The Sangha

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  • 6yx
    • Jun 2011
    • 48

    The Sangha

    One thing I read early on was to take refuge in three...jewels? I forget the word, but it was to take refuge in the dharma, the Buddha and the Sangha.

    I'm not fond of people and always find it fascinating and frustrating when I feel the need to be minded people?

    I don't understand it. My wife would point out that our human nature is social. Perhaps it is that simple? Perhaps I'm an urban hermit? Perhaps that is a very flattering thing to say about myself.

    I come here to read and fill that human need. Or whatever it is.

    Thankfully you're here. Filling something unexplained. Maybe better left that way?

    What are your thoughts on the need for

    Thank you for being here. Wherever that is.
  • Jishin
    • Oct 2012
    • 4821

    You are not making any sense. But I am glad you are here.

    Gasho, Jishin, _/st\_


    • Jakuden
      • Jun 2015
      • 6141

      Originally posted by 6yx
      One thing I read early on was to take refuge in three...jewels? I forget the word, but it was to take refuge in the dharma, the Buddha and the Sangha.

      I'm not fond of people and always find it fascinating and frustrating when I feel the need to be minded people?

      I don't understand it. My wife would point out that our human nature is social. Perhaps it is that simple? Perhaps I'm an urban hermit? Perhaps that is a very flattering thing to say about myself.

      I come here to read and fill that human need. Or whatever it is.

      Thankfully you're here. Filling something unexplained. Maybe better left that way?

      What are your thoughts on the need for

      Thank you for being here. Wherever that is.
      Sounds like you might just be an introvert, like a lot of us here! Introverts need social contact just like everyone else, but in controlled quantities [emoji846] And we need solitude to recharge our batteries. Sitting Zazen with others here is perfect practice for introverts, IMHO. Thank you for being here with us as well!


      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


      • Mp

        Hey 6yx ... did you sit today? =)

        Solo practice is good, group practice is good. Both have wonderful value and each the their own merit in their own time. When sitting in solitude, sit in solitude. When sitting with a Sangha, sit with a Sangha. Engagement is a very powerful and meaningful practice and we should do our best to incorporate it into our lives when we can.

        I too am an introvert, but when I am with the Sangha I am nothing other then my authentic self, as you are your authentic self. In my own view, one of the great things about Sangha is we get to put down these labels and conditions that we or others put on us and are allowed to just be ourselves. The Three Jewels are Buddha (the Enlightened One), Dharma (the Teachings of the Buddha), and Sangha (the community of practitioners) ... each have their own value and benefit and yet, each no separate than one another. =)

        One last thing ... even when you sit in solitude you sit with the whole universe, with the Buddha, the Dharma, the Sangha. =)




        • FaithMoon
          • Jul 2015
          • 112


          You have taken a vow to save all sentient beings? That is a vow shared with your sangha mates. I for one like to keep in touch with those who share this vow. It is something like concentrating the spiritual power...if that is a thing

          sat today!


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41030

            Originally posted by 6yx
            One thing I read early on was to take refuge in three...jewels? I forget the word, but it was to take refuge in the dharma, the Buddha and the Sangha.

            I'm not fond of people and always find it fascinating and frustrating when I feel the need to be minded people?

            I don't understand it. My wife would point out that our human nature is social. Perhaps it is that simple? Perhaps I'm an urban hermit? Perhaps that is a very flattering thing to say about myself.

            I come here to read and fill that human need. Or whatever it is.

            Thankfully you're here. Filling something unexplained. Maybe better left that way?

            What are your thoughts on the need for

            Thank you for being here. Wherever that is.
            Zen and all Buddhism has a long history of Sangha ... the need and good that comes from folks coming together to support each other.

            Zen and all Buddhism has a long history of hermits ... the need and good to sometimes be with our "self" by ourself (and what "self"?), and maybe just our "self" of the mountains and birds.

            One such hermit was the great 18th Century Soto Zen priest Ryokan ... sometimes with the helping hand of others, sometimes on his own ...

            My hermitage lies in a forest all around me,
            Everything is thick and green
            no one finds this place,
            Only those who have lost their way.

            No news of the affairs of men
            Only the occasional song of a woodcutter.

            A thousand peaks, ten thousand mountain streams
            yet no signs of anyone.

            Gassho, J

            SatToday (the ultimate self with the self beyond self)


            • Ongen
              • Jan 2014
              • 786

              Hi 6Yx,

              - do you have a human name?

              Nothing unexplained to fill, nothing to be left that way.

              Sangha is great support for continued practice, and if needed for other areas of life. And perhaps once you find one that clicks with you (treeleaf), while you're not used to having that click, it can be strange. I know! But even in the midst of that, there's no reason to worry about it. Indeed we're all human, all group-animals in the end. Each one of us has a thingie deep down that clicks when we find the right group, whether we think of ourselves as being introverts or not.

              Just be yourself here, come in when you want to and don't when you don't want to. And don't worry too much about why, how and what if. That's all superficial thought anyway


              Sat Today
              Ongen (音源) - Sound Source


              • Meian
                • Apr 2015
                • 1720

                Namaste 6Yx,

                I agree with all that has been shared so far. I too am an introvert, yet i do need community, and TreeLeaf fills my need for community beautifully. I am comfortable here - yet challenged - and i feel very much at home here.

                And whenever i start to feel or think that i am all alone in my practice, or can't attend most of the sit sessions, I remember Shingen's words above^^ that every time I sit, I sit with my sangha in spirit, and we are all sitting together. That always comforts me. I get drained quickly being around people for too long (a few hours at best), but in this virtual sangha, I can participate and be with like-minded folks without draining them or myself

                Welcome 6Yx! Sit today, and continue sharing your thoughts with us as you feel comfortable

                Sat today

                Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
                鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
                visiting Unsui
                Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.


                • Seido
                  • May 2015
                  • 167

                  When I first started getting seriously involved in Buddhism, I was originally turned off on refuge in Sangha. I thought things to my self like "I don't need anyone else", "Buddha said be a lantern unto yourself", and "others have nothing to do with my personal enlightenment".

                  After a lot of thinking and introspection, I started to question my reluctance for Sangha, in essence, a dependence on others. My reluctance to depend on others was a poisonous attachment to myself. I realized that refuge in Sangha is an acknowledgement we are all one, and interdependent. Together we help, together we hurt, but together we are one, and none, in and of the same.

                  Some say Sangha is your local Buddhist community, temple or school. You practice together, for each other. You keep each other honest, and offer support when needed. After all, we're still just humans, flaws and all.

                  Some think Sangha can be your community, family, friends, or even the whole world, as we're all one and interdependent.

                  So my thoughts on the need for Sangha is that yes, it is needed. And you must take refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. How you interpret and take action on that refuge is a personal practice matter, and only you can determine what it means for you. There is nothing wrong with being dedicated to your Sangha and involved with others, there is nothing wrong with being a hermit... There is nothing wrong.

                  The strength and beneficence of the soft and yielding.
                  Water achieves clarity through stillness.


                  • Kyosei
                    • Feb 2012
                    • 356

                    Hi 6Yx.

                    I'm here.

                    We (probably) share the same interest in Zen Buddhism, maybe we share the same interest on comprehending and maybe achieve the Buddhadharma.

                    Although I'm here and you are there, we're sharing this virtual space to keep in touch, supporting the practice of each other, through "tips" or counseling, or sharing thoughts that may be very helpful as we pass through some similar experiences sometimes... And so it is in a presential Sangha meeting I guess.

                    I guess this means a Sangha. An "integrated" community. Is this worth of take refuge?! Sometimes I guess we don't have a chance. And feeling "apart" is just another delusion.

                    If we do not share ANY interests at all, I guess we are on a Sangha anyway. Maybe, a broader Sangha. A "Sangha" of all sentient beings?!

                    If all has Buddha-Nature ("as they say"), for "me" it is impossible to be apart of "everyone". Thus, we are "community" always, always connected by means of the flux of causes and effects. By means of Karma.

                    This is something your questioning brought me into express here, so you already showed me the importance of Sangha.

                    I take refuge in the Sangha.

                    Thank you for being.



                    強 Kyō
                    声 Sei

                    Namu kie Butsu, Namu kie Ho, Namu kie So.


                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41030

                      I remind all (and myself) that all Mahayana Buddhists undertake the Bodhisattva Vow for the aid of all Sentient Beings. We should avoid the selfish path. All the Sentient Beings include you, but it is not about you ... not about your saving alone nor your personal rescue (a Bodhisattva vows to be the last one into the life raft).

                      So many folks Practice for their own suffering, their own attainment of peace. Little do we realize that true peace and rescue from suffering comes from not being so into "my own" and my attainment.

                      Gassho, Jundo

                      Last edited by Jundo; 06-21-2016, 04:12 PM.
                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • 6yx
                        • Jun 2011
                        • 48

                        Thank you all for your responses. I find it all very comforting. And challenging to really articulate that comfort.

                        Why did I post? I find myself searching for local places I could go and meditate, but quickly soured and other ideologies besides just sitting.

                        Since I find myself returning here, I felt the need to post about that need so that hopefully someone here could hear what I had to say and hopefully clear it up. Which you have.

                        My name is Chris.

                        I guess alone and with you
                        I sat today.


                        • Kaishin
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 2322

                          I understand. I'm not much of a people person. Definitely not a "group" person. I doubt I'd attend meetings even if there were a Soto sangha within walking distance. We all need sangha, but not necessarily that kind of sangha. If that were required, I wouldn't practice at all, probably. Treeleaf is great.
                          Kaishin (開心, Open Heart)
                          Please take this layman's words with a grain of salt.


                          • FaithMoon
                            • Jul 2015
                            • 112

                            I've lived in zen centers. Practicing with other people can be frustrating, heartwarming....just the whole gamut seems to be amplified in a sangha. I know that sometimes really horrific things can happen, stemming from group think and power plays and spiritual materialism run amuck. "Everything would be great, if it weren't for other people" -- I've heard this as a joke, but who hasn't thought it? Some sangha mates may not necessarily be people I would choose as friends...but they are my brothers/sisters on the path. Once you are satisfied that a group is running with integrity, jump in. Introverts, extraverts, self-promoters, whatever, will rub up against each other and the practice will wear down the rough edges. Can be very uncomfortable at times: on the zafu, off the zafu...things come up. As someone here says: it's all good practice.

                            sat today!


                            • Kyotai

                              I too felt drawn to find a local meditation group and have dabbled in a few over the years. But with shift work, kids and family life, I could rarely find the time to attend one. Nowdays, when I can, I like to sit live with Shingen's evening sits on G+. Monday through Thursday. I use my Ipad. Perhaps that might be an option for you.

                              Thank you for posting.

                              Gassho, Kyotai

