Hey everyone,
Cold and frosty here in the UK! I recall the first time I took control of a car....I remember thinking "...its moving its moving..." and feeling uncomfortable with the fact I now had control of this thing!
I didn't sit this morning, been suffering from the annual winter lurgy I am afraid. So apologies there, I did want to ask you all a question though if I may(?)
You might recall my long intellectual battles regarding Shikantaza, we had many a long thread develop as a result. However, over the last year or so it 'clicked' if you like. I began to get it. I dropped all the trying and shut the F up and just sat.
Experiencing the wholeness and simplicity in putting everything into just sitting helped it all fall into place. So, whats the problem eh?
I am still aware that Shikantaza is so very different from my other experiences with sitting in the Theravadin tradition for years. I am now worried that I might be getting 'good' (as it were) at something that isn't necessarily Buddhist.
I see so many discussions in here and the odd reference to Dogen and other more contemporary teachers but so few mentions of the Suttas or Agamas....
I hope that makes sense.....its a sense of feeling ill at ease I guess with the ease at which I am now 'Just Sitting'.
Cold and frosty here in the UK! I recall the first time I took control of a car....I remember thinking "...its moving its moving..." and feeling uncomfortable with the fact I now had control of this thing!
I didn't sit this morning, been suffering from the annual winter lurgy I am afraid. So apologies there, I did want to ask you all a question though if I may(?)
You might recall my long intellectual battles regarding Shikantaza, we had many a long thread develop as a result. However, over the last year or so it 'clicked' if you like. I began to get it. I dropped all the trying and shut the F up and just sat.
Experiencing the wholeness and simplicity in putting everything into just sitting helped it all fall into place. So, whats the problem eh?
I am still aware that Shikantaza is so very different from my other experiences with sitting in the Theravadin tradition for years. I am now worried that I might be getting 'good' (as it were) at something that isn't necessarily Buddhist.
I see so many discussions in here and the odd reference to Dogen and other more contemporary teachers but so few mentions of the Suttas or Agamas....
I hope that makes sense.....its a sense of feeling ill at ease I guess with the ease at which I am now 'Just Sitting'.