I've just recently discovered Insight Timer, after it had been mentioned in a few recent post and have just started using the basic timer for Shikantaza, having previously used the Zazen Meditation Timer app. Found the Treeleaf group and joined up but as yet I'm not eligible to post.
Having looked at the multitude of meditation guides available on IT, I thought I'd seek some guidance here and hope my question is not seen as sacrilege to our core practice.
As I ease myself into different ways of practice and having consider starting some Metta practice. My big problem is summoning loving kindness. Its just not something I can do at will. In fact its a rare occasion that I get such feelings, unless its a direct response to being with some one (my wife, family and some friends). I've always struggled with my emotions in so much as I'm what could be consider a cold person, always serious and never the life and soul of the party. "Not very demonstrative" as my wife often says! But given some circumstances, yes there's something there.
So this I struggle with ....
Just wondered if anyone has used some of the guided meditations on Insight Timer, especially those relation to loving kindness and if you think these would be a help ? I've bookmarked a few but thought it would be good to draw on others experience.
Guess at the end of the day, I've returned to Zen to become a calmer, more relaxed, less reactive and peaceful person who is happier with himself as he is and maybe this is one area that would help me feel more at one with myself - sorry but its kinda difficult express.
Anyway, any suggestions and guidance would be most appreciated.
Having looked at the multitude of meditation guides available on IT, I thought I'd seek some guidance here and hope my question is not seen as sacrilege to our core practice.
As I ease myself into different ways of practice and having consider starting some Metta practice. My big problem is summoning loving kindness. Its just not something I can do at will. In fact its a rare occasion that I get such feelings, unless its a direct response to being with some one (my wife, family and some friends). I've always struggled with my emotions in so much as I'm what could be consider a cold person, always serious and never the life and soul of the party. "Not very demonstrative" as my wife often says! But given some circumstances, yes there's something there.
So this I struggle with ....
To begin, take a moment to quiet your mind, and focus your attention on recalling the experience and sensation of loving kindness. Try to summon such feelings within, and hold them throughout your sincere reciting of the following. Try smiling gently, and mean it. That simple step really does something to put us in the right frame of mind.
Guess at the end of the day, I've returned to Zen to become a calmer, more relaxed, less reactive and peaceful person who is happier with himself as he is and maybe this is one area that would help me feel more at one with myself - sorry but its kinda difficult express.
Anyway, any suggestions and guidance would be most appreciated.