Sitting with lower back yain

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  • Ryumon
    • Apr 2007
    • 1818

    Sitting with lower back yain

    I haven't been sitting for quite some time. I hurt my lower back in July, very seriously. I was in bed for a couple of weeks, and I needed a crutch for about two months. I've long had upper back pain, but this is the first time that I've had lower back pain, which is a whole different animal. I'm only just getting back to sitting, after doing the occasional sit on a stool in the past couple of months.

    I have a buckwheat filled zafu, but it's a bit low. I saw on Amazon today that I can get taller zafus; mine is 15cm, I may buy one that's 22cm, which should be a bit more comfortable. As for the seiza, I can't find any that are taller than about 15cm. I prefer the zafu; I just feel more grounded on it, but the seiza is a good compromise.

    I can't really tell if one or the other is better for my back. I was wondering if anyone who has lower back pain has any tips.



    Last edited by Ryumon; 11-29-2015, 02:18 PM.
    I know nothing.
  • Rich
    • Apr 2009
    • 2616

    You sound like me about 25 years ago. The key to a strong back is strong abs.

    I use a 3 inch high foam pillow under my standard size zafu.

    SAT today
    無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...


    • Myosha
      • Mar 2013
      • 2974


      In no way a recommendation or advice: for decades this physician has pointed patients in a good direction -

      Personally worked.

      Good luck.

      Myosha sat today
      "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


      • Ryumon
        • Apr 2007
        • 1818


        Thanks. I read that book some years ago, and, frankly, I found it to be nothing more than quackery. If I remember correctly, he claims that all back pain is caused by psychological problems. Nothing like actual disc damage, or scoliosis (I have slight scoliosis in my upper back). If the book helped you, great. It didn't when I read it.

        There are a lot of books about back pain, and I've read several, because I do have long-term pain from the scoliosis. I think the reason a lot of them get good reviews is because people buy them when they are in pain, and, since most back pain resolves no matter what you do, they think that the book and its recommendations helped them. It's a tricky topic.

        Sorry to sound so skeptical, and I do appreciate the recommendation. It's just I'm very skeptical about most books that claim to cure anything, and especially those that claim to help cure back pain.



        I know nothing.


        • Jishin
          • Oct 2012
          • 4823


          My solution has been to have various Zafus and seiza benches. When my back is hurting I hop from one to the other depending on the day.

          Gasho, Jishin, _/st\_


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41218

            Hi Kirk,

            One may recline as well. No problem.

            The following was posted on another thread this week ...

            Even the Buddha had a bad back and had to take it easy sometimes ...

            The Sekha Sutta (M 53), for example, records how the Buddha
            feels back-pains while on a visit to Kapila,vatthu:

            Then he said to the venerable Ananda:
            “Ananda, speak to the Sakyas of Kapilavatthu about the learner who has entered the way (to
            awakening) (sekho pātipado). My back is aching; I will rest it.” (M 53,5), SD 21.14

            The Avassuta Pariyāya S (S 35.243) records that the Buddha, after saying, “My back aches, so I will
            stretch it,” and lies in the lion posture.
            An old joke ...

            The patient says, "Doctor, it hurts when I do this." Doctor says, "Then don't do that!" **

            ** (By the way, for other folks, I am not talking about the little, minor aches and pains that come from sitting. It is good to sometimes sit with those little discomforts, letting them be, paying them "no never mind", dropping aversions. I am talking about extreme pain or, as in this case, a physical condition which is being inflamed by sitting and could cause bodily harm. Best to avoid those).

            Itchy nose, achy leg, earthquake ... when to move, when not?

            Gassho, J



            • Ryumon
              • Apr 2007
              • 1818


              I know, but I find that my sitting is very different if I lie down or recline, compared to when I'm sitting up. I don't find the groove as easily when I'm lying down.

              Oh, could you or someone fix the typo in the thread title? :-o


              I know nothing.


              • Mp

                Originally posted by Rich
                The key to a strong back is strong abs.
                This is an important point. If coming from an injury the body is going to be lacking in specific areas. Try doing some yoga or exercises to strengthen the core, but do it SLOWLY and take your time ... no rushing here. =)




                • Rich
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 2616

                  When sitting in a lying position it's important that the space body be cooler. This helps to avoid the sleep tendency.

                  I lost my groove in the 70's -) 😊

                  SAT today
                  無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...



                  • Ryan379
                    • Oct 2015
                    • 64

                    Originally posted by kirkmc
                    I have a buckwheat filled zafu, but it's a bit low. I saw on Amazon today that I can get taller zafus; mine is 15cm, I may buy one that's 22cm, which should be a bit more comfortable. As for the seiza, I can't find any that are taller than about 15cm. I prefer the zafu; I just feel more grounded on it, but the seiza is a good compromise.
                    Have you tried turning your zafu on its side and sitting seiza on that? I used to do that on a buckwheat zafu and found it pretty comfortable



                    Sat Today
                    Breathe...Relax...Let Go...


                    • Eishuu

                      Hi, I cannot sit up for very long because of health problems so try to meditate lyng down. I know what you mean about it being different. My mind just drifts around when I lie down and isn't at all alert, or something like that; it's hard to put into words. Even with a cooler room it's the same. It definitely feels very different to sitting up.

                      Sat today


                      • KellyRok
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 1374

                        Hi Kirk,

                        I have scoliosis, two curves- one in my upper spine (between shoulders) with a larger lower lumbar curve (30%). I injured a disc in my lower lumbar region a few years back. It was very bad and painful, I can definitely sympathize with you. Yes, having a strong core is important. But after you injure a disc, it is difficult to try to make the abs stronger at least for a little while.

                        I use a mountain seat zafu and use it to sit seiza.

                        For me, it sits very high (as I'm short, with short legs it works well for me). I know they make a large mountain seat (I think it is close to 22 cm in height), both are made from buckwheat hulls. I can no longer sit Burmese or half lotus, so I sit seiza. It doesn't put as much pressure on the hips. I tend to have really tight hip and leg muscles and even with lots of stretching and yoga, I would still pull my spine out of place trying to sit Burmese or half lotus. This is only my experience, but I hope it helps a little. I have also used a stabilizer exercise ball to sit zazen. The ball takes the pressure off your sacrum and hips.

                        I hope you recover quickly and can find a position that works for you. Take care.



                        • Ryumon
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 1818

                          Thanks Kelly. That looks a lot like the one that I see on Amazon here in the UK:

                          That's an interesting idea sitting on a ball. I will have to look into that too.


                          I know nothing.


                          • Amelia
                            • Jan 2010
                            • 4980

                            I can't offer any advice, but I can chant metta...

                            Sat today, gassho
                            求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
                            I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


                            • Joyo

                              Hi Kirk, already a lot of good advice here. I have a lot of hip pain and issues with my sacrum. I like Kelly's idea of using an exercise ball. I've never tried that but I should. I agree reclining can affect your sitting. I've found that using my zafu as a pillow and resting my hands on my abdomen in the mudra does help. This is not the traditional way to sit at all, but I have found what also works for me is to sit on my bed with my back up against the wall and a buckwheat pillow supporting my lumbar area, my legs crossed half lotus and my hands still in the mudra. It makes it possible for me to still be sitting without focusing on the constant pain that traditional sitting causes.

                              I hope you can find something that works for you. I too will join in chanting metta for your back.

                              sat toda

