what do you experience during Zazen?

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  • Stephanie
    Guest replied
    Re: what do you experience during Zazen?

    Gassho, Harry, your warped sense of humor never fails to increase my momentary share of mirth :wink:

    As for the question of what I experience in zazen: My mind is very chatty and it usually takes anywhere from ten to twenty minutes to settle down. During the heaviest onslaught of mental activity, usually the first five minutes of sitting, I don't even try to do anything. I just let myself be washed over by my mental activity until it begins to slow down of its own accord. In the past, I used to then bring my attention to my hara; these days, I direct my attention to the activity of my mind. Repeatedly bringing attention to the content of the mind itself has an immediate effect. The activity lessens and it is clear that this activity is neither reality nor me. Then bliss arises. The bliss I experience I would compare to the feeling you get when you've been carrying something heavy and then set it down. My mind and body are flooded with a sensation hard to describe, it is almost too subtle to be called "pleasure" and yet it is intense and profound.

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  • will
    Re: what do you experience during Zazen?

    Emptiness is form
    Form is emptiness

    O/ Sha/ri/pu/tra/, form/ is/ no/ o/ther/ than/ emp/ti/ness/,
    Emp/ti/ness/ no/ o/ther/ than/ form/;
    Form/ is/ pre/cise/ly/ emp/ti/ness/, emp/ti/ness/ pre/cise/ly/ form/.
    Sen/sa/tions/, per/cep/tions/, for/ma/tions/ and/ con/scious/ness/ are/ al/so/ like/ this/.
    O/ Sha/ri/pu/tra/, all/ things/ are/ ex/pres/sions/ of/ emp/ti/ness/,
    Not/ born/, not/ des/troyed/, not/ stained/, not/ pure/;
    Nei/ther/ wax/ing/ nor/ wan/ing/.
    Thus/ emp/ti/ness/ is/ not/ form/; not/ sen/sa/tion/ nor/ per/cep/tion/,
    not/ for/ma/tion/ nor/ con/scious/ness/.
    No/ eye/, ear/, nose/, tongue/, bo/dy/, mind/;
    No/ sight/, sound/, smell/, taste/, touch/, nor/ ob/ject/ of/ mind/;
    No/ realm/ of/ sight/, no/ realm/ of/ con/scious/ness/;
    No/ ig/no/rance/, no/ end/ to/ ig/no/rance/;
    No/ old/ age/ and/ death/,
    No/ ces/sa/tion/ of/ old/ age/ and/ death/;
    No/ suf/fer/ing/, nor/ cause/ or/ end/ to/ suf/fer/ing/;
    No/ path/, no/ wis/dom/ and/ no/ gain/.
    No/ gain/ – thus/ Bod/dhi/satt/vas/ live/ this/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/*
    With/ no/ hin/drance/ of/ mind/ –
    No/ hin/drance/ there/fore/ no/ fear/.
    At moments, In the center of coming and going letting whatever happens happen. Letting whatever be. Does this mean being a zombie? Nope. It's different than zombie

    So we can make choices (because no right or wrong) that are beneficial or otherwise. Use your BRAIN my boy. And don't get down on yourself. Enjoy it. No Buddhas. You can never in countless Kalpas be a Buddha. That's just my take on it. :wink:

    I was 'Zen' with it til people started to point.


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  • will
    Re: what do you experience during Zazen?

    What comes naturally? Well, that is something for poets to write about.

    No right. No wrong.

    Just be yourself.


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  • will
    Re: what do you experience during Zazen?

    "Just sit to sit" is a simple and profound teaching. There is no need to wonder why or experience this or that. It just comes naturally if you let it be.

    What comes naturally? Well, that is something for poets to write about.


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  • will
    Re: what do you experience during Zazen?

    what do you experience during Zazen?
    describe your feelings? what do you go through? try to explain what it is you experience....
    At times thoughts are cut through into the heart of the moment. Into the actual experience of what is going on right now. Actually seeing the wall, hearing the rain, seeing the movement of thoughts and how they quiet down. To get beyond this, it must not be attached to, but just let be. It was usually rare that this was the case in my sitting. At times there was a goal, a "wanting to penetrate the moment" or an attachment to something, which just causes tension and a deteriation of practice. The moment is lost. Although it goes no where, it is not recognized or felt.

    Every sitting is not the same, but gradually there is becoming a consistency.


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  • undeceivable
    Re: what do you experience during Zazen?

    It'll be interesting to read what people feel during their Zazen.
    As for me:
    Sometimes I feel like there's no barrier anymore between me and my life and nothing left to do but just do the stuff I do. I often leave the Zabuton with the feeling that I don't need to do anything or be anyone particularly interesting or clever or funny - Just be what I am.
    Sometimes I get stuck to my thoughts but more often than not I stay quite focused and it's nice and comfortable during my Zazen. I don't sit very long but daily, and I find each time I sit, I can quite easily resume that kind of feeling.
    I guess I just feel balanced during Zazen.
    Yup, for 10 minutes of the day I feel balanced :P

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  • Dojin
    started a topic what do you experience during Zazen?

    what do you experience during Zazen?

    what do you experience during Zazen?
    describe your feelings? what do you go through? try to explain what it is you experience....

    when i sit i dont feel much. mostly just thoughts that come and go, they arise and just float by while i continue sitting, at times i experience brief moments without any thoughts at all, but they are actually not different from thought, having thoughts or not does not matter, as i write these lines i suddenly feel no difference between the 2 states. they are truly one.
    thought or no thought does not exist, yet they exist at the same time.

    at times i sense like everything i see blurs and becomes darker yet it is the same as always. it somehow blurs and becomes focused at the same time. i do not know how to even explain it. it is like everything becomes part of everything else and yet stays itself. it feels like everything is still yet the world moves.

    i feel nothing yet i feel everything all at once. as i write these words it seems to me that everything i wrote does not describe what i experience during Zazen. i guess i lac the words to describe it, or it is more likely it is beyond words? ( i do not know )

    i am reminded of a koan i once read :

    Gutei's Finger

    Gutei raised his finger whenever he was asked a question about Zen. A boy attendant began to imitate him in this way. When anyone asked the boy what his master had preached about, the boy would raise his finger.

    Gutei heard about the boy's mischief. He seized him and cut off his finger. The boy cried and ran away. Gutei called and stopped him. When the boy turned his head to Gutei, Gutei raised up his own finger. In that instant the boy was enlightened.

    When Gutei was about to pass from this world he gathered his monks around him. `I attained my finger-Zen,' he said, `from my teacher Tenryu, and in my whole life I could not exhaust it.' Then he passed away.
    forgive me if what i wrote seems like the rambling of an idiot, i humbly bow my head to you all.
    forgive me if i have wasted your time.