Jundo's BIG SIT on BUDDHA's BIRTHDAY APRIL 7/8-Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary Zazenathon

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  • Graceleejenkins
    • Feb 2011
    • 434

    Jundo's BIG SIT on BUDDHA's BIRTHDAY APRIL 7/8-Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary Zazenathon

    Birthdays within Birthdays!

    All of our Individual Birthdays within Treeleaf Sangha's 10th Birthday Zazenathon within Buddha's Birthday!

    There is so much to celebrate this year that Jundo is celebrating in a BIG WAY with a 10-hour sit within our Zazenathon!


    If you haven't joined in Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary Zazenathon celebration yet, don't miss this! April 7 and April 8!

    Buddha's celebrated birthday, known as Vesak (pronounced way-sak) or Visakha, has different dates in different countries, but April 8 is the date celebrated in Japan and the United States. All over the world, Vesak celebrations are a time for the rededication of one's commitment to the Buddha's teachings and to practice. In the United States, Vesak has also become the occasion for a common celebration that unites different Buddhist traditions and schools, Asian and non-Asian, immigrant and convert, Theravadin and Mahayana. So, it is fitting that we celebrate Treeleaf's Birthday and Buddha's Birthday during our Zazenathon!

    May both celebrations ignite our commitment to one another, the Sangha, the Dharma, and Buddha!

    As Jundo says, sometimes you sit short and sometimes you sit long. Please SIT SHORT with us and help us celebrate! Jundo will do the heavy lifting and sit big, but he could use a little help!

    There are THREE EASY ways to participate!

    1. Sit an extra 15 minutes and post on the Day's thread as usual!
    2. Sit a while with Jundo on the Google+ hangout by just clicking the link in his post above! https://plus.google.com/events/c7h7a...a166nnpca25n1g
    3. Sit with Jundo on Insight Timer.

    Here is the link for the sign-up spreadsheet to enter your sitting times: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...DRg/edit#gid=0

    (If there is more than one name, Click F2 and enter your name at the end behind any others. If you make a mistake, remember the back button (the curved arrow bending back to the left) or PM Nindo! No worry, she can restore!)

    Here is the link for more details for the Zazenathon (Go to the beginning post Click "Last" in the upper right hand corner and scroll to the bottom of the page for the original post):
    This is the spreadsheet for the Zazenathon to celebrate Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary! [happybday] [claps]gassho1 STARTS: March 31/April 1 ENDS: April 10 Sign-up Spreadsheet link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1deMGCzrv2Zgx3ed4B82A91PTPoPi_rwD0xtqv1MeDRg/edit#gid=0 Here is what you need to know! 1. During the 10-day

    Here is the link for Day 7 with more information: To be added

    Sat today
    Last edited by Graceleejenkins; 04-06-2016, 10:28 PM. Reason: add links
    Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41217

    Hi Guys,

    I hope folks will pop in and out of the hangouts during the day. Please know that these sittings will be very very simple and low key ... no particular ceremony, no talking, no bells except maybe at the start and end of the day ... just facing the wall and sitting sitting sitting and walking walking walking. (I may chant the Heart Sutra a few times during the day, but that will also be very quietly).

    As I am on the other side of the world, it is the middle of the night for many folks, so I will be happy if just a few folks drop in. I know everyone is there in heart. (If you do drop in, because there are no bells, please just time yourself)

    I think most of the sitting will be about more or less 50 minutes each time, with 10 minutes for Kinhin and natures call each hour. I am planning for 10 hours. Why 10 hours, besides that this is the 10th Anniversary? No reason. Why not 10 hours? Zazen is not a matter of long or short ... and one moment of Zazen contains all time they say. However, long Zazen is good sometimes too. No better way to celebrate Buddha's Birthday and a Treeleaf Anniversary than Just Sitting!

    I am planning to start about 9am to 7pm Japan on Friday 4/8 (starting Thursday in North America), that is New York 8pm (Thur) to 6am, Los Angeles 5pm (Thur) to 3am, London 1am to 11am and Paris 2am to noon (all Friday)

    I made two hangouts, 5 hours each ...


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    Oh, and we will have Friday-Saturday Zazen at the normal time too.

    I want to add the following from Master 'Homeless' Kodo Sawaki about the purpose of the sitting and what it is good for: .

    In the world, it’s always about winning or losing, plus or minus. Yet in Zazen, it’s about nothing. It’s good for nothing. That’s why it is the greatest and most all-inclusive thing there is. ... When I’m asked what is the purpose of zazen, I have to say no purpose. As I’ve often said, sit, body upright, backbone stretched, breathing through your nose, mouth closed, eyes open, sitting resolutely ... When somebody asks me what zazen is good for, I say that zazen isn’t good for anything at all. And then some say that in that case they’d rather stop doing zazen. But what’s running around satisfying your desires good for? What is gambling good for? And dancing? What is it good for to get worked up over winning or losing in baseball? It’s all good for absolutely nothing! That’s why nothing is as sensible as sitting silently in zazen. In the world, “good for nothing” just means that you can’t make money out of it. ... Often people ask me how many years they have to practice zazen before it shows results. Zazen has no results. You won’t get anything at all out of zazen. ... We’ve got to practice genuine, pure zazen, without mixing it with gymnastics or satori or anything. When we bring in our personal ideas – even only a little bit – it’s no longer the buddha-dharma. ... What’s zazen good for? Absolutely nothing! This “good for nothing” has got to sink into your flesh and bones until you’re truly practicing what’s good for nothing. Until then, your zazen is really good for nothing. ... You say you want to become a better person by doing zazen. Zazen isn’t about learning how to be a person. Zazen is to stop being a person. ... Zazen is unsatisfying. Unsatisfying for whom? For the ordinary person. People are never satisfied.

    Unsatisfying: simply practicing zazen.
    Unsatisfying: realizing zazen with this body.
    Unsatisfying: absorbing zazen into your flesh and blood.

    As long as you say zazen is a good thing, something isn’t quite right. Unstained zazen is absolutely nothing special. It isn’t even necessary to be grateful for it. ... Don’t stain your zazen by saying that you’ve progressed, feel better or have become more confident through zazen. ... Zazen means just sitting without even thinking of becoming buddha.

    "sitting Zazen for the sake of Zazen"

    Gassho, Jundo

    Last edited by Jundo; 04-07-2016, 11:06 AM.


    • Gokai
      • Feb 2016
      • 209

      Hello Jundo and Grace

      I will try to follow Jundo in Zazenathon part 2 but I only be able to do it about 90 minutes because then I have to go to work. For only 90 minutos i should join through Google+ or not?
      Thank you in advance the answer and I am happy to join you in these two celebrations.

      Gassho, David

      David Cravidão Lopes Pereira


      • Meian
        • Apr 2015
        • 1712

        I don't know when or how long I will be able to join in, only that I plan to for at least some time Even if I can't join on G+ or make my attendance known, please know that I do join all of TreeLeaf in zazen and (quiet) celebration of our beloved sangha's 10th anniversary and the way of the Buddha. Regardless, I will be with everyone in spirit, heart, intent. ♡♡


        Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
        鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
        visiting Unsui
        Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.


        • Byokan
          Senior Priest-in-Training
          • Apr 2014
          • 4282

          I'm so sorry, but Jundo's Big Sit reminds me of Pee-wee's Big Adventure, which of course reminds me of Pee-wee's Big Shoes. Big shoes at 2:16:

          Too bad big shoes are not allowed in the Zendo!

          sat today
          展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
          Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.


          • Kyonin
            Dharma Transmitted Priest
            • Oct 2010
            • 6752

            Hi Jundo and Grace,

            Thank you for this. I'll join whenever I can during the night.


            Hondō Kyōnin
            奔道 協忍


            • Bokusei
              • Apr 2015
              • 87

              I'll be seeing you on insight timer towards the end of the first half for as long as the kids let me before they wake.





              • reddragon
                • Sep 2015
                • 18

                I will do my best to start at 8pm Eastern Time in Florida on Thur the 7th via Insight Timer, but I am finding it rather hard to work 8 hrs and not fall asleep during my evening Meditations :-( I usually do about 20 - 30 min before I start nodding off, wish I knew how to overcome the sleepiness


                • Graceleejenkins
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 434

                  Originally posted by davidclp
                  Hello Jundo and Grace

                  I will try to follow Jundo in Zazenathon part 2 but I only be able to do it about 90 minutes because then I have to go to work. For only 90 minutos i should join through Google+ or not?
                  Thank you in advance the answer and I am happy to join you in these two celebrations.

                  Gassho, David

                  Hi, David! You may come and go as there are no bells and there will be no talking, just sitting (with Kinhin and some breaks), so if you want to join via the Google+ Hangout link for 90 minutes, you are welcome to at any time! Gassho, Grace.

                  sat today
                  Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!


                  • Graceleejenkins
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 434

                    Originally posted by allwhowander
                    I don't know when or how long I will be able to join in, only that I plan to for at least some time Even if I can't join on G+ or make my attendance known, please know that I do join all of TreeLeaf in zazen and (quiet) celebration of our beloved sangha's 10th anniversary and the way of the Buddha. Regardless, I will be with everyone in spirit, heart, intent. ♡♡


                    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
                    I have you down on the spreadsheet, Kim! Gassho, Grace.

                    sat today
                    Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!


                    • Aurkihnowe
                      • Mar 2016
                      • 70

                      10 hours! i get sleepy feet after 30 minutes! how do you do it jundo



                      • Mp

                        Thank you Jundo, Grace, and everyone ... I will do my best to sit with you live when I can. =)



                        Sent from my mobile, cause I am out & about! =)


                        • Washin
                          Senior Priest-in-Training
                          • Dec 2014
                          • 3840

                          Thank you Jundo and Grace.
                          I will drop in for a couple of sits during those 10 hours.

                          just sat
                          Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
                          Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
                          I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
                          and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41217

                            I want to add the following words from Master 'Homeless' Kodo Sawaki about the purpose of the sitting and what it is good for:

                            In the world, it’s always about winning or losing, plus or minus. Yet in Zazen, it’s about nothing. It’s good for nothing. That’s why it is the greatest and most all-inclusive thing there is. ... When I’m asked what is the purpose of zazen, I have to say no purpose. As I’ve often said, sit, body upright, backbone stretched, breathing through your nose, mouth closed, eyes open, sitting resolutely ... When somebody asks me what zazen is good for, I say that zazen isn’t good for anything at all. And then some say that in that case they’d rather stop doing zazen. But what’s running around satisfying your desires good for? What is gambling good for? And dancing? What is it good for to get worked up over winning or losing in baseball? It’s all good for absolutely nothing! That’s why nothing is as sensible as sitting silently in zazen. In the world, “good for nothing” just means that you can’t make money out of it. ... Often people ask me how many years they have to practice zazen before it shows results. Zazen has no results. You won’t get anything at all out of zazen. ... We’ve got to practice genuine, pure zazen, without mixing it with gymnastics or satori or anything. When we bring in our personal ideas – even only a little bit – it’s no longer the buddha-dharma. ... What’s zazen good for? Absolutely nothing! This “good for nothing” has got to sink into your flesh and bones until you’re truly practicing what’s good for nothing. Until then, your zazen is really good for nothing. ... You say you want to become a better person by doing zazen. Zazen isn’t about learning how to be a person. Zazen is to stop being a person. ... Zazen is unsatisfying. Unsatisfying for whom? For the ordinary person. People are never satisfied.

                            Unsatisfying: simply practicing zazen.
                            Unsatisfying: realizing zazen with this body.
                            Unsatisfying: absorbing zazen into your flesh and blood.

                            As long as you say zazen is a good thing, something isn’t quite right. Unstained zazen is absolutely nothing special. It isn’t even necessary to be grateful for it. ... Don’t stain your zazen by saying that you’ve progressed, feel better or have become more confident through zazen. ... Zazen means just sitting without even thinking of becoming buddha.

                            "sitting Zazen for the sake of Zazen"

                            Gassho, J

                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Byokan
                              Senior Priest-in-Training
                              • Apr 2014
                              • 4282

                              Jundo, thank you for putting the live window right here in this thread, it makes it very easy to drop in and sit with you for a while, even for the dinosaurs like me that are not so tech-savvy.

                              sat today
                              展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
                              Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.

