Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo, Daihi Shin Dharani and Lotus Sutra chapter 24

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  • Ryan379
    • Oct 2015
    • 64

    Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo, Daihi Shin Dharani and Lotus Sutra chapter 24

    Hi all,

    I'm curious about the ten verse kannon sutra, the great compassion dharani and the 24th chapter of the Lotus Sutra (sometimes known as the Avalokitesvara sutra) can anybody elaborate a bit on their traditional and modern day uses (particularly in the treeleaf sangha) as well as the context in which they are usually chanted?

    I know various traditions chant the Daihi Shin Dharani as part of morning service and that dharanis are very much like mantras in that they are often considered to have special properties and bring about certain effects like an incantation. The Avalokitesvara chapter of the lotus sutra is chanted in morning service in the OBC, and as for the ten verse kannon sutra I have no clue

    Thanks everyone



    Breathe...Relax...Let Go...
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41208

    Hi Ryan,

    Yes, those are all cherished in Soto Zen Liturgy in many of their longer rituals. We will chant the ENMEI JUKKU KANNON GYO (Ten Phrase Kannon Sutra) during our annual Rohatsu Retreat next month. I do so in part to honor my mentor, Doshin Cantor of the White Plum, who was very fond of the chant. It really jumps!:

    Kan Ze On
    Na Mu Butsu
    Yo Butsu U In
    Yo Butsu U En
    Bup Po So En
    Jo Raku Ga Jo Cho Nen
    Kan Ze On Bo Nen
    Kan Ze On Nen Nen
    Ju Shin Ki Nen Nen
    Fu Ri Shin

    At one with Buddha
    Directly Buddha
    Also indirectly Buddha
    And indirectly Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.
    Joyful pure eternal being!
    Morning mind is Kanzeon.
    Evening mind is Kanzeon.
    Nen, nen arises from Mind
    Nen, Nen is not separate from Mind.
    As to the others, I am not too big for Dharani, such as the "Dharani to Avert Disaster" (Sho Sai Myo Kichijo Dharani), as I consider them mainly "hocus pocus" and silly. Of course, there are other Sangha that do not consider them so, but I find it to be primarily a magic spell to avoid misfortune, as the name impllies. Just my personal taste to avoid the superstitious aspects of our Traditions.

    Some say that chanting the ENMEI is also "life prolonging" to those who chant it, but I suppose I overlook that aspect. The Japanese Rinzai Teacher, Hakuin, wrote on that supposed aspect of the chant, if you are interested, and it also mentions the Lotus Sutra 24th Chapter a little ...

    I was asked, "are there healing practices in Zen?" There is much to say about this; one place to begin a discussion of what I hope will be...

    The 24th Chapter of the Lotus Sutra also concerns Kannon's powers to help people. I have sometimes written about how Kannon is a symbol of all that is generous and caring in this world ...

    ... and we honor the wonderful parables and stories of the Lotus Sutra. However, we have never incorporated that particular chant into our Liturgy here.

    Gassho, Jundo
    Last edited by Jundo; 11-13-2015, 05:59 PM.


    • Ryan379
      • Oct 2015
      • 64

      Thank you Jundo



      Breathe...Relax...Let Go...

