(European) Morning Sit

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  • Ongen
    • Jan 2014
    • 786

    Hi Washin,

    I'm sorry for the troubles, Google is not making it easier.

    It used to be a logical flow; create a hangout with a scheduled start time, people would be automatically be invited and receive the right link.
    For some reason google felt they should not make it that easy anymore, so now I have to create a Youtube Live video (invitations don't work) and post the link on Google Plus.
    Maybe I can use google calendar to send invites, just thought of that now.

    Meanwhile, If you check my Morning Zazen google + collection (here: https://plus.google.com/collection/YxbAME) every morning, you will see the correct link every morning!


    Sat today
    Ongen (音源) - Sound Source


    • Washin
      Senior Priest-in-Training
      • Dec 2014
      • 3840

      Meanwhile, If you check my Morning Zazen google + collection (here: https://plus.google.com/collection/YxbAME) every morning, you will see the correct link every morning!
      Ah, ok. Just got your PM too. I'll be looking there

      Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
      Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
      I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
      and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


      • Kotei
        Dharma Transmitted Priest
        • Mar 2015
        • 4351


        Ango is nearly over, the next two days are filled with our Rohatsu retreat.

        Ongen, thank you very much for bringing this up, hosting it and ringing the bell.
        We sat through google hiccups, life and other things together, the last 90 days.

        I wasn't sure that my social anxieties and getting up so early in the morning ;-) allow me to attend regularly.
        I am so glad, that I joined. Actually, I was very much looking forward to meeting you all again and again every morning, looking at your friendly, open faces.

        Thank you, all who joined and sat together.

        Kotei just sat.
        義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.


        • Ongen
          • Jan 2014
          • 786

          Hi Kotei,

          and Washin, and other interested people,

          Let me thank you too for sitting during this ango. I'm sorry I had to skip a few sits the the last two weeks.

          I wish you a good rohatsu. I will continue the early morning sit undefinately also after ango, so if you like, you can join in any time.


          Sat today, but not that early for once
          Ongen (音源) - Sound Source


          • Washin
            Senior Priest-in-Training
            • Dec 2014
            • 3840

            Thank you, Ongen, for hosting the sits. Thank you to Kotei and others who joined.
            That was a lovely time. From next Monday on my week days' routine is changing and will be
            sitting an hour earlier. I'll be visiting the event's link once in while to see if there's a
            sit on weekends.
            Wish you all a happy Rohatsu.

            sat this morning
            Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
            Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
            I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
            and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


            • Kotei
              Dharma Transmitted Priest
              • Mar 2015
              • 4351

              Washin, Ongen,
              good to read, that there is a fair chance, that we'll still meet here and there.

              Kotei sattoday.
              義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.

