Dear All,
Please find a list of many of the several special guest Teachers we have been honored to have come visit Treeleaf over the years:
[Return Visit] Special Treeleaf Event - Guest Teacher, Rev. Heiku Jaime McLeod
Special Treeleaf Event - Guest Teacher, Rev. Shodo Spring
Special Treeleaf Event -Bodhi-Burnout- Myoshin Kate McCandless
A Treeleaf Event w/ a Very Special Teacher- Konin Cardenas/Dhammadipa
Special Treeleaf Event - Joan Hogetsu Hoeberichts - Love and Fear -
Special Treeleaf Event -Cathy Toldi- Feeling Our Way to Embodied Wisdom
Special Treeleaf Event -Shunzan Jill Kaplan- Deep Connections to Dharma
Special Treeleaf Event: Myosho Kyle-Brown/Four Noble Truths of Challenge
Special Treeleaf Event - Shosan Victoria Austin - Impact: Accidental Zen
Special Zazenkai with Zen/Dogen Historian Dr. Steven Heine
Special Zazenkai with Writer-Zen Historian Barbara O'Brien
Special Zazenkai with Grace Schireson
Special Zazenkai with Rev. Kenshin Catherine Cascade
Special Zazenkai with Rev. EDWARD ESPE BROWN (The Tassajara Tenzo)
Special New Year Zazenkai with Zoketsu Norman Fischer
Special Zazenkai with SUSAN MOON
Special Zazenkai with DAVID LOY
Special Zazenkai with Taikyo Morgans
Special Zazenkai with Myozan Kodo
Special Zazenkai with Rev. TAIGEN DAN LEIGHTON
Special Zazenkai with BRAD WARNER
Special Zazenkai with DAIHO HILBERT
Special Zazenkai & Talk with Rev. Tonen O'Connor! Please Sit-A-Long!
Special Zazenkai with Rev. Mary Mocine of Clear Water Zendo
Special "Inside the Grass Hut" Zazenkai & Talk with Ben Connelly
Special Zazenkai NEXT SUNDAY with MUHO NOELKE, Abbot of Antaiji
OUR MONTHLY 4-hour ZAZENKAI! (Guest Teacher: Buddhist Historian Jeffrey Kotyk)
Special Zazenkai with Rev. KOUN FRANZ!
(Gustav is a fellow successor to Nishijima Roshi, as well as a Priest in the Lutheran Church of Sweden)
Special Zazenkai with Doshin Cantor (video no longer available)
We have been gifted with their visits, and I hope to have many more in the coming years.
Nine Bows, Jundo