Back-up Zazenathon Sitters

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  • Graceleejenkins
    • Feb 2011
    • 434

    Back-up Zazenathon Sitters

    Sitters: Post requests for emergency back-up sitters to take your Zazenathon time slot on this thread (until we have a sticky thread).

    Volunteer Back-up Sitters: If you can fulfill the request and take the slot as a Back-up Sitter, please reply here, and then sign-up for the slot on the Zazenathon Sign-up Spreadsheet at the link below:

    We want to do our best to have someone sitting 24 hours a day during the 10-day Anniversary Zazenathon Celebration, April 1- 10th!

    Gassho, Grace

    Sat today plus 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary
    Last edited by Graceleejenkins; 03-16-2016, 05:06 PM. Reason: Fixing link
    Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!
  • Jika
    • Jun 2014
    • 1337

    Hi Grace,

    the link does not work for me.
    Could you please check it?
    Thank you.

    治 Ji
    花 Ka


    • Graceleejenkins
      • Feb 2011
      • 434

      Jika, see if this works for you. I have not posted the Invitation for the Zazenathon yet, because I had to have the Back-up link created here first! Gassho, Grace

      Sat today plus 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!
      Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!


      • Chiko
        • Oct 2015
        • 72

        Hello friends,

        Coincidentally, I was listening to Joko Beck give a sesshin dharma talk and thought to myself, "I really need to deepen my practice in such a way." Then I came to Treeleaf and saw this sign-up sheet. If I signed up incorrectly, please let me know.

        Happy anniversary, Treeleaf!



        • Graceleejenkins
          • Feb 2011
          • 434

          Originally posted by Chiko
          Hello friends,

          Coincidentally, I was listening to Joko Beck give a sesshin dharma talk and thought to myself, "I really need to deepen my practice in such a way." Then I came to Treeleaf and saw this sign-up sheet. If I signed up incorrectly, please let me know.

          Happy anniversary, Treeleaf!

          This is perfect timing then! We will need sitters deepening their practice to pull this off!
          Gassho, GRace
          Sat Today and 10 more in honor for Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!
          Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!


          • Meian
            • Apr 2015
            • 1712

            I don't know if I can commit to a time or date, though I would like to. Can I still participate?

            Sat today
            鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
            visiting Unsui
            Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.


            • Graceleejenkins
              • Feb 2011
              • 434

              Originally posted by allwhowander
              I don't know if I can commit to a time or date, though I would like to. Can I still participate?

              Sat today
              Hi, Kim. Of course you can still participate! We need you!

              You can answer requests for emergency back-up sitters as they are posted here. They will often occur spur of the moment, and if it fits your schedule right then, you can fill in!

              You can also sign up on the spreadsheet, just before the time slot, anytime that you become available. Even if there is already one name there, just push F2 to add your name. Having two people meditate at a time is even more wonderful! The more Treeleaf members meditating the better!

              Also, if you are pretty sure that you can meditate during a certain time, but are worried because you are not 100% sure, that is okay. Sign-up anyway, and you can post here and ask for a back-up sitter if it turns out that you cannot sit after all!

              And any time you sit, you benefit everyone and Treeleaf! Gassho, Grace.

              Sat today plus 10 in honor of Treeleaf's 10th!
              Last edited by Graceleejenkins; 03-20-2016, 01:54 AM. Reason: added tag
              Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!


              • Gokai
                • Feb 2016
                • 209

                Hello friends

                I liked to participate with all of you, but not quite figured out how to do it.
                I realized that I must choose the days and hours in which I want to participate (UK time choice because in Portugal the time is the same). And when the day and the chosen time comes, what should I do exactly?
                I sit to meditate or do I turn me on Google+ or other application (not counting the insight timer that I already use)?


                David Cravidão Lopes Pereira


                • Jakuden
                  • Jun 2015
                  • 6141

                  Originally posted by davidclp
                  Hello friends

                  I liked to participate with all of you, but not quite figured out how to do it.
                  I realized that I must choose the days and hours in which I want to participate (UK time choice because in Portugal the time is the same). And when the day and the chosen time comes, what should I do exactly?
                  I sit to meditate or do I turn me on Google+ or other application (not counting the insight timer that I already use)?


                  I think I asked a similar question in another thread, and was answered that we don't have to meditate in a "public" manner at all--if we want to, say via Google + or insight timer, we can, but it's not necessary. I will be doing some of mine at 30000 feet so will most likely not be "visible" during those particular hours! But I have done airplane Zazen before and can usually get into position with my travel pillow and blanket as a zafu right in the seat, of course I'm probably weirding everyone around me out, but that's half the fun.



                  • Graceleejenkins
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 434

                    Originally posted by davidclp
                    Hello friends

                    I liked to participate with all of you, but not quite figured out how to do it.
                    I realized that I must choose the days and hours in which I want to participate (UK time choice because in Portugal the time is the same). And when the day and the chosen time comes, what should I do exactly?
                    I sit to meditate or do I turn me on Google+ or other application (not counting the insight timer that I already use)?


                    Yes, Jakuden is exactly right! No need to use anything! Just sit as you can.

                    Each day of meditation, I will be posting a list of the sitters for that day, and I encourage everyone to post their experience sitting or just their Happy Birthday Message for Treeleaf!

                    Also, ONLY IF
                    1. You have Insight Timer, please post a message to the Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary Zazenathon Group when you sit.
                    2. You use Google+, please use feel free to use Treeleaf groups--that will be great!

                    The most important thing is for our Sangha to have someone sitting continuously during the 10 day celebration! And that will be WOW!

                    Thank you, David, for helping to make it possible by participating! Gassho, Grace.

                    Sat today plus 10 in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!
                    Last edited by Graceleejenkins; 03-23-2016, 03:01 AM.
                    Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!


                    • Gokai
                      • Feb 2016
                      • 209

                      Thank you Jakuden and Grace.

                      Gassho, David

                      David Cravidão Lopes Pereira


                      • Eishuu


                        Can someone take my time slot on 4 April at 10.30-45am UK time please? Something's come up that I can't rearrange. Thank you!

                        Sat today


                        • Myosha
                          • Mar 2013
                          • 2974


                          Google says i have "no device".^^ So no link to sign up.

                          But, unless desired elsewhere: April 4th - 10:30 to 10:45 UK time (0530 - 0545 EDT) = backed up.

                          Myosha sat today
                          Last edited by Myosha; 03-23-2016, 07:33 PM.
                          "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


                          • Eishuu

                            Thank You Myosha. I've taken my name off and written yours. Hope that's okay.

                            Sat today


                            • Myosha
                              • Mar 2013
                              • 2974

                              Originally posted by Lucy
                              Thank You Myosha. I've taken my name off and written yours. Hope that's okay.

                              Sat today

                              Myosha sat today
                              "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"

