Hi June, I am sorry you have such a fear of hell. Being raised in a very strict Christian denomination, I too had the same gripping fear. However, I don't anymore, at all. What helped me is realizing there are many different hells (one for non-Christians, one for non-Catholics, one for non-Muslims, one for Catholics etc. etc. etc. ) and I realized hell is a place to put people who do not believe like you do, and it is, therefore, impossible to escape. This might sound cynical, but it just clicked in my mind that it's a man-made place. Even my husband, who is a Christian, does not believe his Buddhist wife and non-Christian children are going to hell. He thinks it's a bit of a joke when more fundamental Christians talk this way.
Hope this helps. Sending you peace and metta.
sat today
Hope this helps. Sending you peace and metta.

sat today