Dear All,
I am so pleased to announced that a traditional name board with the calligraphy of Nishijima Roshi 'Ko no Ha' (Treeleaf - Literally, "Tree" "'s" "Leaf") has been installed above the doorway of the Zendo in Tsukuba.
Nishijima wrote the letters in ink on paper while he was alive, and I recently had them transposed with his stamps and signature to wood as is sometimes done here.
Pictured in the photo is Mr. Keshiro Aita, the Japanese carpenter who hung it for us securely (we get strong typhoons around here) and who built much of the interior of the Zendo several years ago.

Here is a video of the work by Keshiro on the Zendo a few years ago (with builder Mr. Ushioda) ...
Gassho, Jundo
I am so pleased to announced that a traditional name board with the calligraphy of Nishijima Roshi 'Ko no Ha' (Treeleaf - Literally, "Tree" "'s" "Leaf") has been installed above the doorway of the Zendo in Tsukuba.
Nishijima wrote the letters in ink on paper while he was alive, and I recently had them transposed with his stamps and signature to wood as is sometimes done here.
Pictured in the photo is Mr. Keshiro Aita, the Japanese carpenter who hung it for us securely (we get strong typhoons around here) and who built much of the interior of the Zendo several years ago.
Here is a video of the work by Keshiro on the Zendo a few years ago (with builder Mr. Ushioda) ...
Gassho, Jundo