Make America Zen Again! (and Treeleaf's Take on Things) ...

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  • Jakuden
    • Jun 2015
    • 6141

    Originally posted by Careless Voice
    Somewhere out of all of my delusion I find peace from all of my struggle against "the enemy" here.

    Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
    There you go. This is the practice, but it is meant to be taken off the cushion, out of the Zendo and into the world as benevolence and compassion. During Zazen, one awakens to the realization that there is no separation.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 40890

      Originally posted by Careless Voice
      I'm also an anglo supremacist.
      It's kind of complex, and really not appropriate to speak about through this medium (out of respect for Jundo and others). I never push my world veiw on others, but if you're really interested in an explanation, then please PM me.

      And no, I'm not trolling, I'm quite serious.


      Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
      Yes, I would like to understand. Would you PM me too? Thank you Kyle.

      Gassho, Jundo



      • Careless Voice
        • Apr 2016
        • 19

        Originally posted by Getchi
        That's beautiful Daizan.

        I myself identified as a radical left wing agitator. But that was a lifetime ago, nd we all join together in emptines anyway.

        CarelessVoice, thank you for your respectful expression.

        Thank you,
        Ge off.

        Sat today, with every time in this moment.

        P.s, I promise to post more often :-)
        Thank you, and thank you too, Jishin. Just so there's no confusion: I don't dislike anyone based on the color of their skin. The USSR Communist leader Leon Trotsky would probably call me a racist, but I'm not. I just really love my culture. However, I'm all for cultural exchange as long as my culture isn't threatened.

        And yes, we are all here to sit and let fall away our ideological views, etc.

        I'd rather be open with my views than sit in a shadow out of fear of being judged. It's truly refreshing to see that we can all find a common ground through this great mediator called Zazen.


        Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 40890

          Hi Kyle,

          I am going to ask you to leave such opinions at the door of this place. Here, we sit beyond ups or downs based on nationality or race. Period.

          On a personal note, I have lived overseas too long, and had too many friends from too many places, to think that any culture has it right. Some wonderful things about the West and its various countries, also some criminality and ignorance and selfishness and waste. Same for all nations and cultures, each with their good points we can all learn from, their evils we should all avoid (and my own countries ... both the one where I was born and the one where I now live ... are no exception). There are good and bad people all around.

          Anyway, here there is no place for such views. Let us sit, beyond and right through all nations and borders and "you" and "me."

          Gassho, Jundo

          Last edited by Jundo; 01-27-2017, 08:35 AM.


          • Kokuu
            Dharma Transmitted Priest
            • Nov 2012
            • 6906

            Dear all

            I realise that this is not the place for political discussions and I respect the views of all people.

            However, as I think about the fight of the Standing Rock Nation against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), I do find myself reflecting on the legitimacy for a group of people to demand control over the influence of the migrant population on their culture when they themselves have both a historic and ongoing practice of cultural and actual genocide and riding roughshod over the rights of the indigenous people in the country they themselves migrated to.

            Mitakuye Oyasin (Lakota: we are all related)
            -sattoday for the Standing Rock people-


            • Hoseki
              • Jun 2015
              • 688

              Originally posted by Careless Voice
              I voted for Trump.

              I support his policies.

              I'm a staunch liberal authoritarian and civic nationalist politically.

              I'm also an anglo supremacist.

              Somewhere out of all of my delusion I find peace from all of my struggle against "the enemy" here. Sometimes I feel like the walking embodiment of irony.

              People can choose to hate me, love me, disagree with me, or agree with me. It doesn't matter to me. I'm here to sit and learn more from a veiw that differs so much from my own, but also a veiw I can get behind.

              In my world, being a Buddhist is like being a closet homosexual.


              Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
              Hi Careless Voice,

              I'm hoping I'm not going to be this guy.

              Have you ever heard or read any Martin Heidegger? When I was in school I remember reading a passage from one of his books. I think it might be interesting here. (I'm sure I'm butchering his intention but I'm not worried)

              When the craftsman in his/her workshop and they reach for their hammer. The hammer is ready at hand and is simply a hammer. To the craftsman the hammer is just a hammer. But when they reach and find it broken it's present at hand. Its the focus of ones intention. It's no long a single element of the world but almost a world unto itself. What was a unity is now a multiplicity. The hammer is no more! Now it's a metal peace and a Wooden handle.

              The meaning of the hammer depends on what we are up to. In a conflict the hammer can be a weapon or in the freezing cold a bit of kindling or when one is itchy a poor back scratcher.

              To be able to function in this world we have to be able to take complex things and see them in a simple way. This simplicity reflects the activities these "unities" are involved in. A car is a car when I'm driving to the store a car is a system when the mechanic is troubleshooting a problem.

              Treating systems a simple unities allow us to engage in complex behaviours. But we (myself included) often look at these phenomena with the less helpful perspective.

              How many people on the internet use the words religion and science as if they are simple things? Religion is a poison or foolishness but Science is great! No one practices Religion or Science. They have a religion or practice a science.

              I think these ideas apply to culture as well. If one looks closely they can switch from culture to a set of practices performed by a community or set of communities. Some of these practices support each other's and some exist in an uneasy tension.

              In addition our emotions tend to be strongest when we are dealing with simplified unities rather than complex multiplicities.

              I think it might be helpful to look at the culture you love and try to identify its parts. Perhaps there will be parts you don't like.

              Any who that's enough from me now.



              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


              • Doshin
                • May 2015
                • 2634

                This thread and particularly the discussion of the last couple of days has caused many emotions to arise within me. I have wanted to comment, critique and judge but realize that would add no value and this is not the place to exhibit behavior that my studies in Zen suggest are not always the path. A few of you are Face Book friends and note I have some strong feelings about environmental issues and science and hopefully share those without offending anyone.

                I find our species amazing, compassionate, cruel and thoughtless. I often wonder is this the "worst of times or the best of times" and believe that depends on where you were born and in what time you lived and also how you view it all. Not long ago on one of the many talking head shows someone pointed out we were in one of the more peaceful times in human history. Go figure. But then I only have to look back to my parent's generation and World War 2.

                I rejected religion when I was very young and became disillusioned with the trajectory of our species in the decades to follow. Though I believe I have lived life with optimism that things would become better for the planet, us and all species and strived to add contributions to that goal. I do admit that is a tougher attitude for me to take even with having a son and grandson that will inherit what ever this earth becomes. And I do think alot of that future for them and all the others. Unlike many, I have a very strong biocentric view of things and have tempered that opinion when talking to others and try to share perspectives in more gradual approaches hoping I can change views I see as the antithesis of all life on this planet. Other times I sit back and say that humanity has become like the meterors of past that collided with this tiny blue spec in the universive and led to the extinction of most life. And yet millions of years later different life forms arose and stumble forward again. So life goes on so to speak...

                Zen has helped me frame a perspective of acceptance and understanding that I do not understand. And yet I have a long ways to go on that path and not as many years in front as those that I have lived.

                So when I see/hear perspectives that shake my core I often try to channel the following (humor intentionally being brought to my post to help a few smiles arise)

                your opinion.jpg

                Peace to all and may we help others and other species

                Last edited by Doshin; 01-27-2017, 04:02 PM.


                • Mp

                  Originally posted by Doshin
                  This thread and particularly the discussion of the last couple of days has caused many emotions to arise within me. I have wanted to comment, critique and judge but realize that would add no value and this is not the place to exhibit behavior that my studies in Zen suggest are not always the path. A few of you are Face Book friends and note I have some strong feelings about environmental issues and science and hopefully share those without offending anyone.

                  I find our species amazing, compassionate, cruel and thoughtless. I often wonder is this the "worst of times or the best of times" and believe that depends on where you were born and in what time you lived and also how you view it all. Not long ago on one of the many talking head shows someone pointed out we were in one of the more peaceful times in human history. Go figure. But then I only have to look back to my parent's generation and World War 2.

                  I rejected religion when I was very young and became disillusioned with the trajectory of our species in the decades to follow. Though I believe I have lived life with optimism that things would become better for the planet, us and all species. I do admit that is a tougher attitude for me to take even with having a son and grandson that will inherit what ever this earth becomes. And I do think of that for them and all the others. Unlike many, I have a very strong biocentric view of things and have tempered that opinion when talking to others thought and try to share perspectives in more gradual approaches hoping I can change views I see as the antithesis of all life on this planet. Other times I sit back and say that humanity has become like the meterors of past that collieded with this tiny blue spec in the universive and led to the extinction of most life. And yet millions of years later different life forms arose and stumble forward again. So life goes on so to speak...

                  Zen has helped me frame a perspective of acceptance and understanding that I do not understand. And yet I have a long ways to go on that path and not as many years in front as those that I have lived.

                  So when I see/hear perspectives that shake my core I often try to channel the following (humor intentionally being brought to my post to help a few smiles arise)


                  Peace to all and may we help others and other species

                  [emoji120] Thank you Doshin.




                  • Risho
                    • May 2010
                    • 3178

                    Wow what started out as sort of a "Shock" post has made me think a lot and has produced some awesome responses; which is really the norm around here.

                    One thing I will say is that although I don't really believe that a culture is naturally superior to any other - I mean we are human beings, there are advantages in different cultures everywhere. So while I don't think that white people are superior, I think that's horseshit, I cannot really point fingers and demonize someone with that thought because:

                    1. it won't really help

                    2. Deep down I have a superiority complex, so sometimes I think I'm better than other people, which I think we all share in common.

                    3. Deep down I have an inferiority complex, so sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough, which is the same side of the BS coin and we all have in common.

                    4. I have problems with attachment, greed, anger and ignorance which we all share in common.




                    • Getchi
                      • May 2015
                      • 612

                      Originally posted by Kyonin
                      Hi all,

                      Just to add in a couple of thoughts about expressing and speaking out the things that go against the Precepts in politics and in the world.

                      Here in my country and with the government we have now, speaking out could get you killed or mysteriously "disappeared". At the beginning of 2017 prices on gasoline, food and life in general went sky high as Trump becomes a threat to Mexico and corruption is out of control. Things got ugly because people went out to protest and tried to take the streets, but the government sent out a wave of goons to pillage stores, rape and spread fear. The protests calmed down because of this, but now sadness and despair are deep in everyone's mind.

                      How to protest? What to do? Are questions that people make to me on a daily basis. You cant' protest but life needs to go on and families have kids to feed!

                      Here's my answer and it could be seen as naive or stupid, but I think it works.

                      We can't suddenly change the things we don't like in the planet. We can't expect that a revolution and civil war will change things because history shows us that in most cases revolution leads to even more corrupt governments to take place. However, people forget that all it takes to change a system or a biological entity, the force behind evolution, are the mutants. Yes, like the X-men. A mutant is a cell or an individual that is different from the pack. It sees things in a different light, has different ways to do things and is better suited to stir things up in the benefit of the whole organism.

                      The power of one, a tiny little mutant that is willing to work for the benefit of the system can change things now and plant the seeds of change. Working for the community, teaching kids to be compassionate and generous, pulling up hopeless people and encouraging them to keep on going... all that won't do anything to change the present. But will create a better future for a lot of people. Those actions create ripples and affect life in a positive way.

                      An insignificant mutant here teaching kids teamwork, another tiny mutant there teaching people how to knit sweaters for the winter, another teaching a language, other helping the elder, another one spreading the word of compassion and generosity. All without failing, without breaking.

                      In my deluded and naive mind, these little actions are much more important that an armed revolution. This is a way to surf the waters of evil presidents, child abuse and all the things we know they need to be transformed. It takes time, sure. But as part of Mother Nature, what's the rush?

                      Of course people looking for immediate change laugh at me and forget what I say. But, hey I keep on trying.

                      Sorry for the long post.



                      Kyonin, I haven't stopped thinking about this post. I heard once that emptiness is com passion itself, I think you have helped me realize a little bit of what that may be.

                      I'll think of you and your country in my p

                      Ge off

                      Nothing to do? Why not Sit?


                      • Jakuden
                        • Jun 2015
                        • 6141

                        Originally posted by Getchi
                        Kyonin, I haven't stopped thinking about this post. I heard once that emptiness is com passion itself, I think you have helped me realize a little bit of what that may be.

                        I'll think of you and your country in my p

                        Ge off




                        • Jakuden
                          • Jun 2015
                          • 6141

                          Originally posted by Jundo
                          Hi Kyle,

                          I am going to ask you to leave such opinions at the door of this place. Here, we sit beyond ups or downs based on nationality or race. Period.

                          On a personal note, I have lived overseas too long, and had too many friends from too many places, to think that any culture has it right. Some wonderful things about the West and its various countries, also some criminality and ignorance and selfishness and waste. Same for all nations and cultures, each with their good points we can all learn from, their evils we should all avoid (and my own countries ... both the one where I was born and the one where I now live ... are no exception). There are good and bad people all around.

                          Anyway, here there is no place for such views. Let us sit, beyond and right through all nations and borders and "you" and "me."

                          Gassho, Jundo

                          We were talking on another thread about Kensho (smensho) and how it is not necessarily a big thing with bells and horns, but more often a series of small awakenings. One of those for me was the realization of, "OH MY GOD, our minds are ALL this way!!" No matter how many times I tell my teens, "everyone is struggling in high school, everyone is worried about being the only one not cool, not smart, etc" they can't seem to feel it. We all walk around feeling like our minds are so separate from everyone else's. Then you look at the posts in this forum, and realize that every single person--brown, white, Asian, young, old, male, female, Christian, atheist, liberal, conservative, athletic, disabled, whatever--has the same dukkha, samsara, desire to end suffering, along with seeds of wisdom and anger and compassion and fear. As Kyle said, Zazen is the great mediator, (or I might say equalizer).



                          • Jishin
                            • Oct 2012
                            • 4821


                            Generally law is the USA is made by this process:

                            The House of Representatives (republican) come up with with a proposed law (takes 51% of the House of Representatives which is republican). The proposed law then goes to the senate (more than 50% republican but less than 60% republican) for any proposed changes and is sent to the president (republican) to sign the proposed law into actual law. So, it takes 51% or greater in both the house (republican) and the senate (republican) to get it to the president (republicans) to make something into law.

                            Here is the primary problem for republicans even though the control the house, the senate and the presidency:

                            Cloture rules. Cloture means shut up, we are going to take a vote so that we can send a proposed law to the president for signature.

                            The senate republicans do not have and are far from having > 60% senators required to tell the democrats to shut up so that we can send this proposed law to the president so he can sign it into law.

                            Unless something drastically changes in the USA, it's business as usual. Lots of talk, no action because the talk can not become law.

                            That said, the executive branch of government can create immediate and also long lasting changes.

                            My 2 cents.

                            Gasho, Jishin, _/st\_


                            • Getchi
                              • May 2015
                              • 612

                              Thanks Jishin, I feel a little safer.

                              Following the markets, I can not see much seriously changing. Ex; the cost of the wall ultimately will be passed onto American consumers. I assume most will be rather upset by that situation.

                              My friend won Student President by promising Mac ca's in the can teen. He ultimately blamed the teachers for tag failed policy. He now advised govt on environmental law. (McDonalds burgers, not sure if you have them over there.)

                              Jakuden exactly! We all "know" the beauty and fragility of this life, but even I want to wrap my neighbors stupid clarinet around sadistic skull. I settle for quiet music and an impromtue Zazen instead.

                              We truly are better together, and we do make this world great already i mo.

                              Ge off.

                              Nothing to do? Why not Sit?


                              • Kaisho
                                • Nov 2016
                                • 190

                                I have to say your post has stuck with me as well for a number of days and every time I check this thread it is one I reread. It seems you are looking at a trade off of security vs. Speaking your mind. In light of this it seems like the most radical and beautiful act you could do and preserve your safety is to just sit. Sit beyond the ups and downs and manifest compassion. It's like playing the long game where kindness is the great facilitator. Then again I may have over romanticized it.

                                Anywhos, my thoughts are with you.

                                Sent from my LGLS675 using Tapatalk

