Hey folks,
I just finished my evening zazen with Joy, Washin, and Doshin and wanted to share a thought that came into my mind before zazen started. In our practice Jundo has spoken of this boundless, borderless, no space and time of our practice and this evening I truly felt what he has been referring to. Here we are Joyo, Washin, Doshin, and myself - for Joyo, Doshin, and myself our day is coming to an end; whereas for Washin, his day is just beginning. But in that moment there was no space, time, distance, day, night, here, or there ... it was just zazen!
So thank you all for making these moments possible, there are truly wonderful! =)
s@today beyond space, time, day, and night
I just finished my evening zazen with Joy, Washin, and Doshin and wanted to share a thought that came into my mind before zazen started. In our practice Jundo has spoken of this boundless, borderless, no space and time of our practice and this evening I truly felt what he has been referring to. Here we are Joyo, Washin, Doshin, and myself - for Joyo, Doshin, and myself our day is coming to an end; whereas for Washin, his day is just beginning. But in that moment there was no space, time, distance, day, night, here, or there ... it was just zazen!
So thank you all for making these moments possible, there are truly wonderful! =)
s@today beyond space, time, day, and night