Dear All,
Just a word that, accompanying opening a new Paypal Account and Bank Account as Rev. Shugen takes over as our Treasurer, we lost the ability to accept donations for a few days. It is all repaired now. Thank you.
However, I need to ask the folks who contacted me who had signed up for a monthly, automatic recurring donation to reregister at the Paypal link above (there is a little box to check on the Paypal page) ... I apologize for the inconvenience, and offer all our thanks and gratitude for helping to keep a roof on this place.
Let me express my great gratitude to all of you, donors and those who cannot. You are what make this community and keep it going. I would like to remind everyone of our policy on donations around here (more details at the link above):
Nine Bows, Jundo
Just a word that, accompanying opening a new Paypal Account and Bank Account as Rev. Shugen takes over as our Treasurer, we lost the ability to accept donations for a few days. It is all repaired now. Thank you.
However, I need to ask the folks who contacted me who had signed up for a monthly, automatic recurring donation to reregister at the Paypal link above (there is a little box to check on the Paypal page) ... I apologize for the inconvenience, and offer all our thanks and gratitude for helping to keep a roof on this place.
Let me express my great gratitude to all of you, donors and those who cannot. You are what make this community and keep it going. I would like to remind everyone of our policy on donations around here (more details at the link above):
There are no charges at all for the activities and teachings provided at Treeleaf Sangha, which are each offered free to all who may benefit. No donations are solicited or required. However, if someone wishes to make a voluntary donation to our community, they may do so at the following link with our gratitude. If you wish to make a donation, we ask you to consider a suggested MONTHLY DONATION OF US$5 or $10 ($60 or $120 PER YEAR), with the understanding that people who have little or no money should know especially that it is fine to donate less than such amounts or nothing at all. If one has more money, and feels it is right, one can donate more than such amounts. All donations are completely voluntary, without obligation, according to ability, and as one feels in one’s heart. Newcomers should wait some months until making sure they feel at home in our community before even considering to donate. We leave it to each person to decide.
All donations will be used for the purposes of the maintenance and improvement of software and equipment needed for this ‘digital’ Sangha, books, notices and publications to introduce our resources to those who may benefit, support of retreats and activities, and other Sangha related expenditures under the supervision of our 5 member “Donation Oversight and Expenditure Committee”
We also ask folks to donate to us after they have donated to help the needy. We do encourage people to make financial donations to charities that help folks, e.g., feeding the poor, helping refugees, finding a cure for a disease. Following the foregoing, we also accept, but do not solicit or require, voluntary donations here at Treeleaf should anyone wish.
All donations will be used for the purposes of the maintenance and improvement of software and equipment needed for this ‘digital’ Sangha, books, notices and publications to introduce our resources to those who may benefit, support of retreats and activities, and other Sangha related expenditures under the supervision of our 5 member “Donation Oversight and Expenditure Committee”
We also ask folks to donate to us after they have donated to help the needy. We do encourage people to make financial donations to charities that help folks, e.g., feeding the poor, helping refugees, finding a cure for a disease. Following the foregoing, we also accept, but do not solicit or require, voluntary donations here at Treeleaf should anyone wish.
