me since of old,
(Ordainees repeat)
Jundo says: On account of beginningless greed, anger and ignorance,
(Ordainees repeat)
Jundo says: Born of my body, mouth and mind,
(Ordainees repeat)
Jundo says: Now I atone for them all
(Ordainees repeat)
All harmful words thoughts and acts
Ever committed by me since of Old
On account of beginning-less greed, anger and ignorance
Born of my body, mouth and mind
Now I atone for them all
During the Ordination ceremony (from the document) we said:
Jundo says: All harmful acts, words and thoughts, ever committed by me since of old,
(Ordainees repeat)
Jundo says: On account of beginningless greed, anger and ignorance,
(Ordainees repeat)
Jundo says: Born of my body, mouth and mind,
(Ordainees repeat)
Jundo says: Now I atone for them all
(Ordainees repeat)
Oh my gosh! That means the whole ceremony was invalid, and we have to DO IT AGAIN!
Just kidding!
I am not sure what happened there, but I actually now try to say "acts, words and thoughts," which seems a more logical order of degrees of behavior (from hitting some guy, which is more serious than just saying angry words, which is more serious than just thinking an angry thought, and the root of the other two).
The Sino-Japanese actually speaks of just "Evil Karma" (akugō 惡業) born of "Body, speech, and mind" (shinkui 身口意) as the three modes of karma (sangō 三業). We used to say "evil Karma," but changed that to "harmful acts, words and thoughts," following the order "body, speech, mind," which is where I got that for the Ordination ceremony. So, our Verse of Atonement is actually a little out of order (I copied another Zen Sangha in making ours, and did not notice the problem). Really, the order does not really matter. However, should we change our Verse of Atonement this year?

Just kidding!

I am not sure what happened there, but I actually now try to say "acts, words and thoughts," which seems a more logical order of degrees of behavior (from hitting some guy, which is more serious than just saying angry words, which is more serious than just thinking an angry thought, and the root of the other two).
The Sino-Japanese actually speaks of just "Evil Karma" (akugō 惡業) born of "Body, speech, and mind" (shinkui 身口意) as the three modes of karma (sangō 三業). We used to say "evil Karma," but changed that to "harmful acts, words and thoughts," following the order "body, speech, mind," which is where I got that for the Ordination ceremony. So, our Verse of Atonement is actually a little out of order (I copied another Zen Sangha in making ours, and did not notice the problem). Really, the order does not really matter. However, should we change our Verse of Atonement this year?

It is also a common teaching in English, because of the happenstance that "atonement" can read "at-one-ment" that this is also a "Verse of At-One-Ment" ... tossing all into Emptiness. That is a little wordplay only available in English, not Japanese or Chinese.
A Zazenkai Talk refected on the Verse of Atonement (and Four Vows too) ... from about 01:50:00 here:
Sorry for my long post too.
Gassho, Jundo