I'm going to get back to posting g+ sits a little more often. They will be unscheduled and spontaneous in line with my family/shift work lifestyle. Sometimes in the morning, early after noon or evening. Folks can come and go, and I will post the event with likely less then an hours notice beforehand in keeping with when I can sit. I will continue to sit with the other hosted sits (mostly with Shingen), but when I cannot (often the case), I will host my own. This is somewhat of an effort to add more opportunity for me to sit with treeleaf members while having a chaotic routine.
If You have an interest in receiving g+ invites from me for these types of sits. Please post or pm me. If you previously received invites from me on g+ and want to continue, please let me know.
Gassho, Kyotai
Sat today
If You have an interest in receiving g+ invites from me for these types of sits. Please post or pm me. If you previously received invites from me on g+ and want to continue, please let me know.
Gassho, Kyotai
Sat today