I know there are people here who can not sit and must lay down during their Zazen. This thread isn't about that.
This morning at 5:30 my alarm went off. I must have forgotten that it was the weekend when I went to bed and so set my alarm. Sadly I couldn't fall back to sleep but I also didn't want to get up out of bed because my wife is such a light sleeper I knew I'd disturb her. So I decided to "sit". The room was dark. I did keep my eyes closed. I was laying down under the covers but otherwise tried to keep things consistent with my usual seated Zazen. I was there for about an hour and a half. Watching thoughts come and go. Following my breath. Willing to fall asleep if sleep came. This isn't the first time I've practiced like this I sometimes wake in the middle of the night and have trouble falling back to sleep so I "sit" in bed. Basically Zazen rather than counting sheep (or worse dwelling on thoughts).
I am curious to hear if anyone else does this. I don't see any negative except for the risk that I associate sleep and Zazen.
EDIT. Since it has come up in other's responses, I don't treat this time as replacement for putting time on the cushion. More like the insta-Zazen one would do while waiting in a line or at a doctor office.
Sat today both in bed and later on my Zafu
This morning at 5:30 my alarm went off. I must have forgotten that it was the weekend when I went to bed and so set my alarm. Sadly I couldn't fall back to sleep but I also didn't want to get up out of bed because my wife is such a light sleeper I knew I'd disturb her. So I decided to "sit". The room was dark. I did keep my eyes closed. I was laying down under the covers but otherwise tried to keep things consistent with my usual seated Zazen. I was there for about an hour and a half. Watching thoughts come and go. Following my breath. Willing to fall asleep if sleep came. This isn't the first time I've practiced like this I sometimes wake in the middle of the night and have trouble falling back to sleep so I "sit" in bed. Basically Zazen rather than counting sheep (or worse dwelling on thoughts).
I am curious to hear if anyone else does this. I don't see any negative except for the risk that I associate sleep and Zazen.
EDIT. Since it has come up in other's responses, I don't treat this time as replacement for putting time on the cushion. More like the insta-Zazen one would do while waiting in a line or at a doctor office.
Sat today both in bed and later on my Zafu